Android NDK: Aborting. Stop.


When working on Android projects, you may come across the error message "Error:(44, 0) *** Android NDK: Aborting. Stop." This error usually occurs when there is an issue with the Native Development Kit (NDK). In this article, we will explore what the Android NDK is, why it is used, and how to troubleshoot this error.

What is Android NDK?

The Android NDK is a set of tools that allows developers to integrate native code (written in C or C++) into their Android applications. It provides a way to reuse existing native libraries or to create new ones, offering benefits such as increased performance and access to low-level system resources.

Why Use Android NDK?

There are several reasons why developers choose to use the Android NDK:

  1. Performance: Native code can often be faster than Java code, especially when dealing with computationally intensive tasks or graphics rendering.

  2. Porting: The NDK allows developers to port existing C or C++ code to Android, making it easier to bring applications from other platforms to Android.

  3. Access to Native Libraries: With the NDK, developers can utilize existing native libraries, such as OpenCV for image processing or FFmpeg for multimedia tasks.

  4. System-level Access: Native code can interact directly with the device's hardware or system libraries, providing more control and flexibility.

Troubleshooting the "Error: Android NDK: Aborting. Stop."

This error message typically occurs during the build process when there is an issue with the NDK configuration or the native code itself. Here are some common causes and possible solutions:

1. Incorrect NDK Path

Make sure that the NDK path is correctly set in your application's build.gradle file. Open the file and locate the ndk block. Verify that the ndk.dir property points to the correct location of the NDK on your machine.

android {
    ndk {
        // Make sure the ndk.dir property is correctly set
        // Example: ndk.dir = '/path/to/ndk'
        // ...
    // ...

2. Missing or Incorrectly Configured or CMakeLists.txt

The NDK requires a script file, either or CMakeLists.txt, to specify how the native code should be built. Make sure that the script file is present in your project's jni or cpp directory and properly configured.

For example, an file might look like this:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE := my_native_library
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := my_native_code.c


3. Syntax or Compilation Errors in Native Code

Errors in the native code itself can also cause the "Aborting. Stop." error. Double-check your native code files for any syntax errors or issues that might prevent successful compilation.

4. Conflicting Architectures or ABIs

If you are using multiple libraries or modules with different architectures or Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs), conflicts can arise. Make sure that all the modules in your project are compatible and use the same ABI.

To check the ABI for a specific module, open the module-level build.gradle file and locate the abiFilters block. Verify that all modules use the same ABI, for example:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        // ...
        ndk {
            // ...
            abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a'
    // ...


The "Error:(44, 0) *** Android NDK: Aborting. Stop." error can be frustrating, but with the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to double-check your NDK path, ensure proper configuration of script files, review your native code for errors, and verify consistent architectures and ABIs across modules. By leveraging the power of the Android NDK, you can unlock the potential for improved performance and access to native libraries in your Android applications.