

(1) Oracle算术运算符


select 5 + 3 from dual;
select 5 - 3 from dual;
select 5 * 3 from dual;
select 5 / 3 from dual;
select mod(5,3) from dual;

(2) Oracle关系运算符

















(3) Oracle的逻辑运算符


(4) 字符串连接符||

select 'w' || 123 || 'abc' from dual;



-- SELECT DISTINCT 列1,列2,列3... from 表名;
select distinct stuaddress,grade from jalen.stuinfo;
select distinct job from scott.emp;


-- where的 =、IN 、LIKE 、BETWEEN ... AND 、AND 、OR 、NOT 
select * from scott.emp where job = 'CLERK'; 
select * from scott.emp where ename like '%A%';
select * from scott.emp where ename like 'A%';
select * from scott.emp where ename like '%E';
select * from scott.emp where ename like '_A%';
SELECT * FROM scott.emp where sal between 1000 and 1500;
select * from scott.emp where job='CLERK'and sal>=1000;
select * from scott.emp where comm <>0 and comm is not null;
select * from scott.emp where comm=0 or comm is null;
select * from scott.emp where deptno in (10,20) order by deptno desc;


Oracle集合运算就是把多个查询结果组合成一个查询结果,oralce的集合运算包括:INTERSECT(交集)、UINION ALL(交集重复)、UINION(交集不重复)、MINUS(补集)。表取别名时不要用as ,直接用空格。

  • 1、intersect(交集),返回两个查询共有的记录。
  • 2、union all(并集重复),返回各个查询的所有记录,包括重复记录。
  • 3、union(并集不重复),返回各个查询的所有记录,不包括重复记录 (重复的记录只取一条)。
  • 4、minus(补集),返回第一个查询检索出的记录减去第二个查询检索出的记录之后剩余的记录。


-- 0、数据准备
create table scott.emp01 as select * from scott.emp;
select * from scott.emp;  -- 14条记录
select * from scott.emp01; -- 复制emp表的14条记录
-- 1、INTERSECT(交集),返回两个查询共有的记录。
select * from scott.emp
intersect  --交集
select * from scott.emp01; --两个表相同的记录,这里也是14条
-- 2、UNION ALL(并集重复),返回各个查询的所有记录,包括重复记录。
select * from scott.emp
union all    --并集重复
select * from scott.emp01; --28条记录
-- 3、UNION(并集不重复),返回各个查询的所有记录,不包括重复记录 (重复的记录只取一条)。
select * from scott.emp
union  --并集不重复
select * from scott.emp01;  --14条记录
-- 4、MINUS(补集),返回第一个查询检索出的记录减去第二个查询检索出的记录之后剩余的记录
select * from scott.emp
minus --补集
select * from scott.emp01;  --0条记录


Oracle连接查询,包含内关联(inner jion )和外关联(outer join),其中外关联又分为左外关联(left [outer] join)、右外关联(right [outer] join)和全外关联(full [outer] join)其中外关联可以使用(+)来表示。

-- 内连接
select * from scott.emp e inner join scott.dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno;
select * from scott.emp e,scott.dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno;
-- 左外连接
select * from scott.emp e left join scott.dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno;
select * from scott.emp e,scott.dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno(+);
-- 右外连接
select * from scott.emp e right join scott.dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno;
select * from scott.emp e,scott.dept d where e.deptno(+)=d.deptno;
-- full join(全外连接)
select * from scott.emp e full join scott.dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno;


    select * from scott.dept where deptno =
    (select deptno from scott.emp where sal=800);
    select * from scott.dept where deptno in
    (select deptno from scott.emp where sal>=800); 
    --多行子查询ANY :大于最小值
    select * from scott.dept where deptno >ANY
    (select deptno from scott.emp where sal>=800);
    --多行子查询ALL :大于最大值
    select * from scott.dept where deptno >ALL
    (select deptno from scott.emp where sal>=800);  
   -- exists嵌套查询
   select dname from scott.dept d where exists (
   select sal from scott.emp e where e.deptno = d.deptno and sal > 3000);