Orphaned files and directories (allocated but not referenced) are placed
in lost+found during "fsck" operations. Files are named by the inode
reference "as found" by fsck. Files present in this directory are
inconsistent or badly injured.



The lost+found Directory
When files are recovered after any sort of problem or failure,they are placed in the lost + found directory, if the kernel cannot ascertain the proper location in the system

/lost found:
一般重启或关闭system,可下sync;sync.避免有些message会留在硬盘之cache上,此时dirty bit为1,当再开机时,system会去检查每一个dirtybit是否为0,假如为1则会执行fsck。作fsck时,常会问要否删除dirtybit,如选yes时,会把inode集中放在lost found®用file 指令去查寻,不重要再行删除即可(inode number)。简单言之,本目录乃记录硬盘上的partition于资料流失时作fsck寻找回来的遗失文件片段。



另外删除这个文件夹,一定要使用 mklost+found建立,而不是简单的mkdir  lost+found。



和Windows fat16/32文件系统 scandisk后的FOUND001目录一样的作用,文件系统结构修复后的孤立文件