JavaScript Proxy Set

Proxy is a powerful feature in JavaScript that allows us to intercept and customize operations on objects. One of the most commonly used operations with Proxy is set, which allows us to modify the behavior of setting properties on an object.

What is a Proxy?

A Proxy is an object that wraps around another object and intercepts operations performed on it. It provides a way to customize the behavior of the target object by defining traps, which are methods that are called when certain operations are performed. These traps allow us to modify or prevent certain actions on the target object.

To create a Proxy, we use the Proxy constructor, which takes two arguments: the target object and a handler object. The handler object contains the traps that define the behavior of the Proxy.

const target = {};
const handler = {};

const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);

The set trap

The set trap is one of the traps that can be defined in the handler object of a Proxy. It is called when a property is set on the target object. The set trap takes three arguments: the target object, the property name, and the value that is being set.

const target = {};
const handler = {
  set: function(target, property, value) {
    console.log(`Setting ${property} to ${value}`);
    target[property] = value;

const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler); = 'John';
// Output: Setting name to John

In this example, whenever a property is set on the proxy object, the set trap is triggered. It logs a message indicating the property name and the value being set, and then sets the property on the target object.

Use cases of set trap

The set trap can be useful in various scenarios, such as:


We can use the set trap to validate the value being set on a property. If the value does not meet certain criteria, we can throw an error or perform some other action.

const target = {};
const handler = {
  set: function(target, property, value) {
    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('Value must be a string');
    target[property] = value;

const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler); = 'John'; // Valid
proxy.age = 25; // Throws an error


We can use the set trap to log property changes, which can be helpful for debugging or auditing purposes.

const target = {};
const handler = {
  set: function(target, property, value) {
    console.log(`Setting ${property} to ${value}`);
    target[property] = value;

const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler); = 'John';
// Output: Setting name to John

Preventing property addition

We can use the set trap to prevent new properties from being added to the object.

const target = {};
const handler = {
  set: function(target, property, value) {
    if (!target.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
      throw new Error(`Cannot add new property '${property}'`);
    target[property] = value;

const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler); = 'John'; // Adds the property
proxy.age = 25; // Throws an error


The set trap in JavaScript Proxy allows us to customize the behavior of setting properties on an object. It can be used for validation, logging, or preventing property addition. By using Proxy, we can have fine-grained control over object operations and create more powerful and flexible code.





const target = {};
const handler = {};

const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);



const target = {};
const handler = {
  set: function(target, property, value) {