使用 str.startswith() , str.endswith()

In [32]: filename='span.txt'

In [33]: filename.startswith('sp')
Out[33]: True

In [34]: filename.endswith('xt')
Out[34]: True


In [35]: import os

In [36]: filenames = os.listdir('.')

In [37]: filenames
 'Python Scripts',
 'Tencent Files']

In [38]: [name for name in filenames if name.endswith(('.ini','e'))]
Out[38]: ['.accelerate', 'desktop.ini']

In [39]: any(name.endswith('.ini') for name in filenames)
Out[39]: True

如果刚好把选项指定在了 list 或 set 内,首先使用 tuple() 将他们转换成 tuple():

In [40]: choices = ['http:','ftp:']

In [41]: url='http://baidu.com'

In [42]: url.startswith(choices)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-42-618fcafc4cd7> in <module>()
----> 1 url.startswith(choices)

TypeError: startswith first arg must be str or a tuple of str, not list

In [43]: url.startswith(tuple(choices))
Out[43]: True