Python Socket5 Client


In computer networking, the Socket5 protocol is used for proxy connections. It provides a way to establish secure and efficient communication between the client and the proxy server. In this article, we will explore how to build a Socket5 client in Python, along with code examples.


Before we dive into the code, make sure you have Python installed on your machine. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website.

Code Explanation

To build a Socket5 client, we need to establish a connection with the proxy server, send the necessary authentication and request packets, and process the response from the server. Let's break down the code into steps:

  1. Import the required modules:
import socket
import struct
  1. Create a function to establish a connection with the proxy server:
def connect_to_proxy(host, port):
    # Create a socket object
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    # Connect to the proxy server
    sock.connect((host, port))
    return sock
  1. Create a function to send the authentication packet to the server:
def send_auth_packet(sock):
    # Version: 5
    version = 5
    # Number of authentication methods supported
    num_methods = 1
    # Method: No authentication required
    auth_method = 0
    # Pack the data into binary format
    packet = struct.pack("!BBB", version, num_methods, auth_method)
    # Send the packet to the server
  1. Create a function to send the request packet to the server:
def send_request_packet(sock, host, port):
    # Version: 5
    version = 5
    # Command: Connect
    command = 1
    # Reserved field: Must be 0
    reserved = 0
    # Address type: Domain name
    addr_type = 3
    # Pack the data into binary format
    packet = struct.pack("!BBB", version, command, reserved)
    # Domain name length
    domain_len = len(host)
    # Pack the domain name length and domain name into binary format
    packet += struct.pack("!B", domain_len) + host.encode()
    # Pack the port number into binary format
    packet += struct.pack("!H", port)
    # Send the packet to the server
  1. Create a function to process the response from the server:
def process_response(sock):
    # Read the response from the server
    response = sock.recv(4)
    # Unpack the response
    version, status, _, addr_type = struct.unpack("!BBBB", response)
    # Check if the response is valid
    if version != 5 or status != 0:
        raise Exception("Connection failed")
    # Process the address based on the address type
    if addr_type == 1:
        # IPv4 address
        addr = socket.inet_ntoa(sock.recv(4))
    elif addr_type == 3:
        # Domain name
        addr_len = struct.unpack("!B", sock.recv(1))[0]
        addr = sock.recv(addr_len).decode()
    elif addr_type == 4:
        # IPv6 address
        addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, sock.recv(16))
    # Port number
    port = struct.unpack("!H", sock.recv(2))[0]
    return addr, port
  1. Finally, we can use the above functions to connect to a proxy server and establish a connection to the destination server:
def main():
    # Proxy server address and port
    proxy_host = ""
    proxy_port = 8888
    # Destination server address and port
    dest_host = ""
    dest_port = 80
        # Connect to the proxy server
        sock = connect_to_proxy(proxy_host, proxy_port)
        # Send the authentication packet
        # Send the request packet
        send_request_packet(sock, dest_host, dest_port)
        # Process the response from the server
        addr, port = process_response(sock)
        print(f"Connected to {addr}:{port}")
        # Use the connection for further communication
        # ...
        # Close the socket connection
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {str(e)}")

Class Diagram

    class Socket5Client {
        - sock: socket.socket
        + connect_to_proxy(host: str, port: int): socket.socket
        + send_auth_packet(sock: socket.socket)
        + send_request_packet(sock: socket.socket, host: str, port: int)
        + process_response(sock: socket.socket): Tuple[str, int]
        + main()

The Socket5Client class contains all the necessary functions to establish a connection with the proxy server, send authentication and request packets, and process the response.