kafka 高吞吐量介绍

  • 零拷贝


kafka高水位数据丢失 kafka高吞吐量_kafka高水位数据丢失


kafka高水位数据丢失 kafka高吞吐量_缓存_02

通过sendfile系统调用,提供了零拷贝。数据通过DMA(Direct Memory Access)拷贝到内核态Buffer后,直接通过DMA拷贝到NIC Buffer,无需CPU拷贝。

public long transferFrom(FileChannel fileChannel, long position, long count) throws IOException {
    return fileChannel.transferTo(position, count, socketChannel);
  • 磁盘顺序写 和 页缓存
  • 消息批量写入 和 消息压缩kafka消息压缩方式是将多条消息一起压缩,这样的压缩效果比较好;compression .type来配置压缩方式,有GZIP、SNAPPY、LS4,默认是不压缩的。kafka 消息格式
• public static int writeTo(DataOutputStream out,
                          int offsetDelta,
                          long timestampDelta,
                          ByteBuffer key,
                          ByteBuffer value,
                          Header[] headers) throws IOException {
    int sizeInBytes = sizeOfBodyInBytes(offsetDelta, timestampDelta, key, value, headers);
    ByteUtils.writeVarint(sizeInBytes, out);
    byte attributes = 0; // there are no used record attributes at the moment
    out.write(attributes); //属性
    ByteUtils.writeVarlong(timestampDelta, out); // 时间增量
    ByteUtils.writeVarint(offsetDelta, out); // 偏移增量
    if (key == null) {
        ByteUtils.writeVarint(-1, out);
    } else {
        int keySize = key.remaining();
        ByteUtils.writeVarint(keySize, out);
        Utils.writeTo(out, key, keySize); //key keySize
    if (value == null) {
        ByteUtils.writeVarint(-1, out);
    } else {
        int valueSize = value.remaining();
        ByteUtils.writeVarint(valueSize, out);
        Utils.writeTo(out, value, valueSize); // value valueSize
    if (headers == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Headers cannot be null");
    ByteUtils.writeVarint(headers.length, out);
    for (Header header : headers) {
        String headerKey = header.key();
        if (headerKey == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid null header key found in headers");
        byte[] utf8Bytes = Utils.utf8(headerKey);
        ByteUtils.writeVarint(utf8Bytes.length, out);
        byte[] headerValue = header.value();
        if (headerValue == null) {
            ByteUtils.writeVarint(-1, out);
        } else {
            ByteUtils.writeVarint(headerValue.length, out); // headerValue.length
            out.write(headerValue); // headerValue
    return ByteUtils.sizeOfVarint(sizeInBytes) + sizeInBytes;


  • 总结
    零拷贝减少了上下文的切换;磁盘顺序写加快了写入时间 ,页缓存减缓I/O开销;消息批量写入减少网络I/O,消息压缩减少传输量。