Hive Explain

Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop which provides a SQL-like query language called HiveQL to perform data analysis and processing. When executing a HiveQL query, it's crucial to understand how Hive processes and optimizes the query to achieve better performance. The EXPLAIN command in Hive is used to get insights into the query plan generated by the optimizer.

What is the purpose of Hive Explain?

The EXPLAIN command in Hive provides detailed information about how a query is executed. It helps to understand the steps involved in query execution, the order in which they are executed, and the resources consumed by each step. By analyzing the query plan, you can identify potential performance issues, optimize the query, and make informed decisions about partitioning, indexing, and joining strategies.

How to use Hive Explain?

To use the EXPLAIN command in Hive, simply prefix your query with EXPLAIN. For example, consider the following query:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > 50000;

Running this query will display the query plan generated by Hive's optimizer. The plan consists of multiple stages, each representing a step in query execution. The stages are executed serially, with the output of one stage becoming the input for the next stage.

Understanding the Query Plan

The query plan generated by Hive Explain consists of various operators and stages that collectively represent the steps involved in query execution. Each operator performs a specific task and contributes to the overall result.

Operators can be broadly classified into:

  1. File Scan Operator: This operator reads data from a file or a table. It represents the input source for the query.


       File Scan Operator (FSO)
  2. Filter Operator: This operator applies a filter condition to the data. It narrows down the result set based on the specified condition.


       File Scan Operator (FSO)
         Filter Operator (FOP)
  3. Map Join Operator: This operator performs a join operation by distributing the data across multiple nodes and processing it in parallel.


       Map Join Operator (MJO)
         Filter Operator (FOP)
         File Scan Operator (FSO)

Interpreting the Query Plan

To interpret the query plan, you need to understand the order in which the operators are executed and their dependencies. The query plan is displayed in a hierarchical format, where each stage represents a level. The stages are executed serially, with the output of one stage becoming the input for the next stage.

The query plan also shows the estimated number of rows and the amount of data processed by each operator. This information can be used to identify potential bottlenecks and optimize the query.


The EXPLAIN command in Hive is a powerful tool for understanding how a query is executed and optimizing its performance. By analyzing the query plan, you can identify potential issues and make informed decisions about partitioning, indexing, and joining strategies. Understanding the order of execution, dependencies, and resource consumption of each operator can help you fine-tune your queries for better performance.

Remember to use the EXPLAIN command whenever you want to analyze the query plan and improve the efficiency of your Hive queries.

-- Example query
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > 50000;

I hope this article provides a good understanding of the EXPLAIN command in Hive and its significance in query optimization. Happy querying!