buf_page_t mysql源码解析 mysql源码解读_mysql


1 在innodb中,保存了一个全局事务链表,记录了活跃事务,即还未完成的事务
2 t2 时刻活跃的事务id为104~111,其中107已经完成
3 在t2时刻,读事务A查询数据,在查询范围内的事务id为100~114,需要判断事务id100~114那些是否可 见的


4 在t3时刻,读事务B查询数,在查询范围内的事务id为100~114,需要判断事务id100~114那些是否可 见的


其中在事务隔离级别 repeatable read,read committed 是通过readview来控制的

repeatable read 在一个事务中,仅复制一次活跃事务链表,即readview在一个事务中,是相同的
         read committed 在一个事务中,每次查询都会复制一次活跃事务链表,即readview在一个事务中,在每次执行的sql语句中,都是不同的。

repeatable read 隔离级别,事务A,在t3时刻,readview不变,则判断就不bian
read committed 事务隔离级别,事务A,在t3时刻,重新复制活跃事务链表,readview 则变化,与事务B的readview 相同,读取的数据多了事务112

关键函数源码(mysql 5.7.32)

/*文件lock0lock.cc 判断一条记录是否可见的关键函数*/
360    bool
361    lock_clust_rec_cons_read_sees(
362    /*==========================*/
363    	const rec_t*	rec,	/*!< in: user record which should be read or
364    				passed over by a read cursor */
365    	dict_index_t*	index,	/*!< in: clustered index */
366    	const ulint*	offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
367    	ReadView*	view)	/*!< in: consistent read view */
368    {
369    	ut_ad(dict_index_is_clust(index));
370    	ut_ad(page_rec_is_user_rec(rec));
371    	ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
373    	/* Temp-tables are not shared across connections and multiple
374    	transactions from different connections cannot simultaneously
375    	operate on same temp-table and so read of temp-table is
376    	always consistent read. */
377    	if (srv_read_only_mode || dict_table_is_temporary(index->table)) {
378    		ut_ad(view == 0 || dict_table_is_temporary(index->table));
379    		return(true);
380    	}
382    	/* NOTE that we call this function while holding the search
383    	system latch. */
384     /*通过记录,查新当前记录的事务id*/
385    	trx_id_t	trx_id = row_get_rec_trx_id(rec, index, offsets);
386     /*readview 具体的判断方式*/
387    	return(view->changes_visible(trx_id, index->table->name));
388    }

165   /** Check whether the changes by id are visible.
166   	@param[in]	id	transaction id to check against the view
167   	@param[in]	name	table name
168   	@return whether the view sees the modifications of id. */
169   	bool changes_visible(
170   		trx_id_t		id,
171   		const table_name_t&	name) const
172   		MY_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result))
173   	{
174   		ut_ad(id > 0);
175         /*如果当前事务id小于 readview在中最小的事务id或 自己的事务产生的数据则可见*/
176   		if (id < m_up_limit_id || id == m_creator_trx_id) {
178   			return(true);
179   		}
180         /*校验事务id的有效性,在debug则中止,程序退出,如果release中,则写警告信息*/
181   		check_trx_id_sanity(id, name);
182         /*如果当前事务id大于等于 readview在中最大的事务id 则不可见*/
183   		if (id >= m_low_limit_id) {
185   			return(false);
186          /*如果当前活跃事务链表为空 则可见,即没有活跃事务*/
187   		} else if (m_ids.empty()) {
189   			return(true);
190   		}
191         /*获取当前readview中的内容*/
192   		const ids_t::value_type*	p = m_ids.data();
193         /*查询查询记录的事务id是否在readview中,查询到 返回true 可见,查询到 返回false不可见*/
194   		return(!std::binary_search(p, p + m_ids.size(), id));
195   	}

本事务readview 的生成 ,当执行select 查询时,通过函数ReadView::copy_trx_ids 实现调用关系

#0  ReadView::copy_trx_ids (this=0x15ec3748, trx_ids=std::vector of length 1, capacity 2 = {...}) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/innobase/read/read0read.cc:382
#1  0x00000000019aadbc in ReadView::prepare (this=0x15ec3748, id=0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/innobase/read/read0read.cc:462
#2  0x00000000019aa22f in MVCC::view_open (this=0x15e99278, view=@0x7fffd7bfeda8: 0x15ec3748, trx=0x7fffd7bfed08) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/innobase/read/read0read.cc:599
#3  0x0000000001ac91bc in trx_assign_read_view (trx=0x7fffd7bfed08) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:2277
#4  0x0000000001a38a23 in row_search_mvcc (buf=0x7ffdfc00fae8 "\377", mode=PAGE_CUR_G, prebuilt=0x7ffdfc0100e0, match_mode=0, direction=0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.cc:5
#5  0x00000000018a890c in ha_innobase::index_read (this=0x7ffdfc00f7f0, buf=0x7ffdfc00fae8 "\377", key_ptr=0x7ffdfc018640 "\002", key_len=4, find_flag=HA_READ_AFTER_KEY) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/st
#6  0x0000000000f1b60a in handler::index_read_map (this=0x7ffdfc00f7f0, buf=0x7ffdfc00fae8 "\377", key=0x7ffdfc018640 "\002", keypart_map=1, find_flag=HA_READ_AFTER_KEY) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sq
#7  0x0000000000f0d1b7 in handler::ha_index_read_map (this=0x7ffdfc00f7f0, buf=0x7ffdfc00fae8 "\377", key=0x7ffdfc018640 "\002", keypart_map=1, find_flag=HA_READ_AFTER_KEY) at /data/mysql-5.7.32
#8  0x0000000000f16ca3 in handler::read_range_first (this=0x7ffdfc00f7f0, start_key=0x7ffdfc00f8d8, end_key=0x0, eq_range_arg=false, sorted=false) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/handler.cc:7415
#9  0x0000000000f14be5 in handler::multi_range_read_next (this=0x7ffdfc00f7f0, range_info=0x7ffe37873fc0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/handler.cc:6482
#10 0x0000000000f15aa0 in DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next (this=0x7ffdfc00fa58, range_info=0x7ffe37873fc0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/handler.cc:6869
#11 0x00000000018ba912 in ha_innobase::multi_range_read_next (this=0x7ffdfc00f7f0, range_info=0x7ffe37873fc0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:20585
#12 0x00000000016fe65a in QUICK_RANGE_SELECT::get_next (this=0x7ffdfc00e5c0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/opt_range.cc:11247
#13 0x0000000001438df5 in rr_quick (info=0x7ffdfc0169c0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/records.cc:405
#14 0x00000000014d394e in join_init_read_record (tab=0x7ffdfc016970) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_executor.cc:2504
#15 0x00000000014d0b25 in sub_select (join=0x7ffdfc007490, qep_tab=0x7ffdfc016970, end_of_records=false) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_executor.cc:1284
#16 0x00000000014d04b8 in do_select (join=0x7ffdfc007490) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_executor.cc:957
#17 0x00000000014ce41f in JOIN::exec (this=0x7ffdfc007490) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_executor.cc:206
#18 0x0000000001567ea7 in handle_query (thd=0x7ffdfc000bc0, lex=0x7ffdfc002ee0, result=0x7ffdfc007118, added_options=0, removed_options=0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_select.cc:191
#19 0x000000000151d6e7 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7ffdfc000bc0, all_tables=0x7ffdfc006810) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:5155
#20 0x00000000015170f6 in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7ffdfc000bc0, first_level=true) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:2826
#21 0x000000000151e6b1 in mysql_parse (thd=0x7ffdfc000bc0, parser_state=0x7ffe37875550) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:5584
#22 0x0000000001513f3b in dispatch_command (thd=0x7ffdfc000bc0, com_data=0x7ffe37875cb0, command=COM_QUERY) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:1491
#23 0x0000000001512da9 in do_command (thd=0x7ffdfc000bc0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:1032
#24 0x00000000016451f8 in handle_connection (arg=0x15edb040) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#25 0x0000000001cd42de in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x15ff4830) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#26 0x00007ffff7bc6dd5 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#27 0x00007ffff61b7ead in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6


376    /**
377    Copy the transaction ids from the source vector */
378    /*创建readview*/
379    void
380    ReadView::copy_trx_ids(const trx_ids_t& trx_ids)
381    {
382    	ulint	size = trx_ids.size();
383     /*如果当前事务id不为0,即已经有更新的sql语句执行,查询不分配事务id,如果把自己的删除掉*/
384    	if (m_creator_trx_id > 0) {
385    		ut_ad(size > 0);
386    		--size;
387    	}
388    /*如果全局事务链表为空,则不创建*/
389    	if (size == 0) {
390    		m_ids.clear();
391    		return;
392    	}
393    /*创建大小*/
394    	m_ids.reserve(size);
395    	m_ids.resize(size);
397    	ids_t::value_type*	p = m_ids.data();
399    	/* Copy all the trx_ids except the creator trx id */
400    /*如果当前事务id已经分配,则需要把自己的事务id踢出*/
401    	if (m_creator_trx_id > 0) {
403    		/* Note: We go through all this trouble because it is
404    		unclear whether std::vector::resize() will cause an
405    		overhead or not. We should test this extensively and
406    		if the vector to vector copy is fast enough then get
407    		rid of this code and replace it with more readable
408    		and obvious code. The code below does exactly one copy,
409    		and filters out the creator's trx id. */
410         /*从trx_ids的begin位置到end-1位置二分查找第一个<=m_creator_trx_id的事务id*/
411    		trx_ids_t::const_iterator	it = std::lower_bound(
412    			trx_ids.begin(), trx_ids.end(), m_creator_trx_id);
414    		ut_ad(it != trx_ids.end() && *it == m_creator_trx_id);
415         /*得到小于当前事务id的活跃事务id的数量*/
416    		ulint	i = std::distance(trx_ids.begin(), it);
417    		ulint	n = i * sizeof(trx_ids_t::value_type);
418         /*核心操作,小于当前事务id的活跃事务复制到当前事务空间m_ids中,形成自己的readview*/    
419    		::memmove(p, &trx_ids[0], n);
420         /*再次查找看看是否还有大与当前事务的事务id*/
421    		n = (trx_ids.size() - i - 1) * sizeof(trx_ids_t::value_type);
423    		ut_ad(i + (n / sizeof(trx_ids_t::value_type)) == m_ids.size());
424         /*如果有,则添加到自己事务空间里,此两步操作主要时把自己的事务id踢出*/
425    		if (n > 0) {
426    			::memmove(p + i, &trx_ids[i + 1], n);
427    		}
428    	} else {
429    		ulint	n = size * sizeof(trx_ids_t::value_type);
430         /*如果仅是只读事务,则把当前的全局事务id都复制到自己的空间m_ids*/
431    		::memmove(p, &trx_ids[0], n);
432    	}
433    /*仅在debug模式中执行,校验事务的状态是否正确*/
434    #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
435    	/* Assert that all transaction ids in list are active. */
436    	for (trx_ids_t::const_iterator it = trx_ids.begin();
437    	     it != trx_ids.end(); ++it) {
439    		trx_t*	trx = trx_get_rw_trx_by_id(*it);
440    		ut_ad(trx != NULL);
441    		ut_ad(trx->state == TRX_STATE_ACTIVE
442    		      || trx->state == TRX_STATE_PREPARED);
443    	}
444    #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
445    }
ha_innobase::external_lock在函数 根据事务隔离级别, 是否调用 MVCC::view_close 
15994  int
15995  ha_innobase::external_lock(
15996  /*=======================*/
15997  	THD*	thd,		/*!< in: handle to the user thread */
15998  	int	lock_type)	/*!< in: lock type */
15999  {
15822    if (trx->n_mysql_tables_in_use == 0) {
15824    		trx->mysql_n_tables_locked = 0;
15825    		m_prebuilt->used_in_HANDLER = FALSE;
15827    		if (!thd_test_options(
15830    			if (trx_is_started(trx)) {
15832    				innobase_commit(ht, thd, TRUE);
15833    			} else {
15834    				/* Since the trx state is TRX_NOT_STARTED,
15835    				trx_commit() will not be called. Reset
15836    				trx->is_dd_trx here */
15837    				ut_d(trx->is_dd_trx = false);
15838    			}
15839            /*如果隔离级别是Read uncommitted|Read committed 则判断成立,调用trx_sys->mvcc->view_close,清空trx->read_view
                  如果隔离级别是Repeatable read|Serializable 则不调用trx_sys->mvcc->view_close*/
15840    		} else if (trx->isolation_level <= TRX_ISO_READ_COMMITTED
15841    			   && MVCC::is_view_active(trx->read_view)) {
15843    			mutex_enter(&trx_sys->mutex);
15845    			trx_sys->mvcc->view_close(trx->read_view, true);
15847    			mutex_exit(&trx_sys->mutex);
15848    		}
15849    	}
隔离级别 Read uncommitted|Read committed  trx->read_view 为NULL 
隔离级别 Repeatable read|Serializable  trx->read_view 不为NULL 
2264    ReadView*
2265    trx_assign_read_view(
2266    /*=================*/
2267    	trx_t*		trx)	/*!< in/out: active transaction */
2268    {
2269    	ut_ad(trx->state == TRX_STATE_ACTIVE);
2271    	if (srv_read_only_mode) {
2273    		ut_ad(trx->read_view == NULL);
2274    		return(NULL);
2276    	} else if (!MVCC::is_view_active(trx->read_view)) {
                /*如果本事务第二次执行,则事务隔离级别Read uncommitted|Read committed */
2277    		trx_sys->mvcc->view_open(trx->read_view, trx);
2278    	}
2280    	return(trx->read_view);
2281    }

#0  MVCC::view_close (this=0x15e99278, view=@0x7fffd7bff1f0: 0x15ec3428, own_mutex=true) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/innobase/read/read0read.cc:748
#1  0x00000000018b54e4 in ha_innobase::external_lock (this=0x7ffdf000f940, thd=0x7ffdf0000b70, lock_type=2) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:15845
#2  0x0000000000f182bc in handler::ha_external_lock (this=0x7ffdf000f940, thd=0x7ffdf0000b70, lock_type=2) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/handler.cc:8023
#3  0x00000000016d1a19 in unlock_external (thd=0x7ffdf0000b70, table=0x7ffdf000e9b8, count=1) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/lock.cc:674
#4  0x00000000016d12ba in mysql_unlock_read_tables (thd=0x7ffdf0000b70, sql_lock=0x7ffdf000e9a0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/lock.cc:485
#5  0x000000000156de89 in JOIN::join_free (this=0x7ffdf0007440) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_select.cc:2581
#6  0x00000000014d0659 in do_select (join=0x7ffdf0007440) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_executor.cc:998
#7  0x00000000014ce41f in JOIN::exec (this=0x7ffdf0007440) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_executor.cc:206
#8  0x0000000001567ea7 in handle_query (thd=0x7ffdf0000b70, lex=0x7ffdf0002e90, result=0x7ffdf00070c8, added_options=0, removed_options=0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_select.cc:191
#9  0x000000000151d6e7 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7ffdf0000b70, all_tables=0x7ffdf00067c0) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:5155
#10 0x00000000015170f6 in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7ffdf0000b70, first_level=true) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:2826
#11 0x000000000151e6b1 in mysql_parse (thd=0x7ffdf0000b70, parser_state=0x7ffe37833550) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:5584
#12 0x0000000001513f3b in dispatch_command (thd=0x7ffdf0000b70, com_data=0x7ffe37833cb0, command=COM_QUERY) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:1491
#13 0x0000000001512da9 in do_command (thd=0x7ffdf0000b70) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/sql_parse.cc:1032
#14 0x00000000016451f8 in handle_connection (arg=0x15edb040) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:313
#15 0x0000000001cd42de in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x15ff4830) at /data/mysql-5.7.32/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2197
#16 0x00007ffff7bc6dd5 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#17 0x00007ffff61b7ead in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6