VB.NET BigInteger


In VB.NET, the BigInteger class is used to handle very large integer values that cannot be stored in the built-in numeric data types. It provides arithmetic operations and other useful methods for working with these large numbers. This article will provide an overview of the BigInteger class and demonstrate its usage with code examples.

1. Creating a BigInteger Object

To use the BigInteger class, you first need to import the System.Numerics namespace. Then, you can create a BigInteger object by calling its constructor and passing a numeric value, a string, or an array of bytes.

Here is an example of creating a BigInteger object using different types of values:

Imports System.Numerics

Dim number1 As BigInteger = New BigInteger(1234567890)
Dim number2 As BigInteger = BigInteger.Parse("9876543210")
Dim number3 As BigInteger = New BigInteger(New Byte() {255, 255, 255, 255})

In the code above, number1 is created using a Long value, number2 is created by parsing a string, and number3 is created from an array of bytes.

2. Arithmetic Operations

The BigInteger class supports basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Here is an example of performing arithmetic operations with BigInteger objects:

Imports System.Numerics

Dim number1 As BigInteger = New BigInteger(1234567890)
Dim number2 As BigInteger = BigInteger.Parse("9876543210")

Dim sum As BigInteger = number1 + number2
Dim difference As BigInteger = number1 - number2
Dim product As BigInteger = number1 * number2
Dim quotient As BigInteger = number1 / number2
Dim remainder As BigInteger = number1 Mod number2

In the code above, we perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo operations on number1 and number2, and store the results in sum, difference, product, quotient, and remainder, respectively.

3. Conversion Methods

The BigInteger class provides methods to convert a BigInteger object to other numeric types such as Integer, Long, Decimal, and Double.

Here is an example of converting a BigInteger object to different numeric types:

Imports System.Numerics

Dim bigInteger As BigInteger = BigInteger.Parse("12345678901234567890")

Dim intValue As Integer = CInt(bigInteger)
Dim longValue As Long = CLng(bigInteger)
Dim decimalValue As Decimal = CDec(bigInteger)
Dim doubleValue As Double = CDbl(bigInteger)

In the code above, we convert the BigInteger object bigInteger to Integer, Long, Decimal, and Double, and store the results in intValue, longValue, decimalValue, and doubleValue, respectively.

4. Comparison Methods

The BigInteger class provides methods to compare two BigInteger objects and determine their relative values.

Here is an example of comparing two BigInteger objects:

Imports System.Numerics

Dim number1 As BigInteger = New BigInteger(1234567890)
Dim number2 As BigInteger = BigInteger.Parse("9876543210")

Dim isEqual As Boolean = number1 = number2
Dim isGreater As Boolean = number1 > number2
Dim isLess As Boolean = number1 < number2

In the code above, we compare number1 and number2 using the equality, greater than, and less than operators, and store the results in isEqual, isGreater, and isLess, respectively.


The BigInteger class in VB.NET provides a convenient way to work with very large integer values. It offers arithmetic operations, conversion methods, and comparison methods for handling these numbers. By utilizing the BigInteger class, you can perform calculations on numbers that would otherwise be too large to handle using the built-in numeric data types.

In summary, the BigInteger class is a powerful tool for dealing with large integer values in VB.NET, allowing you to perform various operations and conversions with ease.


  • [Microsoft Documentation: BigInteger Structure](