Dockerzabbix Display Not Current


Docker is a popular platform for containerizing applications, and Zabbix is a widely used monitoring tool for tracking the performance of servers and applications. However, sometimes users may encounter issues with DockerZabbix where the display is not current. This article aims to provide insights into this problem and offer solutions to resolve it.

Understanding the Issue

When the DockerZabbix display is not current, it means that the data being shown on the dashboard is not up to date. This can be frustrating for users as they rely on real-time monitoring data to make informed decisions about their infrastructure.

There are several reasons why the display may not be current:

  1. Network Issues: If there are network connectivity problems between the DockerZabbix server and the monitored hosts, data may not be updated in real-time.

  2. Resource Constraints: Insufficient resources allocated to the DockerZabbix server can lead to delays in processing and displaying monitoring data.

  3. Configuration Problems: Incorrect configuration settings in DockerZabbix or Zabbix can cause data retrieval issues.

Troubleshooting Steps

To address the issue of the DockerZabbix display not being current, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check Network Connectivity: Ensure that there are no network issues between the DockerZabbix server and the monitored hosts. You can use tools like ping or telnet to test connectivity.
ping <hostname>
telnet <hostname> <port>
  1. Monitor Resource Usage: Monitor the resource usage of the DockerZabbix server to identify any bottlenecks. Use commands like top or htop to check CPU and memory usage.
  1. Verify Configuration Settings: Review the configuration settings in DockerZabbix and Zabbix to ensure they are correct. Pay attention to items like the data collection interval and data storage settings.


Based on the troubleshooting steps, here are some solutions to resolve the issue of the DockerZabbix display not being current:

  1. Optimize Network Configuration: If network connectivity is a problem, optimize the network configuration to ensure smooth data transfer between the DockerZabbix server and monitored hosts.

  2. Increase Resource Allocation: If resource constraints are causing delays, consider increasing the resources allocated to the DockerZabbix server, such as CPU, memory, or disk space.

  3. Update Configuration Settings: Make sure that the configuration settings in DockerZabbix and Zabbix are accurate and up to date. Adjust data collection intervals and storage settings as necessary.

Class Diagram

    class DockerZabbix {
        + displayData()
        + updateData()


flowchart TD
    Start --> CheckNetworkConnectivity
    CheckNetworkConnectivity --> MonitorResourceUsage
    MonitorResourceUsage --> VerifyConfigurationSettings
    VerifyConfigurationSettings --> |NetworkIssues| OptimizeNetworkConfiguration
    VerifyConfigurationSettings --> |ResourceConstraints| IncreaseResourceAllocation
    VerifyConfigurationSettings --> |ConfigurationProblems| UpdateConfigurationSettings
    OptimizeNetworkConfiguration --> End
    IncreaseResourceAllocation --> End
    UpdateConfigurationSettings --> End


In conclusion, when encountering the issue of the DockerZabbix display not being current, it is essential to identify the root cause of the problem and take appropriate actions to resolve it. By following the troubleshooting steps and applying the solutions provided in this article, users can ensure that their monitoring data is up to date and reliable. Remember to regularly monitor and maintain your DockerZabbix setup to prevent similar issues in the future.