Python Multiprocessing Pool: A Comprehensive Guide


An illustration of the Python Multiprocessing Pool


In Python, the multiprocessing module provides a way to run multiple processes concurrently, taking advantage of multiple CPU cores and improving the overall performance of the program. One of the key components of the multiprocessing module is the Pool class. This article will introduce you to the multiprocessing Pool and demonstrate how it can be used to execute tasks in parallel.

What is a Pool?

A Pool is a collection of worker processes that can be used to perform parallel tasks. The Pool class in the multiprocessing module provides a convenient way of distributing work across multiple processes. It allows you to create a fixed number of worker processes and submit tasks to them. The Pool class automatically manages the worker processes and their communication, making it easy to parallelize tasks.

Setting up a Pool

To use the multiprocessing Pool, you first need to import the module:

import multiprocessing

Once the module is imported, you can create a Pool object by calling the Pool() constructor:

pool = multiprocessing.Pool()

By default, this will create a Pool with the number of worker processes equal to the number of CPU cores available on your system. However, you can also specify the number of worker processes explicitly:

pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4)

Submitting Tasks to the Pool

To execute a task in parallel using the Pool, you need to submit the task to the apply_async() method of the Pool object. This method takes the task function and its arguments as input and returns a multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult object.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to submit tasks to the Pool:

def square(x):
    return x ** 2

results = []
for i in range(10):
    result = pool.apply_async(square, (i,))

# Wait for all tasks to complete

# Retrieve the results
output = [result.get() for result in results]

In this example, the square() function is defined to calculate the square of a number. The pool.apply_async() method is then used to submit the square() function with different input values to the Pool. The results are stored in a list and retrieved later using the get() method.

Parallelizing a Task

One of the main advantages of using the Pool is the ability to parallelize a time-consuming task. Let's consider an example where we have a list of URLs, and we want to fetch the HTML content of each URL concurrently.

import requests

def fetch_url(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    return response.text

urls = [' ' '

results =, urls)

In this example, the fetch_url() function uses the requests library to fetch the HTML content of a given URL. The method is then used to apply the fetch_url() function to each URL in parallel. The results are returned as a list.


The multiprocessing Pool provides a powerful and convenient way to execute tasks in parallel in Python. By distributing work across multiple processes, you can take advantage of multiple CPU cores and significantly improve the performance of your program. This article has introduced you to the basics of using the multiprocessing Pool, including setting up a Pool, submitting tasks, and parallelizing a task. Explore the multiprocessing module further to discover more advanced features and options for parallel computing in Python.

    Pool ||--o "Worker Process" : "Creates"
    Pool ||--o "Worker Process" : "Manages"
    Pool --> Task : "Submits"
    Task --> ApplyResult : "Returns"
    ApplyResult -->|Results| Output : "Retrieves"
    title Fetch HTML Content
    section Submit Tasks
    Pool -> Task : "pool.apply_async()"
    section Wait for Completion
    Pool --x Task : "pool.close()"
    Task --> Pool : "pool.join()"
    section Retrieve Results
    Pool --> ApplyResult : "result.get()"
    ApplyResult -->|Results| Output : "List of Results"