Android Chips

Android Chips are a versatile UI component that represent complex entities in a compact and visually appealing way. They are commonly used to display information such as tags, contact information, or user-selected choices. In this article, we will explore how to implement and customize Android Chips in your app.

Implementing Android Chips

To implement Android Chips in your app, follow these steps:

  1. Add the necessary dependencies to your app's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    implementation ''
  1. Create a layout file for your Chip:
    app:chipEndPadding="8dp" />
  1. Customize the Chip appearance and behavior programmatically in your activity or fragment:
val chip = findViewById<Chip>(
chip.setOnClickListener {
    // Handle chip click event
chip.setOnCloseIconClickListener {
    // Handle close icon click event
chip.isCloseIconVisible = true

Customizing Android Chips

Android Chips offer various customization options to match the visual style of your app. Here are some commonly used attributes:

  • chipBackgroundColor: Sets the background color of the Chip.
  • chipStrokeColor: Sets the stroke color of the Chip.
  • chipStrokeWidth: Sets the width of the stroke around the Chip.
  • chipIcon: Sets the icon drawable displayed in the Chip.
  • chipIconTint: Sets the tint color of the Chip icon.
  • chipText: Sets the text displayed in the Chip.
  • chipTextColor: Sets the color of the Chip text.
  • chipCornerRadius: Sets the corner radius of the Chip background.
  • chipStartPadding: Sets the start padding of the Chip.
  • chipEndPadding: Sets the end padding of the Chip.
  • isCloseIconVisible: Determines if the close icon is visible in the Chip.

You can also create Chip groups to manage multiple chips together, such as for filtering or selecting multiple options. Here is an example of how to create a Chip group programmatically:

val chipGroup = findViewById<ChipGroup>(
val chip1 = Chip(this).apply {
    text = "Tag 1"
    // Set other attributes as needed
val chip2 = Chip(this).apply {
    text = "Tag 2"
    // Set other attributes as needed


Android Chips provide an intuitive and interactive way to represent complex entities in your app. By following the implementation steps and customizing the appearance and behavior, you can create visually appealing and user-friendly Chips that enhance the user experience. Experiment with different customization options to find the perfect fit for your app's design. Happy coding!