Rendezvous Daemon

TIBCO rendevous_decoupling

§  Background process (rvd)

§  All information that travels between processes pass through a TIBCO Rendezvous daemon as it enters a host computer or exists a sending process

§  Responsibilities

o        Data transport

o        Packet ordering

o        Receipt acknowledgement

o        Retransmission requests

o        Dispatching information to the correct application process

Rendezvous API

§  C

§  C++

§  Java

Reliable Message Delivery

§  Standard multicast and broadcast protocols are not reliable and unable to detect loss messages

§  Receiving RVD detects missing packets and requests that the sending daemon retransmit them

§  Sending RVD stores outbound messages for a limited period of time

§  Re-transmissions

o        Buffers held for a time interval

o        Duplicate requests for the same packet within a window are ignored

v    Subject-based addressing conventions define a simple, uniform name space for messages and their destinations decoupling programs from the network addresses of specific computers.

Communication between programs is anonymous, decoupling consumers from producers.

§  Consumers need not know where or how data is produced

§  Producers need not know where data is consumed

Special Characters

§  _ (underscore): Subject names beginning with underscore are reserved.

§  . (dot): Separates elements within a subject name.

§  > (greater-than): Wildcard character, matches one or more trailing elements.

§  * (asterisk): Wildcard character, matches one element.


§  The asterisk (*) is a wildcard character that matches any one element. The asterisk substitutes for whole elements only, not for partial substrings of characters within an element.

§  Greater-than (>) is a wildcard character that matches all the elements remaining to the right.

Names that begin with an underscore character (_) are special subjects

§  _INBOX.

v  All inbox names begin with this prefix. Programs may not create inbox names except with inbox creation calls. Programs cannot combine inbox names with wildcards.

§  _LOCAL.

v  Messages with subject names that have this prefix are only visible and distributed to transports connected to the same TIB/Rendezvous daemon as the sender.

§  _RV., _RVCM., _RVCMQ., _RVFT., _RVDS.

v  Subject names with those prefixes indicate advisory messages, including informational messages, warnings and errors. Programs must not send to subjects with this prefix.

Listening to:

Matches to:

Does not match to:



RUN.away (extra element)

Run.away (case)

RUN (missing element)




Giants.vs.Yankees (position)

Yankees.beat.Sox (vs beat)

Yankees.vs (missing element)





your (missing elements)

Pick.up.your.foot (position)





HOME.RUN (position)

Run.away (case)

RUN (missing element)

TIBCO RV programs exchange self-describing data that consists of up to 6 parts:

§  Data

o        The data itself

§  Type

o        Indicator to interpret the data as an integer, a string, a composite message, or any other datatype

§  Size

o        Number of bytes that the data occupies

§  Name

o        The subject name of the message or the name of a field within a message

§  Identifier

o        An optional integer that uniquely identifies a field within a message

§  Count

o        The number of elements in an array datatype

Two Types

§  Network Transport

o        Delivers messages across a network to one or many hosts

o        Messages pass through the RVD process

§  Intra-process Transport

o        Deliver messages between program threads