1. /*
2.  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
3.  * and open the template in the editor.
4.  */
6. package
8. import
9. import
10. import
11. class ChessPanel extends
12. private int space=20;
13. //网格距离 
14. private int grids=30;
15. //网格数. 
16. private int radios=space/2;
17. //棋的半径。 
18. private int[][] chesses=new int[grids+1][grids+1];
19. private int currcolor=1;
20. private JMenuBar chessmenubar=new
21. private JMenu optmenu=new JMenu("文件");
22. private JMenuItem startmenuitem=new JMenuItem("开始");
23. private JMenuItem exitmenuitem=new JMenuItem("退出");
24. private ActionListener starthandeler=new
25. public void
26.     cleargrids();
27. 1;
28.     repaint();
29.     }
30.     };
31. private ActionListener exithandeler=new
32. public void
33. 0);
35.     }
36.     };
37. private MouseListener playchesshaneler=new
38. public void
39. int
40. int
41. if(x<grids*space && x>=0 && y<grids*space && y>=0){
42. if(chesses[round(x)][round(y)]==0){
43.                 chesses[round(x)][round(y)]=currcolor;
44. 1?2:1;
45.                 repaint();
46.             }
47.         }
48.     }
49.     };
50. public int round(float
51. float
52. return
53.     }
54. public ChessPanel(int space,int
55. this.space=space;
56. this.grids=grids;
57. this.radios=space/2;
58.     setBackground(Color.YELLOW);
59.     setSize(space*grids,space*grids);
60.     startmenuitem.addActionListener(starthandeler);
61.     exitmenuitem.addActionListener(exithandeler);
62.     addMouseListener(playchesshaneler);
63.     chessmenubar.add(optmenu);
64.     optmenu.add(startmenuitem);
65.     optmenu.add(exitmenuitem);
66.     }
67. public
68. return
69.     }
70. private void drawchess(Graphics g,int x,int y,int
71. 1?Color.WHITE:Color.BLACK);
72. 2, radios*2);
73.         }
74. public void
75.     g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY);
76. for(int i=0;i<=grids;i++){
77. 0, i*space, grids*space, i*space);
78. 0, i*space, grids*space);
80.     }
81.     }
82. public void
83. for(int i=0;i<grids;i++)
84. for(int j=0;j<=grids;j++)
85. 0;
86.     }
87. public void
88. super.paintComponent(g);
89.         drawGirds(g);
90. for(int i=0;i<=grids;i++)
91. for(int j=0;j<=grids;j++)
92. if(chesses[i][j]!=0)
93.                     drawchess(g,i,j,chesses[i][j]);
96.     }
99. }
100. public class ChessPlayer extends
101. private ChessPanel chesspanel=new ChessPanel(20,30);
102. public
103. super(title);
104. Container contentpane=getContentPane();
105. contentpane.add(chesspanel);
106. setJMenuBar(chesspanel.getMenuBar());
107. setSize(600,600);
108. setVisible(true);
109. setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
112. }
113. public static void
114. new ChessPlayer("五子棋");
115. }
117. }