ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server: The server principal is not able to


The ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server is a software component that allows applications to connect to Microsoft SQL Server databases using the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface. It provides a standardized way for developers to access and interact with SQL Server databases from various programming languages.

However, when using the ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server, you may encounter an error message stating "The server principal is not able to" when trying to connect to the SQL Server database. In this article, we will explore the causes of this error and provide solutions to resolve it.

Causes of the Error

The "The server principal is not able to" error message typically occurs due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Insufficient permissions: The user account used to connect to the SQL Server database does not have the necessary permissions to perform the requested operation.

  2. Incorrect connection string: The connection string used to connect to the SQL Server database is either incorrect or missing required parameters.

  3. Disabled user account: The user account used to connect to the SQL Server database may be disabled or expired, preventing successful authentication.


Solution 1: Grant Sufficient Permissions

To resolve the "The server principal is not able to" error, you need to ensure that the user account used to connect to the SQL Server database has sufficient permissions to perform the desired operation. This usually involves granting the necessary permissions to the user account.

Here is an example of granting the SELECT permission on a table to a user account using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):

USE [YourDatabaseName]

GRANT SELECT ON [YourSchemaName].[YourTableName] TO [YourUsername]

Replace [YourDatabaseName], [YourSchemaName], [YourTableName], and [YourUsername] with the appropriate values for your database and user account.

Solution 2: Verify the Connection String

The connection string used to connect to the SQL Server database must be accurate and contain all the required parameters. Make sure that the connection string includes the following essential information:

  • Server: The name or IP address of the SQL Server instance.
  • Database: The name of the database you want to connect to.
  • User ID: The username used for authentication.
  • Password: The password associated with the username.

Here is an example of a valid connection string for connecting to a SQL Server database using the ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server:

Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=YourServerName;Database=YourDatabaseName;Uid=YourUsername;Pwd=YourPassword;

Replace YourServerName, YourDatabaseName, YourUsername, and YourPassword with the appropriate values for your server, database, username, and password.

Solution 3: Check User Account Status

If the user account used to connect to the SQL Server database is disabled or expired, it can cause the "The server principal is not able to" error. Verify the status of the user account and ensure it is enabled and not expired.

You can enable or reset the password for a user account using the following SQL query:

USE [master]


Replace [YourUsername] and 'YourNewPassword' with the appropriate values for your username and new password.


The "The server principal is not able to" error in the ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server can be caused by insufficient permissions, incorrect connection strings, or disabled user accounts. By following the solutions provided in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and successfully connect to your SQL Server database.

Remember to review and adjust the necessary permissions, verify the connection string accuracy, and ensure the user account is active and not expired. With these steps, you can overcome the error and continue working with the ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server efficiently.

    participant Client
    participant ODBC Driver
    participant SQL Server

    Client->>ODBC Driver: Connection request
    ODBC Driver-->>SQL Server: Authenticate user
    SQL Server-->>ODBC Driver: User authenticated
    ODBC Driver-->>Client: Connection successful

    Client->>ODBC Driver: Query request
    ODBC Driver-->>SQL Server: Execute query
    SQL Server-->>ODBC Driver: Return query results
    ODBC Driver-->>Client: Display query results

In the sequence diagram above, the client initiates a connection request to the ODBC Driver. The driver then authenticates the user with the SQL Server. Once the user is authenticated, the ODBC Driver establishes a successful connection to the client.

When the client sends a query request, the ODBC Driver executes the query on the SQL Server. The SQL Server processes the query and returns the results to the ODBC Driver. Finally, the ODBC Driver sends the query results back to the client for display or further processing.

Remember to ensure that the necessary permissions, accurate connection strings, and active user accounts are in place to avoid encountering any errors during