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	// <![CDATA[
		var global = (function () {
			return this;
		function show(str) {
			$("#div").append($("<p></p>").text("" + str));
		//这个引用类型可以是原生类型(Object, Array, Date, RegExp, Function, Boolean, Number, String),也可以是自定义类型。
		function Person(name, age) {
		    this.name = name;
		    this.age = age;
		    this.sayName = function() {
		var zhangsan = new Person('zhangsan', 20);
		var lisi = new Person('lisi', 20);
		zhangsan.sayName();			//zhangsan
		lisi.sayName();				//lisi
		//a、创建一个新对象;[var o = new Object();]
		//b、将构造函数的作用域赋给新对象(因此this指向了这个新对象);[Person.apply(o)]  [Person原来的this指向的是global]
		function createObject(P) {
		    var o = new Object();
		    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
		    o.__proto__ = P.prototype;
		    P.prototype.constructor = P;
		    P.apply(o, args);
		    return o;
		var wangwu = createObject(Person, 'wangwu', 20);
		wangwu.sayName();		//wangwu
		//在默认情况下,所有原型对象都会自动获得一个constructor(构造函数)属性,这个属性包含一个指向 prototype 属性所在函数的指针。
		//创建了自定义的构造函数后,其原型对象默认只会取得 constructor 属性;至于其他方法,则都从 Object 继承而来。
		Person.prototype.country = 'chinese';
		Person.prototype.sayCountry = function() {
		var zs = new Person('zhangsan', 20);
		var ls = new Person('lisi', 20);
		zs.sayCountry();		//chinese
		ls.sayCountry();		//chinese
		show(zs.sayCountry === ls.sayCountry); 	//true

		var Book = (function() {
			// Private static attributes.
			// 私有静态属性
			var numOfBooks = 0;
			// Private static method.
			// 私有静态函数
			function checkIsbn(isbn) {
				//	... 
				return isbn != null;
			// Return the constructor.  
			// 返回构造器
			return function(newIsbn, newTitle, newAuthor) {
				// Private attributes. 
				// 私有属性
				var isbn, title, author;
				// Privileged methods.
				// 特权函数是指可以访问私有属性的函数
				this.getIsbn = function() {
					return isbn; 
				this.setIsbn = function(newIsbn) {
						throw new Error('Book: Invalid ISBN.');
					isbn = newIsbn; 
				this.getTitle = function() {
					return title;
				this.setTitle = function(newTitle) {
					title = newTitle || 'No title specified'; 
				this.getAuthor = function() {
					return author;
				this.setAuthor = function(newAuthor) {
					author = newAuthor || 'No author specified';
				// Constructor code.
				// Keep track of how many Books have been instantiated 
				// with the private static attribute.
				if(numOfBooks > 50)
					throw new Error('Book: Only 50 instances of Book can be created.');
		// Public static method.  
		Book.convertToTitleCase = function(inputString) {
		// Public, non-privileged methods. 
		// 非特权函数是指不需要访问私有数据的公共方法
		Book.prototype = {
			display: function() {
				show("isbn = " + this.getIsbn() + ", title = " + this.getTitle() + ", author = " + this.getAuthor());
		Book.prototype.constructor = Book;
		try {
			var theHobbit;
			for(var i = 0; i < 60; i++)
				theHobbit = new Book('0-395-07122-4-' + i, 'The Hobbit', 'J. R. R. Tolkien');
		} catch (error) {
			show(error);	//Error: Book: Only 50 instances of Book can be created.

		theHobbit.display();	//isbn = 0-395-07122-4-49, title = The Hobbit, author = J. R. R. Tolkien

	// ]]>