HTML5 Video Type

HTML5 introduced the <video> element, which enables developers to embed videos directly into web pages without the need for plugins like Flash. The <video> element supports different video formats, and the browser decides which format to use based on the video's source file and the video type specified in the HTML markup.

The Need for Multiple Video Formats

Different browsers support different video formats. For instance, Firefox supports the Ogg Theora format, while Safari and Internet Explorer support the MP4 format. To ensure compatibility across different browsers, it's important to provide multiple video formats. The browser will choose the format it supports and display the video accordingly.

The type Attribute

To specify the video type, we use the type attribute inside the <source> element. The source element is a child of the <video> element and is used to define the video's source file. The type attribute tells the browser what video format the source file is, allowing it to choose the appropriate one.

Here is an example of how to use the type attribute with the <video> element:

<video controls>
  <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="video.ogg" type="video/ogg">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.

In the above example, we have specified two different video formats: MP4 and Ogg. The browser will try to play the MP4 video first since it appears first in the HTML markup. If the browser doesn't support the MP4 format, it will try to play the Ogg video.

Common Video Formats and their MIME Types

Here are some commonly used video formats along with their corresponding MIME types:

  • MP4: video/mp4
  • Ogg: video/ogg
  • WebM: video/webm

It's essential to use the correct MIME type to ensure that the video plays correctly in different browsers.

Using JavaScript to Determine Video Format Support

Sometimes, we may need to determine if the browser supports a particular video format before attempting to play it. We can use JavaScript to check the browser's capabilities and make a decision accordingly.

Here is an example of how to use JavaScript to determine video format support:

var video = document.createElement('video');

if (video.canPlayType('video/mp4')) {
  // Browser supports MP4
  console.log('MP4 format is supported.');
} else if (video.canPlayType('video/ogg')) {
  // Browser supports Ogg
  console.log('Ogg format is supported.');
} else if (video.canPlayType('video/webm')) {
  // Browser supports WebM
  console.log('WebM format is supported.');
} else {
  // Browser doesn't support any of the formats
  console.log('No video format is supported.');

In the above example, we create a new <video> element using JavaScript and then use the canPlayType() method to check if the browser supports different video formats.


The type attribute in the HTML5 <video> element is essential for providing multiple video formats to ensure compatibility across different browsers. By specifying different video types, we allow the browser to choose the appropriate format based on its capabilities. Additionally, JavaScript can be used to determine whether the browser supports a specific video format before attempting to play it.

By following these best practices, we can ensure that our videos play correctly on all major browsers, providing a seamless user experience.

    class Video {
        +title: String
        +source: String
        +type: String
        +play(): void
        +stop(): void
    [*] --> Stopped
    Stopped --> Playing: play()
    Playing --> Stopped: stop()
    Playing --> Paused: pause()
    Paused --> Playing: play()
    Paused --> Stopped: stop()