
The margin of a written or printed page is the empty space at the side of the page. 页边的空白

例:She added her comments in the margin. 她在页边空白处加上了她的评语。



var                   layoutMargins         :                   UIEdgeInsets

These 4 values (the UIEdgeInsets

For example, this is the result of an inside view whose leading space to the superview is 0 (relative to margin):

iOS8 Layout Margins 详解_Code

We would expect to see the yellow view attached to the left side of the green view but this is not the case. The leading constraint is relative to the margin, and the margin of every view is, by default, 8 points in length (as of today).


Default                   Margins          =          UIEdgeInsets         (         top         :                   8         ,                   left         :                   8         ,                   bottom         :                   8         ,                   right         :                   8         )

So the inner view is shifted right by 8 points.

We can change the default behavior modifying the constraint from the Interface Builder menu:

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Uncheck the “Relative to Margin” item and the constraint will be relative to the left side of the view (not to the left margin of it):

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When we add a constraint in Interface Builder it can make it relative to margin (this seems to be the default when the main view of the controller is involved). A shortcut to change this behavior is to hold also the ALT key when we insert it (ctrl-alt click and drag).

Programmatically we can change the layout margins of the view with the following code:


if                   version                   >=                   8                   {

          myView         .         layoutMargins                   =                   UIEdgeInsets         (

            top         :                   0         ,

            left         :                   40         ,

            bottom         :                   0         ,

            right         :                   0         )


This code causes the inside view to be more right-shifted:

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Note the check of the system version since this code is not supported before iOS8. For completeness the system version is so defined:


let                   version                   =                   (         UIDevice         .         currentDevice         (         )         .         systemVersion                   as                   NSString         )         .         doubleValue

Programmatic Constraints



enum                   NSLayoutAttribute                   :          Int                   {

             case                   Left

             case                   Right

             case                   Top

             case                   Bottom

             case                   Leading

             case                   Trailing

             case                   Width

             case                   Height

             case                   CenterX

             case                   CenterY

             case                   Baseline


             case                   FirstBaseline


             case                   LeftMargin

             case                   RightMargin

             case                   TopMargin

             case                   BottomMargin

             case                   LeadingMargin

             case                   TrailingMargin

             case                   CenterXWithinMargins

             case                   CenterYWithinMargins


             case                   NotAnAttribute


If we use visual format, strings like:



are automatically interpreted as relative to margins. As of today we don’t know the visual format syntax to avoid this, but we can always calculate margins and take them in account its effect (waiting for more documentation).



var                   preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins         :                   Bool

From the documentation:

A Boolean value indicating whether the current view also respects the margins of its superview.

It took a while to me to understand this property. It is better explained with an example.

In the following figure the red view contains the brown that contains the purple. The red has left margin 40pt. The brown has a leading constraint 0 relative to side (not margin) of superview, so it is attached left. The purple has leading constraint 0 to margin

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On the other hand if we set preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins of the brown view to true, its subviews (purple) take in account its superview margin, and the result is the following:

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The usual …didChange

If we implement the following method in our view custom class, it is then called every time its margins change:


override                   func                   layoutMarginsDidChange         (         )                   {

             println         (         "layoutMarginsDidChange"         )


The default implementation does nothing.


XCode LayoutMargins Project