Spark Thrift


Spark Thrift is a component of Apache Spark that provides a way to access Spark SQL through a standardized interface. It allows external applications to communicate with Spark and execute SQL queries on Spark SQL tables. This article will provide an overview of Spark Thrift and its key features, along with code examples to demonstrate its usage.

Features of Spark Thrift

  1. Standardized Interface: Spark Thrift provides a JDBC/ODBC server that follows the Thrift protocol. This allows applications to connect to Spark using standard SQL connectivity tools.

  2. Multi-User Support: Spark Thrift supports multiple concurrent users, allowing them to share the same Spark cluster. Each user can have their own session and execute queries independently.

  3. Security: Spark Thrift integrates with Spark's security features, including Kerberos authentication and SSL encryption. This ensures secure communication between the external application and Spark.

  4. Hive Metastore: Spark Thrift uses the Hive metastore to store table metadata, making it compatible with existing Hive deployments. This allows users to leverage their existing Hive tables and queries with Spark.

Setting up Spark Thrift Server

To use Spark Thrift, you need to start the Spark Thrift Server, which acts as a JDBC/ODBC server for Spark SQL. Here is an example of how to start the server using the spark-shell:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --master local[*] --name ThriftServer

Connecting to Spark Thrift Server

Once the Thrift Server is up and running, you can connect to it from any standard SQL client or programming language that supports JDBC/ODBC. Here is an example of connecting to the Thrift Server using Python:

import pyodbc

conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver for Apache Spark};SERVER=localhost;PORT=10000')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES')
tables = cursor.fetchall()
for table in tables:

In this example, we are using the pyodbc library to establish a connection to the Spark Thrift Server. We then execute a SQL query to show all the tables available in the Spark SQL catalog.

Executing SQL Queries

Once connected, you can execute SQL queries on Spark SQL tables using the same syntax as any other SQL client. Here is an example of executing a SQL query to fetch data from a table:

cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM my_table')
data = cursor.fetchall()
for row in data:

In this example, we are fetching all the rows from a table called my_table and printing each row.


Spark Thrift provides a standardized interface for accessing Spark SQL, allowing external applications to communicate with Spark and execute SQL queries. It supports multiple users, integrates with Spark's security features, and leverages the Hive metastore. In this article, we covered the key features of Spark Thrift and provided code examples to demonstrate its usage. By using Spark Thrift, you can easily integrate Spark SQL into your existing data processing workflows and applications.