
1 PCLint简介









2 PCLint安装及初步配置


第一个 Update 为升级包,第二个 Gimpel_PC_Lint_9.zip 为 PCLint

1. 解压 PCLint 的安装包,并进行安装,直接 Next 到最后一步,选择执行配置程序,并点击 Finish 。如果这里没有选择执行配置程序,可以通过执行安装目录下的 CONFIG.exe

2. 接下来弹出 PCLint

3. 说明执行完 PCLint 配置后,会生成执行脚本以及 PCLint 的配置文件( *.lnt


5. 选择编译器, VisualStudio 现在最高只有 2008

6. 选择平台,根据自己的需要,选择对应的平台,这里选择 32bit

7. 选择依赖的库,对于 VisualStudio 开发来说,主要包括 Active Template Library(ATL) , Microsoft FoundationClass Library , Standard Template Library , Windows 32-bit

8. 选择一些特殊的优化建议,例如说代码安全性和效率上的。这里按照最大原则进行选择,有: Scott Meyers(Effective C++ More Effective C++ and Effective C++ 3rdEdition) , Dan Saks , MISRA 2004 ,然后下一步( PS : Effective C++ 这两本巨作真心的给力, C++

9. 指定当前使用库的头文件所在位置,选择 Create –i options ,并下一步,否则执行 PCLint

10. 选择头文件路径,以分号或者换行( Ctrl + Enter )区分,这里仅添加 Visual Studio 的标准头文件。由于不同的公司或者组织,其文件组织方式可能不一样,又或者包含了其他的各种库,所以有需要可以在这里进行添加,或者执行 PCLint 时出现错误,修改 *.lnt


12. 创建 OPTIONS.LNT 文件,就是简单几个问题,由于我这边显示内容不全,所以选择 No

13. 选择对应的开发环境,这里最高只有 VC9

14. 添加 PCLint


3 PCLint更新

经过上面复杂的安装及配置后,接着就需要更新一下 PCLint 程序,使其支持更多的 C++

1. 解压压缩包中 Update 目录下所有文件到 PCLint 的安装路径,例如我的 PCLint 安装在 D




2. 双击 Update.bat ,进行 PCLint

最后一行,版本号应该为 9.00L

另外,说明一下更新的方法,首先,要确定当前 PCLint 的版本号,方法为使用 cmd 定位在 PCLint 的安装路径下,执行 lint-nt.exe–v 即可。其次,去官网上下载最新的更新程序 lpatch.exe 以及更新包(例如 l9-a-b.lp 等),将其拷贝到安装路径下,执行命令lpatch.exe l9-a-b.lp

4 PCLint的命令行


lint options file1 [ file2 file3... ]




5 VisualStudio配置

5.1 扫描并创建cpp文件列表

这个过程就是上面说到的生成文件列表,在Visual Studio中,主要按照工程(或目录)来进行创建。

1. 选择工具,然后创建外部扩展工具。

2. 新建一个外部扩展工具,名称PCLintCreation。




Arguments:-v -os("$(TargetName).lnt") "$(ProjectFileName)"

Initial directory: $(ProjectDir)

注意: $(ProjectDir)这些宏是vs自定义的,如果需要查看vs中自定义了哪些这种宏,可以打开msdn,然后输入一个常见的宏,比如ProjectName,就可以很方便地查询到定义了哪些宏。

3. 同样,可以根据前文SourceMonitor配置时,进行快捷键的分配。

4. 执行添加的PCLintCreation,会在对应的工程文件路径下,生成一个对应的*.lnt文件,内容如下:

5. 需要注意的是 ,当该工程下文件发生变化时,需要重新执行此任务,保证文件列表的正确性。

5.2 对工程下所有文件进行检查


1. 选择工具,然后创建外部扩展工具,这个跟上部分的第一步相同。

2. 新建外部工具,名称PCLintCheck。




Arguments:-i"D:\lint"std.lnt env-vc12.lnt "$(TargetName).lnt"

Initial directory:$(ProjectDir)

需要注意的有几点 ,第一,由于PCLint对于C++11的支持可能没有Visual Studio 2013支持的那么广泛,所以会检测失败,所以不建议在Visual Studio 2013及以上版本进行使用。第二,第一个lint文件,std.lnt即为上篇文章中配置生成的文件,env-vc12.lnt为VC12(Visual Studio 2013)对应的配置文件,"$(TargetName).lnt"为上一步对工程扫描的文件列表。第三,如果提示缺少*.lnt文件,则将对应的文件拷贝到PCLint安装路径下即可。


如果出现类似Error 307: Can't open indirect file 'env-vc9.lnt'的错误,只需要到安装目录D:\lint下看看有没有‘env-vc9.lnt'文件,如果没有一般在D:\lint\lnt下是一定有的,大家只需要将该文件拷贝一份到D:\lint目录下即可。还可以重启vs试试看。

3. 执行PCLint,会在Output窗口中输出对应的Info,Warn,Error和Fatal等信息,这样根据信息查看对应的代码,并进行改正。

5.3 对单个文件进行检查


1. 选择工具,然后创建外部扩展工具,这个跟前面相同。

2. 新建外部工具,名称PCLintCheckItem。




Arguments:-i"D:\lint"std.lnt env-vc12.lnt "$(ItemFileName)$(ItemExt)"

Initial directory:$(ItemDir)

3. 执行PCLint,会对当前文件进行检查,并输出结果到Output窗口中,例如:

6 env-vc9.Int文件



    env-vc9.lnt: environment parameters for Microsoft's Visual C++ 9.0

    If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and you wish to invoke
    PC-lint from that environment then add one or more commands to the
    Tools menu as follows.

    Simple Check
    For example, to add a simple facility to lint the current file you
    may do the following:

    1.  From the Tools Menu choose "External Tools ..."
    2.  Click the "Add" button.
    3.  You will now be able to enter the fields of this Tool.
        Modify them so that they approximate the following:

    Title:       PC-lint (Simple Check)
    Command:     c:\lint\lint-nt.exe
    Arguments:   -i"c:\lint" std.lnt env-vc9.lnt "$(ItemFileName)$(ItemExt)"
    Initial Directory:  $(ItemDir)

    X_Use Output Window  __Prompt for arguments  __Close on exit

        Please note that you will have to change the "Command:" path if the
        PC-lint Installation Directory is anything other than c:\lint and
        you will have to change the "Arguments:" line if the Configuration
        Directory is anything other than c:\lint

    4.  Select OK to return to the main environment.

    This will result in the Tools menu containing the additional item
    "PC-lint (Simple Check)".  Checking 'X' on 'Use Output Window' is
    important because in this way you can advance from error to error
    using the F8 key (Shift F8 to reverse).

    Strings of the form $(...) are called macros and can be typed in
    directly as shown or can be selected from a menu by clicking
    a right arrow in the dialog box.  $(ItemFileName) refers to the
    file name of the currently edited file without its path and without
    its extension.  $(ItemExt) is its extension.  $(ItemDir) represents
    the file's directory.

    You will probably want to advance your new tool upward into the initial
    position of all tools while you are testing and modifying the command.
    You can do this by using the "Move Up" button that appears on the External
    Tools dialog.

    The benefits of using "Initial Directory" are that file-names in lint
    error messages will not be so long, and, also, this directory can contain
    a std.lnt that overrides the global std.lnt in the Configuration Directory.

    This Simple Check is fine to check stand-alone modules but to check
    projects or to unit check modules that are in projects we need to
    go a bit further ...

    Project Creation

    To lint an entire project we will need the names of all the modules
    in the project.  Visual Studio keeps these names (as well as some
    appropriate options such as define options (-d...) and include options
    (-i...) in a file named NAME.vcproj in the current project directory.
    NAME is the name of the project and is identified by the macro
    $(TargetName).  PC-lint can read the .vcproj file and generate the
    appropriate .lnt file.  We recommend creating a tool for this purpose.
    For this tool follow the steps 1-4 doing exactly the same thing as
    above except in step 3, the information entered should be:

	Title:			PC-lint (Project Creation)
    Command:        c:\lint\lint-nt.exe
    Arguments:      -v -os("$(TargetName).lnt") "$(ProjectFileName)"
	Init. Dir.:		$(ProjectDir)

    __Use Output Window  __Prompt for arguments  x_Close on exit

    You will need to have an active project before this will work.
    If you don't already have one you can obtain an active project
    from the Solutions Explorer.  You then click the newly added
    "PC-lint (Project Creation)" tool on the tools menu to create

    The file created is an ASCII file and we recommend that you open it
    within the IDE and examine it for any obvious flaws.  This is your
    chance to make any necessary modifications to the file as the process
    of conversion may be less than perfect.

    Project Check

    Interestingly, by opening up the NAME.lnt file created above and
    running the Simple Check described earlier you have the equivalent
    of a full project check.  However, we prefer to create a special
    Project Check tool.

    Now that we have a project file we can create a new tool called
    "PC-lint (project check)".  For this tool again follow steps 1-4 doing
    exactly the same thing as above except in step 3, the information
    entered should be:

	Title:			PC-lint (Project Check)
    Command:        c:\lint\lint-nt.exe
    Arguments:      -i"c:\lint" std.lnt env-vc9.lnt "$(TargetName).lnt"
	Init. Dir.:		$(ProjectDir)

    X_Use Output Window  __Prompt for arguments  __Close on exit

    Unit Check

    You can almost do a unit check on any single module by using the
    Simple Check scheme suggested above.  The only problems are that you
    will need a -u option and you will not have the benefit of any -d or
    -i options that have been placed into NAME.lnt created in the Project
    Creation step.  For this reason we suggest the following tool for
    doing a unit check of any module that is part of a project and for
    which a .lnt project file has been generated.

    Title:          PC-lint (Unit Check)
    Command:        c:\lint\lint-nt.exe
    Arguments:      -i"c:\lint" std.lnt env-vc9.lnt --u "$(TargetName).lnt" "$(ItemPath)"
	Init. Dir.:		$(ProjectDir)

    X_Use Output Window  __Prompt for arguments  __Close on exit

    Note that $(ItemPath) will provide a complete path name and in the
    absence of a project.lnt file it would cause full path names to
    appear in messages.  But a side effect of using the project file
    with the --u option means that we adopt the shorter names used
    in the project file.

    Suppressing Messages
    ----------- --------

    Suppressing messages is normally done by adding message suppression
    options to a file.  For example, -e550 will suppress message 550.
    There are numerous other options to suppress messages.

    As the documentation indicates, the file


    (where c:\lint\ is the Configuration Directory) is the presumed container
    of your overall suppression policy. (Note: options.lnt is referenced
    by std.lnt).  Add a message suppression here and
    you will affect all linting employing that configuration.

    To suppress messages for a particular project (or for all projects
    within a given project directory) you may do the following:
    Create a file std.lnt that is contained in the project directory.
    Make it refer back to the std.lnt in the Configuration Directory.
    Then add additional message suppression options or indeed any options
    you want.  For example it might contain:

            c:\lint\std.lnt         // reference to original std.lnt
            -e550                   // project-specific option

    In this way suppression is limited to a particular project.

    Tool Bar
    You also have the option of creating a PC-lint toolbar within your Visual
    C++ IDE.  First, create one or more tools as described above.  You
    will need to know the number(s) of the tool(s) you want to place on
    the tool bar.  This can only be done by the painful and laborious
    task of counting.  Using the list provided by "Tools"/"External Tools",
    jot down the numbers (starting with 1 at the top) of all the tools
    to be added to the tool bar.  We recommend placing all the PC-lint tools
    on a single tool bar.  Then select Customize from the Tools menu.
    Select the Toolbars tab and click the New... button.
    Give the Toolbar a name (E.g., PC-lint) in the dialog box provided and
    click "OK".  Confirm that the new toolbar is now floating on the
    desktop and that a check has been placed in the check box next to the
    new toolbar name.  Then click on the Commands tab and in the Categories
    box, scroll down to and click "Tools". In the Commands box, scroll down
    to the appropriate external command number(s) corresponding to the
    PC-lint commands you jotted down earlier. Drag the commands from the
    Commands box to the toolbar.  Their numeric name will change to the
    logical name.

    If you want to add a button image to the toolbar, you can choose one
    via the Modify Selection button.  Click Close and you now have your
    own PC-lint for C/C++ button.  (Note: If you change the location of
    the PC-lint menu item on the Tools menu, you will change the subscript
    and you will need to change the button(s) on the toolbar.)


-"format=%(%F(%l):%) error %n: (%t -- %m)"     //  Messages will contain
	//  file information (%F), the line number (%l), the
	//  message number (%n), message type (%t) and message text (%m).

-hF2    //  Make sure we ALWAYS provide file information ('F') and use 2
        //  lines (one for the source line in error and one for the message).

-width(0) //  don't break messages at any particular width
-t4       //  Presume that tabs are every 4 stops
+e900     //  issue a message at termination.