Redis DEL Command and Wildcards

Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store. It is commonly used as a database, cache, and message broker. One of the key operations in Redis is deleting keys. The DEL command in Redis allows you to delete one or multiple keys. In addition, Redis supports the use of wildcards to delete keys that match a specific pattern. In this article, we will explore the DEL command and how to use wildcards for deleting keys.

The DEL Command

The DEL command is used to delete one or more keys in Redis. Its syntax is as follows:

DEL key [key ...]

You can pass multiple keys as arguments to the DEL command to delete them all at once. For example, to delete two keys foo and bar, you can execute the following command:

DEL foo bar

Deleting Keys with Wildcards

Redis also provides support for wildcard patterns to match keys. This allows you to delete multiple keys based on a specific pattern. The wildcards supported by Redis are:

  • *: Matches any number of characters (including zero characters).
  • ?: Matches exactly one character.

To delete keys using wildcards, you can use the KEYS command to fetch the keys matching your pattern and then pass them to the DEL command. Here's an example:

import redis

# Connect to Redis server
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

# Get keys matching a pattern
keys = r.keys('prefix:*')

# Delete the matched keys

In the example above, we connect to a Redis server running on localhost and port 6379. We then use the keys method of the Redis client to fetch all keys that match the pattern prefix:*. Finally, we pass the keys list to the delete method to delete them.

Be Mindful of Performance

When using the KEYS command with wildcards, it scans the entire keyspace of the Redis server, which can be a performance bottleneck if you have a large number of keys. It is recommended to avoid using the KEYS command in production environments.

Alternatively, you can use Redis' pattern-matching feature with the SCAN command, which provides an iterator-like interface for retrieving keys in a more memory-friendly manner. Here's an example:

import redis

# Connect to Redis server
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

# Iterate over keys matching a pattern
for key in r.scan_iter('prefix:*'):
    # Delete each key

In the example above, we use the scan_iter method of the Redis client to iterate over keys matching the pattern prefix:*. Then, we delete each key using the delete method. This approach is more memory-efficient as it avoids fetching all keys at once.


The DEL command in Redis allows you to delete one or more keys. By using wildcards, you can delete keys that match a specific pattern. However, be mindful of the performance implications when using wildcards with a large number of keys. Consider using the SCAN command for a more memory-friendly approach. Redis provides a powerful and flexible key deletion mechanism, making it a versatile tool for managing your data.

Remember to always use Redis commands with caution, as deleting keys is irreversible. Make sure to double-check the keys you are deleting and always have backups in place to avoid data loss.

I hope this article has provided you with a good understanding of the DEL command and how to use wildcards for deleting keys in Redis. Happy coding!