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One of the things that OS X does is save every Wi-Fi network you connect to. This is great if you go from Wi-Fi network to Wi-Fi network and don’t want to enter your credentials each and every time, but it does have a downside.

OS X要做的一件事就是保存您连接到的每个Wi-Fi网络。 如果您从Wi-Fi网络转到Wi-Fi网络,并且不想每次都输入您的凭据,那就太好了,但这确实有一个缺点。

For one, if you connect to a network with a common name, such as “xfinitywifi” then your computer might connect to that network whenever it is available.

例如,如果您使用通用名称(例如“ xfinitywifi”)连接到网络,则只要计算机可用,您的计算机就可能连接到该网络。

Another example, let’s say your network isn’t immediately available and you’ve connected to another network across the street. However, that network’s signal is weak and though you can connect to it, it’ll be frustratingly slow. Furthermore, you may even realize immediately what has happened so you won’t understand why your Internet access is so darned slow.

再举一个例子,假设您的网络无法立即使用,并且您已连接到街道对面的另一个网络。 但是,该网络的信号较弱,尽管您可以连接到它,但它会令人沮丧地缓慢。 此外,您甚至可能会立即意识到发生了什么,因此您将不明白为什么您的Internet访问速度如此之慢。

Today we want to show you how to add and remove Wi-Fi networks on OS X so that these kind of situations don’t occur. Furthermore, it’s very advisable that you go through and prune your saved network from time to time so if you have a bunch of old ones in your list, then it may be time to clean house.

今天我们想向您展示如何在OS X上添加和删除Wi-Fi网络,以免发生这种情况。 此外,非常建议您不定期地对保存的网络进行修剪,因此,如果列表中有一堆旧的网络,那么可能是时候清理房子了。

(Removing Networks)

To begin, first open the network preferences and click the “Advanced” button.


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With the advanced panel open, make sure you’re on the Wi-Fi tab and choose the network for which you no longer have any use and click the “-” button.

在高级面板打开的情况下,确保您位于“ Wi-Fi”选项卡上,然后选择不再使用的网络,然后单击“-”按钮。

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If you want to select multiple networks at once, hold the “Command” key and click on each network you want to delete. 如果要一次选择多个网络,请按住“ Command”键,然后单击要删除的每个网络。

A warning dialog will appear asking you to confirm, click “Remove” to delete the network from your saved list.


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Again, we recommend going through and giving your saved networks a good proper cleaning from time to time.


(Adding Networks)

Adding networks, such as if you need to add a hidden network is as simple as clicking the “+” and entering the necessary information.

添加网络(例如,您是否需要添加隐藏的网络)就像单击“ +”并输入必要的信息一样简单。

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You will need to enter the SSID or network name and choose the type of security (WEP, WPA/WPA2, etc.).

您将需要输入SSID或网络名称,然后选择安全性类型(WEP,WPA / WPA2等)。

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Now, when you connect to this network, you will need to enter a password (if the network has security). Obviously, since you entered the network manually, it will already be saved but now you know how to delete it.

现在,当您连接到该网络时,您将需要输入密码(如果网络具有安全性)。 显然,由于您是手动输入网络的,因此它已经被保存,但是现在您知道如何删除它了。

You may have noticed in previous screenshots that you can drag networks into the order your prefer, which means that if you do have a multiple networks saved and you don’t want to delete any, then you can rearrange them, which we discuss at greater length in this earlier article.

您可能已经在之前的屏幕截图中注意到,可以将网络拖入您喜欢的顺序,这意味着如果您确实保存了多个网络并且不想删除任何网络,则可以重新排列它们, 我们将在后面讨论这篇文章的长度

Note, we’ve also talked about how to manually remove saved networks from a Windows 8.1 computer if you also use that platform.

请注意,如果您还使用Windows 8.1计算机,那么我们也讨论了如何从Windows 8.1计算机中手动删除保存的网络

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