Redis Plus Plus: C++ Library for Redis

Redis Plus Plus is a C++ library for Redis, an open-source in-memory data structure store. It provides an easy-to-use and efficient way to interact with Redis using C++.

Introduction to Redis Plus Plus

Redis Plus Plus is a C++ client library for Redis, which allows developers to interact with Redis server and perform various operations such as setting key-value pairs, getting values by key, incrementing values, deleting keys, and more.

Redis Plus Plus is designed to be a high-performance library, providing a simple and intuitive interface for developers to work with Redis in their C++ applications. It aims to be lightweight, efficient, and easy to use.


To use Redis Plus Plus in your C++ project, you first need to download and install the library. You can download the source code from the official GitHub repository and build it using CMake.

Once you have built the library, you can include the Redis Plus Plus header files in your C++ code and link against the Redis Plus Plus library.

#include <sw/redis++/redis++.h>

Connecting to Redis

Before you can start interacting with Redis, you need to establish a connection to a Redis server. Redis Plus Plus provides a redis::ConnectionOptions class to specify the connection details such as the host, port, and password.

redis::ConnectionOptions connectionOptions; = "localhost";
connectionOptions.port = 6379;
connectionOptions.password = "your_password";

redis::Connection connection(connectionOptions);

Setting and Getting Values

Once you have established a connection to Redis, you can start setting and getting values from Redis.

To set a key-value pair in Redis, you can use the redis::Connection::set method.

connection.set("key", "value");

To get a value by key from Redis, you can use the redis::Connection::get method.

std::string value = connection.get("key");

Incrementing and Decrementing Values

Redis Plus Plus provides convenient methods to increment and decrement values stored in Redis.

To increment a value by a specified amount, you can use the redis::Connection::incrby method.

connection.incrby("counter", 1);

To decrement a value by a specified amount, you can use the redis::Connection::decrby method.

connection.decrby("counter", 1);

Deleting Keys

To delete a key from Redis, you can use the redis::Connection::del method.


Error Handling

Redis Plus Plus provides error handling mechanisms to handle errors that may occur during communication with Redis.

You can use a try-catch block to catch any exceptions thrown by Redis Plus Plus.

try {
    // Redis operations
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
    // Handle exception


Redis Plus Plus is a powerful and efficient C++ library for interacting with Redis. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing Redis operations in your C++ applications. Whether you are building a high-performance application or a simple script, Redis Plus Plus can help you leverage the power of Redis in your C++ code.


flowchart TD
    A[Establish Connection] --> B[Set Key-Value Pairs]
    B --> C[Get Value by Key]
    C --> D[Increment Value]
    D --> E[Decrement Value]
    E --> F[Delete Key]

Gantt Chart

    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    title Redis Plus Plus Development
    section Development
    Design Architecture           :done, 2021-10-01, 7d
    Implement Connection          :done, 2021-10-08, 3d
    Implement Set Method          :done, 2021-10-11, 5d
    Implement Get Method          :done, 2021-10-16, 5d
    Implement Increment Method    :done, 2021-10-21, 5d
    Implement Decrement Method    :done, 2021-10-26, 5d
    Implement Delete Method       :done, 2021-10-31, 5d
    section Testing
    Write Unit Tests              :done, 2021-11-01, 5d
    Perform Integration Testing   :done, 2021-11-06, 7d
    section Documentation
    Write Documentation           :done, 2021-11-13, 5d
    Create Examples               :done, 2021-11-18, 3d