Mariadb Mysqld got signal 6


Signal 6, also known as SIGABRT, is a signal that indicates an abnormal termination of a program. When a program receives this signal, it means that something went wrong and the program is being forcibly terminated. In the case of Mariadb's mysqld, receiving signal 6 can indicate a variety of issues, such as memory corruption or invalid memory access.

In this article, we will explore the possible causes of "Mariadb mysqld got signal 6" error, how to diagnose and troubleshoot it, and provide some code examples to help you understand the concepts discussed.

Possible Causes

  1. Memory Corruption: Signal 6 can occur if there is memory corruption happening in the Mariadb process. This can be caused by hardware issues, such as faulty RAM, or software issues, such as bugs in Mariadb or its dependencies.

  2. Invalid Memory Access: Another possible cause is an invalid memory access, where the Mariadb process tries to access memory that it doesn't have permission to access or memory that has already been freed.

  3. Software Bugs: Mariadb itself or its dependencies may have bugs that can lead to signal 6. These bugs could be related to memory management, concurrency, or other low-level system operations.

Diagnosing Signal 6 Error

When encountering the "Mariadb mysqld got signal 6" error, it is important to gather as much information as possible to understand the root cause. Here are some steps you can take to diagnose the issue:

  1. Check Logs: The first step is to check the Mariadb logs for any error messages or stack traces that may provide clues about the cause of the signal 6. The logs can usually be found in the /var/log/mysql/ directory.

  2. Enable Core Dumps: If core dumps are enabled, it will allow you to analyze the state of the Mariadb process at the time it received the signal 6. To enable core dumps, you can use the following command:

ulimit -c unlimited
  1. Analyze Core Dump: Once a core dump is generated, you can use tools like gdb to analyze it and understand where the crash occurred. Here is an example of how to analyze a core dump:
gdb /path/to/mysqld /path/to/core.dump
  1. Review System Metrics: It can also be helpful to review system metrics, such as CPU and memory usage, to see if there are any patterns or anomalies that may be related to the signal 6 error.

Troubleshooting Signal 6 Error

Based on the diagnosis, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the "Mariadb mysqld got signal 6" error:

  1. Check Hardware: If memory corruption is suspected, it is advisable to run memory tests on the server to identify any faulty RAM. You can use tools like memtest86 to perform memory tests.

  2. Update Mariadb: Ensure that you are running the latest version of Mariadb and apply any available patches. Software bugs can sometimes be fixed in newer versions.

  3. Review Configuration: Review the Mariadb configuration file to ensure that all settings are correct and optimized for your use case. Incorrect or suboptimal configurations can sometimes lead to crashes.

  4. Disable Plugins: If you have recently installed any plugins or extensions, try disabling them to see if the signal 6 error persists. Faulty or incompatible plugins can cause crashes.

  5. Recompile Dependencies: If you suspect that dependencies of Mariadb are causing the issue, try recompiling them from source with the latest version to ensure compatibility.


In this article, we have explored the possible causes of the "Mariadb mysqld got signal 6" error, discussed how to diagnose and troubleshoot it, and provided some code examples to help you understand the concepts. It is important to gather as much information as possible when encountering this error to understand the root cause and take appropriate actions to resolve it.

Remember to always keep your software up to date, review your system's configuration, and perform regular hardware checks to prevent and mitigate issues like signal 6 errors in Mariadb.