Python Tkinter StringVar


Python is a versatile programming language that allows developers to create graphical user interfaces (GUI) for their applications. Tkinter is a standard Python library that provides a simple way to create GUIs. StringVar is a special variable type in Tkinter that allows you to store and manipulate string values. In this article, we will explore the StringVar class in Tkinter and learn how to use it in our GUI applications.

What is StringVar?

StringVar is a class in the Tkinter library that serves as a wrapper for string values. It provides a way to associate a string variable with a widget in the GUI. Any changes made to the StringVar object will automatically update the associated widget, and any changes made to the widget will update the StringVar object.

Creating a StringVar

To use StringVar, we first need to import the Tkinter library and create an instance of the Tk class, which represents the main window of our application. We can then create a StringVar object by calling the StringVar() constructor.

import tkinter as tk

# Create an instance of the Tk class
root = tk.Tk()

# Create a StringVar object
string_var = tk.StringVar()

Associating StringVar with a Widget

To associate a StringVar object with a widget, we can use the textvariable attribute of the widget. This attribute takes a reference to a StringVar object, allowing us to bind the widget's value to the StringVar.

label = tk.Label(root, textvariable=string_var)

In this example, we associate the StringVar object string_var with a Label widget label. Any changes made to string_var will automatically update the text displayed in the label.

Updating the StringVar

Once we have associated a StringVar object with a widget, we can update its value using the set() method. This method takes a string parameter and sets the value of the StringVar to that string.

string_var.set("Hello, Tkinter!")

After calling set(), the associated widget will be automatically updated with the new value.

Getting the Value of StringVar

To retrieve the current value of a StringVar object, we can use the get() method. This method returns the string value stored in the StringVar.

current_value = string_var.get()

The returned value can then be used for further processing or display purposes.

Example: Creating a Simple GUI Application

Now that we understand the basics of StringVar, let's create a simple GUI application that demonstrates its usage. In this example, we will create a window with a label and a button. Clicking the button will update the label with a new message.

import tkinter as tk

def update_label():
    new_message = "Button clicked!"

root = tk.Tk()

string_var = tk.StringVar()

label = tk.Label(root, textvariable=string_var)

button = tk.Button(root, text="Click me!", command=update_label)


In this example, we define a function update_label() that will be called when the button is clicked. Inside this function, we set the value of string_var to a new message, which will automatically update the label's text.


The StringVar class in Tkinter provides a convenient way to handle and manipulate string values in GUI applications. By associating a StringVar object with a widget, we can easily update and retrieve the value of the widget. This makes it easier to create dynamic and responsive GUI applications. With the knowledge gained from this article, you can now start using StringVar in your own Tkinter projects.


  • Tkinter Documentation: