Definition of 'Tranches'
A piece, portion or slice of a deal or structured financing. This portion is one of several related securities that are offered at the same time but have different risks, rewards and/or maturities. "Tranche" is the French word for "slice". 
Investopedia explains 'Tranches'
Tranche is a term often used to describe a specific class of bonds within an offering wherein each tranche offers varying degrees of risk to the investor. For example, a CMO offering a partitioned MBS portfolio might have mortgages (tranches) that have one-year, two- year, five-year and 20-year maturities. It can also refer to segments that are offered domestically and internationally.

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Investopedia explains 'Pro-Rata Tranche'
Within the pro-rata tranche, the revolving credit line will typically have the same ending or maturity date as the term loan. By forming a syndicate, banks involved in the deal can spread the credit risks among several lenders. Pro-rata tranches have historically been much larger than institutional tranches in terms of dollar size.

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Definition of 'Credit Tranche'
A system used by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to govern its lending activities to member countries. When a member nation applies for a loan to help with balance of payment difficulties, the IMF will disperse the loan in a series of credit tranches. Tranches are a portion of the loan that is released upon the member country fulfilling conditions or requirements set forth by the IMF. 
Investopedia explains 'Credit Tranche'
An International Monetary Fund loan usually lasts between 18 months and three years. At the start of the loan, the borrowing nation must demonstrate that reasonable efforts have been taken to overcome its financial difficulties. If this requirement is met, the country will receive the first credit tranche of the loan, usually 25% of its total value. The later series of credit tranches will have various conditions, each of which the borrower must satisfy before receiving the next portion of funding.

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