Hive Struct to String Conversion


In Hive, a struct is a complex data type that represents a collection of fields. It is similar to a struct in programming languages like C or Java. Sometimes, it is necessary to convert a struct into a string to perform various operations or transformations. In this article, we will explore different ways to convert a Hive struct to a string using HiveQL and Hive UDFs.


To understand and follow along with the examples in this article, you should have a basic understanding of HiveQL and Hive UDFs. You should also have Hive installed and running on your machine.

HiveQL Method

One way to convert a Hive struct to a string is to use HiveQL functions. Hive provides a built-in function called concat_ws which can be used to concatenate multiple strings with a delimiter. We can use this function along with the explode function to convert a struct to a string.

Here is an example demonstrating this method:

-- Create a table with a struct column
CREATE TABLE my_table (id INT, name STRUCT<first_name: STRING, last_name: STRING>);

-- Insert data into the table
INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (1, named_struct('first_name', 'John', 'last_name', 'Doe'));

-- Convert the struct to a string
SELECT id, concat_ws(',', explode(map('first_name', name.first_name, 'last_name', name.last_name))) AS name_string
FROM my_table;

In the above example, we create a table my_table with a struct column name. We insert a row into the table with some sample data. Then, we use the concat_ws function along with the explode function to convert the struct to a string. The map function is used to specify the field names and their corresponding values.

The output of the above query will be:

| id | name_string|
| 1  | John,Doe   |

Hive UDF Method

Another way to convert a Hive struct to a string is by creating a Hive User-Defined Function (UDF). A UDF is a custom function that can be implemented in various programming languages like Java, Python, or Scala.

Here is an example of a Hive UDF written in Java to convert a struct to a string:

import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;

public class StructToStringUDF extends UDF {
    public Text evaluate(Object struct) {
        return new Text(struct.toString());

To use this UDF, we need to compile it into a JAR file and add it to the Hive classpath. Once the UDF is registered, we can use it in HiveQL queries to convert a struct to a string.

Here is an example demonstrating this method:

-- Register the UDF
ADD JAR /path/to/StructToStringUDF.jar;
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION struct_to_string AS 'com.example.StructToStringUDF';

-- Create a table with a struct column
CREATE TABLE my_table (id INT, name STRUCT<first_name: STRING, last_name: STRING>);

-- Insert data into the table
INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (1, named_struct('first_name', 'John', 'last_name', 'Doe'));

-- Convert the struct to a string using the UDF
SELECT id, struct_to_string(name) AS name_string
FROM my_table;

In the above example, we first register the UDF by adding the JAR file containing the UDF to the Hive classpath. Then, we create a temporary function struct_to_string that points to the UDF class. We create a table my_table with a struct column name and insert a row with some sample data. Finally, we use the struct_to_string function in the select statement to convert the struct to a string.

The output of the above query will be the same as the previous method.


In this article, we explored different methods to convert a Hive struct to a string. We learned how to use HiveQL functions like concat_ws and explode to achieve the conversion. We also learned how to create a Hive UDF in Java and use it to convert a struct to a string. Depending on the use case and requirements, you can choose the appropriate method for your needs.

Remember, the examples provided in this article are just starting points. You can customize and extend them based on your specific requirements.

Happy coding!