SwiftUI Form

SwiftUI Form is a powerful and easy-to-use component that allows developers to create interactive and dynamic forms in their apps. In this article, we will explore the basics of SwiftUI Form and provide code examples to demonstrate its usage.

Introduction to SwiftUI Form

Forms are a common user interface element in mobile apps, used for collecting user input or displaying a set of options for the user to choose from. SwiftUI Form provides a convenient way to create forms with a clean and declarative syntax.

Creating a Form

To create a form in SwiftUI, you can use the Form view. It is a container view that automatically arranges its child views in a vertical stack. Here's an example of a simple form with two text fields:

Form {
    TextField("First Name", text: $firstName)
    TextField("Last Name", text: $lastName)

In the example above, we define two text fields within the Form view. The text parameter of each text field is bound to a state variable ($firstName and $lastName). This allows the form to automatically update the state variables as the user types.

Adding Sections

You can group related form fields into sections using the Section view. Sections visually separate the fields and provide a title for each group. Here's an example of a form with two sections:

Form {
    Section(header: Text("Personal Information")) {
        TextField("First Name", text: $firstName)
        TextField("Last Name", text: $lastName)
    Section(header: Text("Account Information")) {
        TextField("Email", text: $email)
        SecureField("Password", text: $password)

In the example above, we use the Section view to group the text fields into two sections: "Personal Information" and "Account Information". The header parameter allows us to provide a title for each section.

Handling Form Submission

To handle form submission, you can use the Button view along with the onTapGesture closure. Here's an example of a form with a submit button:

Form {
    // form fields...
    Button(action: {
        // handle form submission
    }) {

In the example above, when the user taps the "Submit" button, the submitForm() function is called, allowing you to handle the form submission logic.

Customizing Form Fields

SwiftUI Form provides various form fields out of the box, such as text fields, secure fields, and toggle switches. However, you can also customize the appearance and behavior of these fields by using modifiers.

For example, you can add a placeholder text to a text field using the textFieldStyle modifier:

TextField("First Name", text: $firstName)

In the example above, we use the textFieldStyle modifier with the RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle style to give the text field a rounded border.


SwiftUI Form simplifies the process of creating interactive and dynamic forms in your app. With its clean and declarative syntax, you can easily create complex forms with sections, handle form submission, and customize form fields. By leveraging the power of SwiftUI, you can create beautiful and functional forms that enhance the user experience in your app.

In this article, we explored the basics of SwiftUI Form and provided code examples to demonstrate its usage. We encourage you to experiment with SwiftUI Form and explore its various features to create powerful and user-friendly forms in your apps.