
This document describes various recipes for working with Camel

  • Bean Integration describes how to work with beans and Camel in a loosely coupled way so that your beans do not have to depend on any Camel APIs
  • Annotation Based Expression Language
  • Bean Binding
  • Bean Injection
  • Parameter Binding Annotations
  • POJO Consuming
  • POJO Producing
  • RecipientList Annotation
  • Using Exchange Pattern Annotations
  • Hiding Middleware describes how to avoid your business logic being coupled to any particular middleware APIs allowing you to easily switch from in JVM SEDA to JMS, ActiveMQ, Hibernate, JPA, JDBC, iBATIS or JavaSpace
  • Visualisation describes how to visualise your Enterprise Integration Patterns
  • Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)
  • Extract Transform Load (ETL)
  • Testing for testing distributed and asynchronous systems using a messaging approach
  • Camel Test
  • Spring Testing
  • Guice
  • Templating
  • Database
  • Parallel Processing and Ordering on how using parallel processing and SEDA or JMS
  • Asynchronous Processing
  • Implementing Virtual Topics on other JMS providers
  • Camel Transport for CXF
  • Fine Grained Control Over a Channel
  • EventNotifier to log details about all sent Exchanges shows how to let Camels EventNotifier
  • Loading routes from XML files into an existing CamelContext.
  • Using MDC logging
  • Running Camel standalone and have it keep running
  • Hazelcast Idempotent Repository Tutorial
  • How to use Camel as a HTTP proxy between a client and server