
  • 官网
  • gerrit 的结构
  • gerrit 的生命周期
  • commit-msg Hook
  • 添加用户



gerrit 的结构

  • 传统项目
  • 认识 Gerrit_添加用户

  • gerrit项目
引入了一个新的概念 Pending Changes
  所有修改都先发送到Pending Changes, 供其他人查看和讨论
  当足够的Reviewer批准代码更改时, 才可以将更改提交代码库

gerrit 的生命周期

  1. Making the change
  2. Creating the review
""" 提交更改到Pending Change区域 """
git commit

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
# git push origin HEAD:refs/for/<branch_name>
  1. Reviewing the change
 	+2  -->  Looks good to me, approved
 	+1  -->  Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
 	0   -->  No score
 	-1  -->  I would prefer that you didn’t submit this
 	-2  -->  Do not submit
  1. Reworking the change
reviewer 打负分说明需要更改
 Cover Message文本框内可以添加理由
 修改问题后, 再提交审核
  1. Verifying the change
验证可以由自动化工具完成, 也可以手动
 Verified 评分+1则验证通过
  1. submitting the change
 	在"代码审查"界面打开更改, 并点击"提交"

commit-msg Hook

顾名思义, 提交消息挂钩

# 本地Git库安装钩子后, 消息如下
Improve foo widget by attaching a bar.

We want a bar, because it improves the foo by providing more
wizbangery to the dowhatimeanery.

Signed-off-by: A. U. Thor <author@example.com>

# 插入新的"Change-ID", 消息如下
Improve foo widget by attaching a bar.

We want a bar, because it improves the foo by providing more
wizbangery to the dowhatimeanery.

Change-Id: Ic8aaa0728a43936cd4c6e1ed590e01ba8f0fbf5b
Signed-off-by: A. U. Thor <author@example.com>

# 获取钩子文件, 使用scp wget curl
scp -p -P 29418 <your username>@<your Gerrit review server>:hooks/commit-msg <local path to your git>/.git/hooks/

# 确保钩子文件可执行
chmod u+s <local path to your git>/.git/hooks/commit-msg


# 在服务器执行
htpasswd xx/gerrit/review_sites/etc/passwords username

# 根据提示输入密码

# 在web端根据这个用户名密码登录, 注册为gerrit用户

# 在gerrit, project中设置权限