先占个坑,前两部分内容更新完成。下面更新第三部分内容,OpenCV的图像处理模块(imgproc module)。这部分开始讲OpenCV的图像处理函数。内容有点多,先列出来。

  • Basic DrawingLanguages: C++, Java, Python兼容性: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán基本绘图。用OpenCV绘制简单的几何图形。We will learn how to draw simple geometry with OpenCV!
  • Random generator and text with OpenCVCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán随机数生成器和图像上的文字。用OpenCV画一些有趣的东西,在图像上添加文字。We will draw some fancy-looking
  • Smoothing ImagesLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán图像平滑。一些基本的线性滤波器。Let's take a look at some basic linear filters!
  • Eroding and DilatingLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0
    Author: Ana Huamán图像腐蚀与膨胀。改变物体的形状。Let's change
  • More Morphology TransformationsLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán更多的形态学变换。研究不同的形态学算子。Here we investigate different morphology operators
  • Hit-or-MissLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.4Author: Lorena García击中击不中操作。用击中击不中变换来处理二值图像。Learn how to find patterns in binary images using the Hit-or-Miss operation
  • Extract horizontal and vertical lines by using morphological operationsLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Theodore Tsesmelis用形态学运算提取水平和垂直线。Here we will show how we can use different morphological operators to extract horizontal and vertical lines
  • Image PyramidsLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán图像金字塔。如果想要更大或者更小的图像该怎么办?What if I need a bigger/smaller image?
  • Basic Thresholding OperationsLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán基本的阈值化运算。After so much processing, it is time to decide which pixels stay
  • Thresholding Operations using inRangeLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Rishiraj Surti用inRange函数实现阈值化。Thresholding operations using inRange function.
  • Making your own linear filters!Languages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán创建自己的线性滤波器。Where we learn to design our own filters by using OpenCV functions
  • Adding borders to your imagesLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán为图像添加边界。图像padding。Where we learn how to pad our images
  • Sobel DerivativesLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana HuamánSobel边缘提取。Where we learn how to calculate gradients and use them to detect edges
  • Laplace OperatorLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán拉普拉斯算子边缘提取。Where we learn about the Laplace
  • Canny Edge DetectorLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana HuamánCanny边缘提取。Where we learn a sophisticated alternative to detect edges
  • Hough Line TransformLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán霍夫变换直线检测。Where we learn how to detect lines
  • Hough Circle TransformLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán霍夫圆检测。Where we learn how to detect circles
  • RemappingLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán重映射。修改像素位置。Where we learn how to manipulate pixels locations
  • Affine TransformationsLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán仿射变换。如何旋转、平移、缩放图像。Where we learn how to rotate, translate and scale our images
  • Histogram EqualizationLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán直方图均衡。改善图像对比对。Where we learn how to improve the contrast in our images
  • Histogram CalculationLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán直方图计算。创建和生成直方图。Where we learn how to create and generate histograms
  • Histogram ComparisonLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán直方图比较。计算度量直方图之间的差异。Where we learn to calculate metrics between histograms
  • Back ProjectionLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán反向投影。利用直方图寻找图像中的相似物体。Where we learn how to use histograms to find similar objects in images
  • Template MatchingLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán模板匹配。Where we learn how to match templates in an image
  • Finding contours in your imageLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán寻找图像中的轮廓。Where we learn how to find contours of objects in our image
  • Convex HullLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán凸包。获取绘制图像中的凸包轮廓。Where we learn how to get hull contours and draw them
  • Creating Bounding boxes and circles for contoursLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán为轮廓创建边界框或圆。Where we learn how to obtain bounding boxes and circles for our contours
  • Creating Bounding rotated boxes and ellipses for contoursLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán为轮廓创建旋转的边界框或椭圆。Where we learn how to obtain rotated bounding boxes and ellipses for our contours
  • Image MomentsLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán图像的矩。Where we learn to calculate the moments of an image
  • Point Polygon TestLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Ana Huamán点多边形。Where we learn how to calculate distances from the image to contours
  • Image Segmentation with Distance Transform and Watershed AlgorithmLanguages: C++, Java, PythonCompatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Theodore Tsesmelis用距离变换和分水岭算法分割图像。Where we learn to segment objects using Laplacian filtering, the Distance Transformation and the Watershed algorithm.
  • Out-of-focus Deblur FilterLanguages: C++Compatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Karpushin Vladislav失焦去模糊滤波。用Wiener滤波器恢复失焦模糊图像。You will learn how to recover an out-of-focus image by Wiener filter.
  • Motion Deblur FilterLanguages: C++Compatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Karpushin Vladislav运动去模糊滤波。用Wiener 滤波器恢复运动模糊图像。You will learn how to recover an image with motion blur distortion using a Wiener filter.
  • Anisotropic image segmentation by a gradient structure tensorLanguages: C++Compatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Karpushin Vladislav基于梯度结构张量的各向异性图像分割。You will learn how to segment an anisotropic image with a single local orientation by a gradient structure tensor.
  • Periodic Noise Removing FilterLanguages: C++Compatibility: > OpenCV 2.0Author: Karpushin Vladislav周期性噪声滤波器。用傅里叶变换滤掉周期性噪声。You will learn how to remove periodic noise in the Fourier domain.