Redis Cluster AOF

Redis Cluster is a distributed implementation of Redis that allows you to have multiple Redis instances working together as a single logical database. The Append-Only File (AOF) is a persistence option in Redis that keeps track of all the write operations in a log file. In this article, we will explore how Redis Cluster and AOF work together and how you can use this feature in your Redis deployments.

Redis Cluster

Redis Cluster provides a sharding mechanism that allows you to distribute data across multiple Redis instances. Each instance in the cluster is responsible for a subset of the keyspace. Redis Cluster uses hash slots to divide the keyspace into 16384 slots, and each instance is responsible for a subset of these slots. This allows Redis Cluster to scale horizontally by adding or removing instances.

When a client wants to access a key, it calculates the hash slot for that key and sends the command to the Redis instance that owns that slot. This allows Redis Cluster to distribute the workload across multiple instances and provides fault tolerance since data is replicated across multiple nodes.

Redis Cluster AOF

The Append-Only File (AOF) persistence option in Redis allows you to log all the write operations in a log file. This log file can be used to recreate the dataset in case of a restart or a crash. The AOF file is a simple text file where each write operation is appended as a new line.

In Redis Cluster, each instance has its own AOF file, and each write operation is appended to the AOF file of the corresponding instance. This ensures that the data is persisted even if some instances in the cluster fail.

By default, Redis Cluster uses asynchronous replication to replicate the data across instances. This means that when a write operation is received by the Redis instance that owns the hash slot, it is first written to the AOF file of that instance, and then asynchronously replicated to the AOF files of other instances. This allows for high write throughput but may result in a small window of potential data loss if an instance fails before the data is replicated to other instances.

Redis Cluster AOF Example

Let's consider a simple example where we have a Redis Cluster with three instances: A, B, and C. Each instance owns a subset of hash slots.

import redis

# Connect to Redis Cluster
r = redis.RedisCluster(host='', port=7000)

# Set a key-value pair
r.set('key1', 'value1')

# Get the value for a key
value = r.get('key1')
print(value)  # Output: b'value1'

In this example, we connect to the Redis Cluster using the redis.RedisCluster class from the redis-py-cluster library. We then set a key-value pair using the set method and retrieve the value using the get method.

When the set method is called, the client calculates the hash slot for the given key and sends the command to the Redis instance that owns that slot. The instance writes the operation to its AOF file and asynchronously replicates it to the AOF files of other instances.

Redis Cluster AOF Persistence Options

Redis provides different persistence options for AOF:

  1. Always: Redis writes every command received to the AOF file as soon as it is received. This provides the highest level of data safety but may impact performance due to the disk I/O involved.
  2. Everysec: Redis writes every command received to the AOF file, but fsyncs the file every second. This option provides a balance between data safety and performance.
  3. No: Redis writes every command received to the operating system buffers but does not fsync the AOF file. This option provides the best performance but may result in data loss in case of a crash.

You can configure the AOF persistence option in Redis Cluster by setting the appendonly and appendfsync parameters in the Redis configuration file or by using the CONFIG SET command.


Redis Cluster AOF provides a distributed and fault-tolerant solution for persisting data in Redis deployments. By using Redis Cluster, you can distribute the workload across multiple instances and ensure high availability and fault tolerance. The AOF persistence option allows you to log all the write operations and recreate the dataset in case of a restart or a crash.

In this article, we explored how Redis Cluster and AOF work together and provided a code example of using Redis Cluster with the redis-py-cluster library. We also discussed different AOF persistence options available in Redis.

Redis Cluster AOF is a powerful feature that can help you build scalable and reliable Redis deployments. By understanding how it works and configuring it according to your needs, you can ensure the safety and availability of your data.

<!-- mermaid pie pie "Instance A" : 40 "Instance B" : 30 "Instance C" : 30 -->

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  • [Redis Cluster Tutorial](
  • [Redis Persistence](