Java Prometheus Gauge

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit that is widely used in the industry to monitor various aspects of a software system. One of the key components of Prometheus is the Gauge, which allows the collection of numeric values that can be used to track and monitor different metrics.

In this article, we will explore the concept of Prometheus Gauge in Java and how it can be used to monitor and measure various metrics in your application. We will also provide code examples to demonstrate its usage.

What is Prometheus Gauge?

A Prometheus Gauge is a metric type used to measure and track the value of a particular metric at a given point in time. It represents a single numerical value that can go up or down over time. Gauges are typically used to measure things like the size of a queue, the number of active threads, or the current memory usage of an application.

How to use Prometheus Gauge in Java?

To use Prometheus Gauge in Java, we need to add the Prometheus Java client library to our project. This library provides the necessary classes and methods to create and manage Prometheus metrics.

Step 1: Add Prometheus Java Client Dependency

To add the Prometheus Java client library to your project, you can use a dependency management tool like Maven or Gradle. Here is an example of how to add the dependency using Maven:


Step 2: Create a Prometheus Gauge

Once you have added the Prometheus Java client library to your project, you can create a Gauge object to measure a specific metric. Here is an example of how to create a Gauge to measure the number of active threads in a Java application:

import io.prometheus.client.Gauge;

public class MyMetrics {
    private static final Gauge activeThreadsGauge =
            .help("Number of active threads")

    public void trackActiveThreads(int numThreads) {

In this example, we create a Gauge object named activeThreadsGauge with a name and help description. We then register the Gauge with the Prometheus registry, making it available for collection and monitoring.

Step 3: Set Gauge Value

To set the value of a Gauge, you can use the set() method provided by the Gauge object. In the example above, we use the set() method to track the number of active threads in the trackActiveThreads() method.

public void trackActiveThreads(int numThreads) {

Step 4: Export Metrics

To expose the metrics to Prometheus, we need to create an HTTP server and expose an endpoint for Prometheus to scrape the metrics. Here is an example of how to create a simple HTTP server using the Prometheus Java client library:

import io.prometheus.client.exporter.HTTPServer;

public class MyMetricsServer {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(8080);
        // Register your metrics here

In this example, we create an HTTP server on port 8080 and start it. We can then register our metrics with the server, making them available for Prometheus to scrape.

Step 5: Scraping and Visualization

Once our metrics are exposed via the HTTP server, Prometheus can scrape the metrics periodically and store them in its time-series database. We can then visualize and analyze the metrics using the Prometheus web interface or integrate them with other monitoring and alerting tools.


Prometheus Gauge is a powerful tool for monitoring and measuring metrics in your Java application. In this article, we discussed how to use Prometheus Gauge in Java and provided code examples to demonstrate its usage. By using Gauges, you can track and monitor various aspects of your application in real-time, enabling you to identify and resolve performance issues more effectively.

Remember to always choose the right metrics to monitor and track, as too many unnecessary metrics can lead to overhead and confusion. Gauge should be used to measure metrics that are important and actionable for your specific use case.

For more information on Prometheus and its features, you can refer to the official Prometheus documentation.

References<br> [Prometheus Documentation](


The following flowchart illustrates the process of using Prometheus Gauge in Java:

flowchart TD
    A[Add Prometheus Java Client Dependency]
    B[Create a Prometheus Gauge]
    C[Set Gauge Value]
    D[Export Metrics]
    E[Scraping and Visualization]

    A --> B
    B --> C
    C --> D
    D --> E

In this flowchart, we start by adding the Prometheus Java client dependency. We then create a Prometheus Gauge, set its value, export the metrics, and finally scrape and visualize the metrics using Prometheus.