
JIRA is a popular issue tracking and project management tool used by many organizations. It provides a RESTful API that allows developers to interact with JIRA programmatically. In this article, we will explore the Python JIRA API and how it can be used to perform various tasks such as creating issues, updating issues, and retrieving issue details.

Installing the Python JIRA API

To get started with the Python JIRA API, you need to install the jira library. You can do this using pip by running the following command:

pip install jira

Connecting to JIRA

Before we can start using the JIRA API, we need to establish a connection to our JIRA instance. We can do this by creating a JIRA object and passing the URL of our JIRA instance along with our authentication credentials.

from jira import JIRA

# Connect to JIRA
jira = JIRA(server=' basic_auth=('username', 'password'))

Creating an Issue

To create a new issue in JIRA, we need to provide some required fields such as the issue type, summary, and description. We can do this by calling the create_issue method of our JIRA object.

# Create an issue
issue = jira.create_issue(project='PROJECT_KEY', summary='New Issue', description='This is a new issue', issuetype={'name': 'Bug'})

Updating an Issue

To update an existing issue in JIRA, we need to retrieve the issue first and then modify its fields. We can do this by calling the issue method of our JIRA object and passing the issue key.

# Update an issue
issue = jira.issue('PROJECT-123')
issue.fields.summary = 'Updated Summary'

Retrieving Issue Details

To retrieve the details of an issue, we can use the issue method of our JIRA object and pass the issue key. This will return an Issue object that contains all the information about the issue.

# Retrieve issue details
issue = jira.issue('PROJECT-123')
print(f"Issue Key: {issue.key}")
print(f"Summary: {issue.fields.summary}")
print(f"Description: {issue.fields.description}")


In this article, we have explored the Python JIRA API and how it can be used to interact with JIRA programmatically. We learned how to connect to JIRA, create new issues, update existing issues, and retrieve issue details. The Python JIRA API provides a convenient way to automate tasks and integrate JIRA with other systems. For more information and detailed documentation, you can refer to the official [Python JIRA API documentation](

Class Diagram

    class JIRA {
        +JIRA(server, basic_auth) : JIRA
        +create_issue(project, summary, description, issuetype) : Issue
        +issue(key) : Issue
    class Issue {
        +update() : None


  • [Python JIRA API Documentation](