ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android

ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android is a powerful tool for building interactive maps and location-based applications on Android devices. It provides developers with a wide range of features and functionalities to create visually stunning and data-rich maps.

Getting Started

To get started with ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Install Android Studio: Download and install the latest version of Android Studio, which is the recommended IDE for Android app development.

  2. Create a New Project: Open Android Studio and create a new project. Select a minimum SDK version that is compatible with the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android.

  3. Add ArcGIS Dependency: Open the project's build.gradle file and add the ArcGIS dependency under the dependencies section:

    implementation 'com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-android:100.x.x'

    Replace 100.x.x with the latest version of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android.

  4. Obtain an API Key: To use ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android, you need to obtain an API key from the ArcGIS Developer Dashboard.

  5. Initialize ArcGIS Runtime: In your app's main activity, initialize the ArcGIS Runtime by setting the API key:


    Make sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with the actual API key obtained from the ArcGIS Developer Dashboard.

Displaying a Map

Once you have set up the project and initialized the ArcGIS Runtime, you can start displaying a map in your Android app. Here's an example of how to display a basic map using the MapView component:

MapView mapView = findViewById(;
ArcGISMap map = new ArcGISMap(Basemap.Type.TOPOGRAPHIC, 34.056295, -117.195800, 16);

In the above example, we create a new instance of ArcGISMap with a basemap type of TOPOGRAPHIC and set the initial center coordinates and zoom level. We then set this ArcGISMap instance as the map for the MapView component.

Adding a Feature Layer

ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android allows you to add various types of layers to your map, including feature layers for displaying and editing geographic features. Here's an example of how to add a feature layer to your map:

FeatureLayer featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(new ServiceFeatureTable("URL_TO_FEATURE_SERVICE"));

In the above example, we create a new instance of FeatureLayer by providing the URL to a feature service. We then add this feature layer to the ArcGISMap instance using the getOperationalLayers().add() method.


ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android provides a comprehensive set of tools and functionalities for building powerful mapping and location-based applications on Android devices. In this article, we covered the basic steps to get started with ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android and demonstrated how to display a map and add a feature layer. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and there's a lot more you can do with the SDK. So go ahead, explore the documentation, and start building amazing maps and applications on Android!