Spring Boot DataSourceProperties

Spring Boot provides a convenient way to configure and manage data sources using the DataSourceProperties class. In this article, we will explore its features and see how it can simplify database configuration in a Spring Boot application.

What is DataSourceProperties?

DataSourceProperties is a class provided by Spring Boot that encapsulates the properties required to configure a data source. It provides a set of getter and setter methods to access and modify these properties. This class is typically used in conjunction with the spring.datasource properties in the application.properties or application.yml file.

Setting up DataSourceProperties

To use DataSourceProperties, we need to include the necessary dependencies in our Spring Boot project. We can do this by adding the following dependencies to our pom.xml file:


These dependencies include the Spring Data JPA starter and the H2 database driver for demonstration purposes. You can replace the H2 dependency with the appropriate driver for your preferred database.

Configuring DataSourceProperties

Once the dependencies are added, we can start configuring DataSourceProperties in our application.properties file. Here's an example configuration for an H2 in-memory database:

# DataSource configuration

# JPA configuration

In this configuration, we specify the database URL, username, password, and the driver class name. We also configure the JPA dialect and the behavior for schema creation and dropping.

Accessing DataSourceProperties

To access the DataSourceProperties bean in our application, we can use the @Autowired annotation. Here's an example of using DataSourceProperties in a Spring Boot service:

public class MyService {

    private DataSourceProperties dataSourceProperties;

    public void printDataSourceProperties() {
        System.out.println("URL: " + dataSourceProperties.getUrl());
        System.out.println("Username: " + dataSourceProperties.getUsername());
        System.out.println("Password: " + dataSourceProperties.getPassword());
        System.out.println("Driver class name: " + dataSourceProperties.getDriverClassName());

In this code snippet, we inject the DataSourceProperties bean using the @Autowired annotation. We can then access the various properties using the getter methods provided by DataSourceProperties.


In this article, we explored the DataSourceProperties class provided by Spring Boot. We saw how it can simplify database configuration by encapsulating the required properties. By using DataSourceProperties, we can easily configure and manage data sources in our Spring Boot applications.