In addition to permanent tables, Oracle can create temporary tables  to hold
session-private data that exists only for  the duration of a transaction or session.
The  CREATE   GLOBAL   TEMPORARY TABLE statement creates a temporary table that can
be transaction-specific or session-specific. For transaction-specific temporary tables,
data exists for the duration of the transaction. For session-specific temporary tables,
data exists for the duration of the session.  Data in a temporary table is private to the
session. Each session can only see and modify its own data. DML locks are not
acquired on the data of the temporary tables. The LOCK statement has no effect on a

temporary table, because each se ssion has its own private data.


CRATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE语句创建一个临时表,它可以被指定为事务或者是会话级别。




A TRUNCATE  statement issued on a session-specific temporary table truncates data in

its own session. It does not truncate the data of other sessions that are using the same


DML statements on temporary tables do not  generate redo logs for the data changes.

However, undo logs for the data and redo logs for the undo logs are generated. Data

from the temporary table is automatically dr opped in the case of session termination,

either when the user logs off or when the session terminates abnormally such as

during a session or instance failure.



DML语句在临时表上并不创建REDO日志对于数据的改变。但是UNDO日志 以及针对UNDO的REDO



You can create indexes for temporary tables using the  CREATE   INDEX statement.

Indexes created on temporary tables are also  temporary, and the data in the index has

the same session or transaction scope  as the data in the temporary table.

You can create views that access both temporary and permanent tables. You can also

create triggers on temporary tables.

Oracle utilities can export and import the definition of a temporary table. However, no

data rows are exported even if you use the ROWS clause. Similarly, you can replicate

the definition of a temporary table, but you cannot replicate its data.

你可以使用CREATE INDEX语句去创建临时表的索引。索引创建在临时表上它也是临时的,并且



