Which blood type is yours? Do you know what are your traits? Look at here, maybe it can help you find the

Type A:  Positive traits: orderly, law-abiding, fastidious, soft-spoken, fashionable, calm
 Negative traits: picky, selfish, secretive, pessimistic, inflexible, reckless when drunk
 Suitable carees: accountant, librarian, economist, novelist, computer programmer, gossip coloumnist

Type B:  Positive traits: independent, flexible, candid, sensitive, passionate, persuasive
 Negative traits: unpredictable, indiscreet, lazy, impatient, overbearing, can't wake up
 Suitable carees: cook, hairdresser,military leader, talk show host, journalist, golfer

Type AB: Positive traits: rational calculating, honest, diplomatic, organized, stong ESP
 Negative traits: unforgiving, playboy, easily offended, too conservative, nitpicker, hard to know
 Suitable carees: hartender, attorney, teacher, sales representative, social worker, witch

 Type O: Positive traits: healthy, idealistic, goal-oriented, clear-sighted, good at sports, sexy
 Negative traits: status-seeking, jealous, greedy, unreliable, obseesive lover, can't shut up
 Suitable carees: banker, politician, gambler, minister, investment broker, baseball player