
  • 一、布谷鸟算法背景知识
  • 二、布谷鸟算法思想简介
  • 三、布谷鸟算法流程
  • 四、布谷鸟算法的Python实现
  • 五、布谷鸟算法matlab实现


2009年,Xin-She Yang 与Suash Deb在《Cuckoo Search via Levy Flights》一文中提出了布谷鸟算法(简称CS)。假设每只布谷鸟一次只产一枚卵 ,并且宿主鸟发现外来鸟蛋后,就舍弃该鸟窝,另寻他地建造新的鸟窝 ,那么可以认为 :鸟窝=卵蛋=解,卵蛋是否能够成功被宿主鸟孵化并茁长成长是衡量解好坏的唯一标准 。布谷鸟寻找鸟窝下蛋的过程就是在D维空间中寻找解的过程 ,而鸟窝的好坏象征着解的好坏。


布谷鸟哈希java代码 布谷鸟算法原理_布谷鸟算法



布谷鸟哈希java代码 布谷鸟算法原理_布谷鸟哈希java代码_02

更新位置方式:更新位置的方式会关系到最后算法的收敛速度,在上述的算法步骤中,我们在第3步和第4步都需要更新点的位置。通过随机行走(random walk)的方式更新点的位置,随机生成一个方向和长度,叠加到原有点上就成了新的点,但是需要指出的是,这个随机生成的方向和长度都是有讲究的,有研究发现通过莱维飞行(Levy Flight)的方式能比较有效地去寻找全局最优解而不至于陷入局部最优解中,并且它和布谷鸟算法配合达到了相当不错的效果,接下来就是解答什么是莱维飞行了。


布谷鸟哈希java代码 布谷鸟算法原理_算法_03

布谷鸟哈希java代码 布谷鸟算法原理_布谷鸟算法_04






布谷鸟哈希java代码 布谷鸟算法原理_布谷鸟哈希java代码_05

布谷鸟哈希java代码 布谷鸟算法原理_matlab_06




布谷鸟哈希java代码 布谷鸟算法原理_Python_07


布谷鸟算法提出者之一的Xin-She Yang教授试了多组参数,发现种群规模在15到40,布谷鸟蛋被发现的概率 pa 取0.25时,对于大多数优化问题已足够,并且结果和分析也表明收敛速度在一定程度上对所使用的参数不敏感。这意味着对于任何问题都不需要进行仔细地调整。至于迭代次数,我在实验中发现100次的迭代次数已能很好地找到最优解,但迭代次数往往取决你问题的规模.

import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sc_special

version = '1.0.0'

def cuckoo_search(n, m, fit_func, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, iter_num = 100,pa = 0.25, beta = 1.5, step_size = 0.1):
    Cuckoo search function
    Input parameters:
        n: Number of nests
        m: Number of dimensions
        fit_func: User defined fitness evaluative function
        lower_boundary: Lower bounary (example: lower_boundary = (-2, -2, -2))
        upper_boundary: Upper boundary (example: upper_boundary = (2, 2, 2))
        iter_num: Number of iterations (default: 100) 
        pa: Possibility that hosts find cuckoos' eggs (default: 0.25)
        beta: Power law index (note: 1 < beta < 2) (default: 1.5)
        step_size:  Step size scaling factor related to the problem's scale (default: 0.1)
        The best solution and its value
    # get initial nests' locations 
    nests = generate_nests(n, m, lower_boundary, upper_boundary)
    fitness = calc_fitness(fit_func, nests)

    # get the best nest and record it
    best_nest_index = np.argmax(fitness)
    best_fitness = fitness[best_nest_index]
    best_nest = nests[best_nest_index].copy()

    for _ in range(iter_num):
        nests = update_nests(fit_func, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, nests, best_nest, fitness, step_size)
        nests = abandon_nests(nests, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, pa)
        fitness = calc_fitness(fit_func, nests)
        max_nest_index = np.argmax(fitness)
        max_fitness = fitness[max_nest_index]
        max_nest = nests[max_nest_index]

        if (max_fitness > best_fitness):
            best_nest = max_nest.copy()
            best_fitness = max_fitness

    return (best_nest, best_fitness)

def generate_nests(n, m, lower_boundary, upper_boundary):
    Generate the nests' locations
    Input parameters:
        n: Number of nests
        m: Number of dimensions
        lower_boundary: Lower bounary (example: lower_boundary = (-2, -2, -2))
        upper_boundary: Upper boundary (example: upper_boundary = (2, 2, 2))
        generated nests' locations
    lower_boundary = np.array(lower_boundary)
    upper_boundary = np.array(upper_boundary)
    nests = np.empty((n, m))

    for each_nest in range(n):
        nests[each_nest] = lower_boundary + np.array([np.random.rand() for _ in range(m)]) * (upper_boundary - lower_boundary)

    return nests

def update_nests(fit_func, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, nests, best_nest, fitness, step_coefficient):
    This function is to get new nests' locations and use new better one to replace the old nest
    Input parameters:
        fit_func: User defined fitness evaluative function
        lower_boundary: Lower bounary (example: lower_boundary = (-2, -2, -2))
        upper_boundary: Upper boundary (example: upper_boundary = (2, 2, 2))
        nests: Old nests' locations 
        best_nest: Nest with best fitness
        fitness: Every nest's fitness
        step_coefficient:  Step size scaling factor related to the problem's scale (default: 0.1)
        Updated nests' locations
    lower_boundary = np.array(lower_boundary)
    upper_boundary = np.array(upper_boundary)
    n, m = nests.shape
    # generate steps using levy flight
    steps = levy_flight(n, m, 1.5)
    new_nests = nests.copy()

    for each_nest in range(n):
        # coefficient 0.01 is to avoid levy flights becoming too aggresive
        # and (nest[each_nest] - best_nest) could let the best nest be remained
        step_size = step_coefficient * steps[each_nest] * (nests[each_nest] - best_nest)
        step_direction = np.random.rand(m)
        new_nests[each_nest] += step_size * step_direction
        # apply boundary condtions
        new_nests[each_nest][new_nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary] = lower_boundary[new_nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary]
        new_nests[each_nest][new_nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary] = upper_boundary[new_nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary]

    new_fitness = calc_fitness(fit_func, new_nests)
    nests[new_fitness > fitness] = new_nests[new_fitness > fitness]
    return nests

def abandon_nests(nests, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, pa):
    Some cuckoos' eggs are found by hosts, and are abandoned.So cuckoos need to find new nests.
    Input parameters:
        nests: Current nests' locations
        lower_boundary: Lower bounary (example: lower_boundary = (-2, -2, -2))
        upper_boundary: Upper boundary (example: upper_boundary = (2, 2, 2))
        pa: Possibility that hosts find cuckoos' eggs
        Updated nests' locations
    lower_boundary = np.array(lower_boundary)
    upper_boundary = np.array(upper_boundary)
    n, m = nests.shape
    for each_nest in range(n):
        if (np.random.rand() < pa):
            step_size = np.random.rand() * (nests[np.random.randint(0, n)] - nests[np.random.randint(0, n)])
            nests[each_nest] += step_size
            # apply boundary condtions
            nests[each_nest][nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary] = lower_boundary[nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary]
            nests[each_nest][nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary] = upper_boundary[nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary]
    return nests

def levy_flight(n, m, beta):
    This function implements Levy's flight.
    Input parameters:
        n: Number of steps 
        m: Number of dimensions
        beta: Power law index (note: 1 < beta < 2)
        'n' levy steps in 'm' dimension
    sigma_u = (sc_special.gamma(1+beta)*np.sin(np.pi*beta/2)/(sc_special.gamma((1+beta)/2)*beta*(2**((beta-1)/2))))**(1/beta)
    sigma_v = 1

    u =  np.random.normal(0, sigma_u, (n, m))
    v = np.random.normal(0, sigma_v, (n, m))

    steps = u/((np.abs(v))**(1/beta))

    return steps

def calc_fitness(fit_func, nests):
    calculate each nest's fitness
    Input parameters:
        fit_func: User defined fitness evaluative function
        nests:  Nests' locations
        Every nest's fitness
    n, m = nests.shape
    fitness = np.empty(n)

    for each_nest in range(n):
        fitness[each_nest] = fit_func(nests[each_nest])

    return fitness

if __name__=='__main__':
    def fit_func(nest):
        x, y = nest        
        return 3*(1-x)**2*np.e**(-x**2-(y+1)**2) - 10*(x/5-x**3-y**5)*np.e**(-x**2-y**2) - (np.e**(-(x+1)**2-y**2))/3

    best_nest, best_fitness = cuckoo_search(25, 2, fit_func, [-3, -3], [3, 3], step_size = 0.4)

    print('最大值为:%.5f, 在(%.5f, %.5f)处取到!'%(best_fitness, best_nest[0], best_nest[1]))


布谷鸟哈希java代码 布谷鸟算法原理_matlab_08



布谷鸟哈希java代码 布谷鸟算法原理_Python_09