react 更新最新状态值

In both hooks and class components, we have several ways to construct and alter the component’s state. We change the state by calling setState or using useState. These changes cause parts of the component to re-render, and possibly to its children.

在 hook和class组件中,我们都有几种方法来构造和更改组件的状态。 我们通过调用setState或使用useState更改状态。 这些更改会导致组件的某些部分重新呈现,甚至可能会呈现给其子代。

An interesting mechanism of React, which is not mentioned much, is the state batch updating. Instead of one by one, React does batch updates, reducing the number of component renders.

状态批处理更新是React的一个有趣的机制,它很少被提及。 React不会一一对应地进行批处理更新,从而减少了组件渲染的数量。

In this article, we will examine how and when this happens, using examples.


(Class components state)

Using class components we have the component’s single state object, which we usually update using a single this.setState command. Take this for example.

使用类组件,我们具有组件的单个状态对象,通常使用单个this.setState命令对其进行更新。 以这个为例。

(Hooks state)

However, when using hooks, the situation is more complex.


Using useState we have several options to construct the state of the component.


  • Use a single state object, and work with it just like the previous class component example.
  • Split the state into singular properties.
  • Or divide the state into several state variables related to each other.

Basically the three options 基本上三个选项

(When refactoring class component into hooks…)

Since the release of hooks with React 16.8, there has been a heated debate in the React community regarding their use vs the old-school class components.

自从在React 16.8中发布钩子以来,React社区一直在激烈讨论它们的使用和老式类组件。

When refactoring a class-based component into hook functional component, there are all sorts of things to consider, one of them is how to construct the state.


“We recommend to split state into multiple state variables based on which values tend to change together”, according to React regarding to Hooks.

根据关于钩子的React所说 ,“我们建议根据状态值一起变化将状态分为多个状态变量”。

Recently a co-worker asked me, how to properly migrate such class component into a hooks function component, and how to divide its new state.


My first answer, as recommended by React, was similar to the above. But actually, I did not feel comfortable with this answer.

根据React的建议,我的第一个答案与上述类似。 但是实际上,我对这个答案并不满意。

How can we know in advance which variables tend to change together? And besides that, a future feature may force us to change them apart, and consequently build the state differently.

我们如何预先知道哪些变量会一起变化? 除此之外,未来的功能可能会迫使我们将它们分开,从而以不同的方式构建国家。

Finally, I suggested him, divide the state into separate individual variables.


His next and obvious question was, “When we have a state with discrete variables, we will have to change them separately and thus cause unnecessary re-renders. Wouldn’t it impair the performance of the application?”.

他的下一个显而易见的问题是:“当我们的状态中包含离散变量时,我们将不得不分别更改它们,从而导致不必要的重新渲染。 会不会损害应用程序的性能?”。

(React batch updating)

“React may batch multiple setState() calls into a single update for performance”, according to React’s documentation.

根据React的文档 “ React可以将多个setState()调用批处理到单个更新中以提高性能”。

Batch updating is a React’s interesting feature, that combines state updates.


The main idea is that no matter how many setState calls you make inside a React event handler or synchronous lifecycle method, it will be batched into a single update. That is only one single re-render will eventually happen.

主要思想是,无论您在React 事件处理程序同步生命周期方法中进行多少setState调用,它都将被批处理成一个更新。 最终只有一次重新渲染。

This functionality is relevant for both hooks and regular class components, and its purpose is to prevent unnecessary rendering.


“Currently (React 16 and earlier), only updates inside React event handlers are batched by default” , according to Dan Abramov.

“目前(React 16和更早版本),默认情况下,仅批处理React事件处理程序中的更新”,根据Dan Abramov的说法。

(Batch update example)

Take a look at the next example.


A function component, which at the click of its button, changes the three individual states of the component one after the other.


On contrary to what one might think, on click, the component renders only once, although the three states change separately.


This is possible thanks to batch updating.


The same holds for class components. Separate changes to the state within the event handler will result in a single rendering.

类组件也是如此。 事件处理程序中状态的单独更改将导致单个呈现。

Console to see how many times the component was rendered 控制台,以查看该组件被渲染了多少次

(In which cases does batch updating works?)

As mentioned, batch updating should work inside event handlers. But it actually works in other methods too.

如前所述,批处理更新应该在事件处理程序中起作用。 但是它实际上也可以用其他方法工作。

In this example, you can see how to batch updating works within useEffect.


Don’t worry about the fact that the component renders twice on init. This is for example purposes only. 不必担心组件在init上渲染两次的事实。 这仅出于示例目的。

And here you can see that setState is called inside componentDidMount which causes only one extra update (and not three).


Console to see how many times the component was rendered. 控制台,以查看该组件被渲染了多少次。

(But it doesn’t work in every situation…)

Note that this functionality does not always work. In an event handler that uses an asynchronous operation of different kinds, such as async/await, then/catch, setTimeout, fetch, etc. Separate state updates will not be batched.

请注意,此功能并不总是有效。 在使用不同类型的异步操作(例如async/awaitthen/catchsetTimeoutfetch等)的事件处理程序中。单独的状态更新将被批处理。

In this case, on every click, instead of one render, we get three.


Click on each of the buttons and check how many times the component is rendered. 单击每个按钮,然后检查渲染该组件的次数。

(How to force batching?)

Fortunately, we can overcome this by using ReactDOM.unstable_batchUpdate , And still benefit from state batched updates as needed.

幸运的是,我们可以通过使用ReactDOM.unstable_batchUpdate克服这一ReactDOM.unstable_batchUpdate ,并且仍然可以根据需要从状态批处理更新中受益。

This is how it’s done.


See how the component renders only once? 看看组件只渲染一次吗?

Although this function is supposedly “unstable”, React apparently intends to address this in the following versions.


“In future versions (probably React 17 and later), React will batch all updates by default so you won’t have to think about this”, according to Dan Abramov.

Dan Abramov表示: “在未来的版本中(可能是React 17及更高版本),React将默认批处理所有更新,因此您不必考虑这一点。”


Working with either React hooks and class components, it is worth getting to know this cool feature, which helps us manage the state, effortlessly, and in a performant way.


I hope this post helped you to understand how you can update the state in a smarter and clearer way.


Have a great day! Thanks for reading! 🎾

祝你有美好的一天! 谢谢阅读! 🎾


react 更新最新状态值