摘 要


在表示层中,首先通过JSP页面实现交互界面,负责传送请求和接收响应,然后Struts根据配置文件将接收到的Request委派给相应的Action处理。在业务层中,管理服务组件的Spring IoC容器负责向Action提供业务模型组件和该组件的协作对象数据处理组件完成业务逻辑。


关键词:电子商务平台; Spring; Struts; Hibernate; Java


This graduation assignment used SSH(Struts+Spring+Hibernate) framework.What is more,it achieve management of online store,customers’ register and purchasing service based on MVC system and SSH framework.

In the presentation level , the first step is used JSP website to complete interactive interface, which charge for request and response.Then the Struts according to already file transform the request from the Action Servlet to pointed Action.In the processing level,Management service module Spring IOC will offer the project module Model and DAO module to Action to complete processing and offering the modules included business dealing,buffer pool which aims to improve the system efficiency and ensure complement of the data.

Finally, we achieved this online-shopping system which is supported by the varieties of technologies referred above,after analyzing the requirement of market system and design the framework.This system divide into proscenium and background operation.In the proscenium,it service for register,log in,scanning goods,personal information management.Background operation is used for goods management,goods classify management and orders management.We successfully put three framework into practice and apply them into reality, We have a rich experience of handling the BAE data base which is be helpful to our future job.In general, it has a great application value.

Keywords : E-commerce; Spring; Struts; Hibernate; Java

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