


-bash-3.2$ ps -eo 'pid,rss' --sort=-rss 

   (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info 

    will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) 

     PID   RSS 

   20872 732320 

    5030 617408 

   15583 219672 

   15320 15940 

    9654 10088 

    1846  9100 

    8580  8748 

    9665  8588 

    3938  8304 

    2711  3996 

    8575  3276 

    7753  3260 

   19912  2464 

    2689  2140 

   14368  2036 

   28490  1968 

    2690  1800 

    7755  1748 

    7756  1568 

    2049  1548 

    2429  1480 

    1841  1304 

    2588  1304 

   23519  1212 

   23559  1176 

    2687  1052 

    8587  1048 

    8592  1040 

    2386   888 

    1897   864 

    8593   856 

    1833   808 

    8588   804 

    8594   740 

    8590   736 

   29128   672 

    2526   652 

       1   648 

    1842   648 

    1788   584 

    1946   572 

    1864   568 

    1856   556 

    1806   448 

    2558   416 

    2559   416 

    2562   416 

    2585   416 

    2586   416 

    2587   416 

     450   368 

    1791   332 

    2405   284 

       2     0 

       3     0 

       4     0 

       5     0 

       6     0 

       7     0 

       8     0 

       9     0 

      10     0 

      45     0 

      50     0 

      51     0 

      52     0 

      97     0 

      98     0 

     101     0 

     103     0 

     177     0 

     180     0 

     181     0 

     182     0 

     318     0 

     331     0 

     332     0 

     360     0 

     361     0 

     362     0 

     372     0 

     391     0 

     417     0 

    1339     0 

    1340     0 

    1341     0 

    1368     0 

    6460     0 

    6468     0


然后统计 rss列的内存总数是1,680M 远小于显示使用的3G.请问那部分内存被什么程序占用了?

可以安装工具atop,或者执行命令cat /proc/meminfo |grep -i slab看看slab占用的内存是否较多。



$sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
$sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=0 #recovery drop_caches

