

 'Workbooks  工作簿集合,泛指excel文件或工作簿 

 '1. 令文件A的第1个sheet中单元格A1等于100 

  Sub t1() 

    Workbooks("A.xls").Sheets(1).Range("a1") = 100  'Workbooks("A.xls"),名称为A的excel工作簿 

  End Sub 


 '1. 令第二个工作簿的第2个sheet中单元格A1等于200 

  Sub t2() 

    Workbooks(2).Sheets(2).Range("a1") = 200  'workbooks(2),按打开顺序,第二个打开的工作簿 

  End Sub 

 'ActiveWorkbook :当打开多个excel工作簿时,你正在操作的那个就是ActiveWorkbook(活动工作簿) 





 '1. 隐藏工作簿A 

  Sub t3() 

    Windows("A.xls").Visible = False 

  End Sub 

 '2. 取消隐藏第二个sheet 

  Sub t4() 

    Sheets(2).Visible = True 

  End Sub 

 '3. 判断A.Xls文件是否存在 

  Sub W1() 

    If Len(Dir("d:/A.xls")) = 0 Then 

      MsgBox "A文件不存在" 


      MsgBox "A文件存在" 

    End If 

  End Sub 

 '4. 判断A.Xls文件是否打开 

  Sub W2() 

    Dim X As Integer 

      For X = 1 To Windows.Count 

        If Windows(X).Caption = "A.XLS" Then 

          MsgBox "A文件打开了" 

          Exit Sub 

        End If 


  End Sub 


 '5. excel文件新建和保存 

  Sub W3() 

    Dim wb As Workbook 

     Set wb = Workbooks.Add 

       wb.Sheets("sheet1").Range("a1") = "abcd" 

     wb.SaveAs "D:/B.xls" 

  End Sub 

 '6. excel文件打开和关闭 

  Sub w4() 

    Dim wb As Workbook 

     Set wb = Workbooks.Open("D:/B.xls") 

     MsgBox wb.Sheets("sheet1").Range("a1").Value 

     wb.Close False  '关闭工作簿且不保存 

  End Sub 

 '7. excel文件保存和备份 

  Sub w5() 

    Dim wb As Workbook 

      Set wb = ThisWorkbook 


      wb.SaveCopyAs "D:/ABC.xls" 

  End Sub 


 '8. excel工作表的移动 

    Sub s4() 

      Sheets("Sheet2").Move before:=Sheets("sheet1") 'sheet2移动到sheet1前面 

      Sheets("Sheet1").Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) 'sheet1移动到所有工作表的最后面 

    End Sub   

 '9. excel文件复制 

  Sub s5() '在本工作簿中 

    Dim sh As Worksheet 

      Sheets("模板").Copy before:=Sheets(1) 

      Set sh = ActiveSheet 

        sh.Name = "1日" 

        sh.Range("a1") = "测试" 

  End Sub 


  Sub s6() '另存为新工作簿 

    Dim wb As Workbook 


      Set wb = ActiveWorkbook 

        wb.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "/1日.xls" 

        wb.Sheets(1).Range("b1") = "测试" 

        wb.Close True  '关闭且保存 

  End Sub 

 '10. 工作表删除 

      Sub s9() 

        Application.DisplayAlerts = False  '不显示删除时提示的提示框 


        Application.DisplayAlerts = True 

      End Sub 

 '11. 工作表的选取 

      Sub s10() 


      End Sub 

 '12. 保护工作表 

    Sub s7() 

       Sheets("sheet2").Protect "123" 

    End Sub 

    Sub s8() '判断工作表是否添加了保护密码 

       If Sheets("sheet2").ProtectContents = True Then 

         MsgBox "工作簿保护了" 


         MsgBox "工作簿没有添加保护" 

       End If 

    End Sub 


 '1. 表示一个单元格(a1) 

  Sub s() 

    'Range("a1").Select  '方法1 

    'Cells(1, 1).Select  '方法2 

    'Range("A" & 1).Select  '方法3 

    'Cells(1, "A").Select  '方法4 

    'Cells(1).Select  '方法5 

    [a1].Select  '方法6 

  End Sub 

 '2. 表示相邻单元格区域 

  Sub d() '选取单元格a1:c5 


    'Range("A1", "C5").Select 

    'Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 3)).Select 

    'Range("a1:a10").Offset(0, 1).Select   

     Range("a1").Resize(5, 3).Select  '以A1为起点的总行数和总列数 

    End Sub 


 '3. 表示不相邻的单元格区域 

  Sub d1() 


    'Union(Range("a1"), Range("c1:f4"), Range("a7")).Select  '选取多个单元格 

  End Sub 


  Sub dd() 'union示例 

    Dim rg As Range, x As Integer 

    For x = 2 To 10 Step 2 

      If x = 2 Then Set rg = Cells(x, 1) 

      Set rg = Union(rg, Cells(x, 1)) 

    Next x 


  End Sub 


 '4. 表示行 

  Sub h() 


    'Rows("3:7").Select  '第3到7行 

    'Range("1:2,4:5").Select  '第1到2行和4到5行,即选取不连续的行 

     Range("c4:f5").EntireRow.Select  '选取单元格C4:F5所在的行 

  End Sub 


 '5. 表示列 

  Sub L() 




     Range("c4:f5").EntireColumn.Select  '选取c4:f5所在的列 

  End Sub 

 '6. 重置坐标,新坐标系以B2为起点  

  Sub cc() 

    Range("b2").Range("a1") = 100   

  End Sub 


 '7. 将正在选取的单元格区域内容改为100 

  Sub d2() 

    Selection.Value = 100 

  End Sub 


 '1. 选取sheet2已使用的单元格区域 

  Sub d1() 


   'wb.Sheets(1).Range("a1:a10").Copy Range("i1") 

  End Sub 

 '2. 选取B8所在的已使用的单元格区域 

  Sub d2() 


  End Sub 


 '3. 两个单元格区域共同的区域 

  Sub d3() 

    Intersect(Columns("b:c"), Rows("3:5")).Select 

  End Sub 


 '4. 调用定位条件选取特殊单元格 

  Sub d4() 

    Range("A1:A6").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Select  '选取空单元格 

  End Sub 


 '5. 端点单元格 

  Sub d5() 

    Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = 1000  '类似于Ctrl+向上键 

  End Sub 


  Sub d6() 

    Range(Range("b6"), Range("b6").End(xlToRight)).Select 

  End Sub 


 '1. 单元格的值 

  Sub x1() 

    Range("b10") = Range("c2").Value 

    Range("b11") = Range("c2").Text 

    Range("c10") = "'" & Range("b2").Formula  'Formula表示返回的是公式 

  End Sub 

 '2. 单元格的地址 

  Sub x2() 

    With Range("b2").CurrentRegion 

       [b12] = .Address       '绝对地址 

       [c12] = .Address(0, 0) '相对地址 

       [d12] = .Address(1, 0) '列相对,行绝对 

       [e12] = .Address(0, 1) '行相对,列绝对 

       [f12] = .Address(1, 1) '绝对地址,两个1可省略 

    End With 

  End Sub 


 '3. 单元格的行列信息 

  Sub x3() 

    With Range("b2").CurrentRegion 

      [b13] = .Row 

      [b14] = .Rows.Count '单元格区域的总行数 

      [b15] = .Column 

      [b16] = .Columns.Count 

      [b17] = .Range("a1").Address 

    End With 

  End Sub 


 '4. 单元格的格式信息 

  Sub x4() 

    With Range("b2") 

       [b19] = .Font.Size 

       [b20] = .Font.ColorIndex 

       [b21] = .Interior.ColorIndex 

       [b22] = .Borders.LineStyle 

    End With 

  End Sub 


 '5. 单元格批注信息 

  Sub x5() 

    [B24] = Range("I2").Comment.Text  

  End Sub 

 '6. 单元格的位置信息 

  Sub x6() 

    With Range("b2") 

       [b26] = .Top 

       [b27] = .Left 

       [b28] = .Height 

       [b29] = .Width 

    End With 

  End Sub 

 '7. 单元格的上级信息 

  Sub x7() 

    With Range("b2") 

       [b31] = .Parent.Name '所在工作表名称 

       [b32] = .Parent.Parent.Name '所在工作表的所在工作簿名称 

    End With 

  End Sub 

 '8. 内容判断 

  Sub x8() 

    With Range("b2") 

       [b34] = .HasFormula '是否有公式 

       [b35] = .Hyperlinks.Count '超链接个数 

    End With 

  End Sub 


 '1. Excel中的颜色可以用两种方式获取,一种是EXCEL内置颜色,另一种是利用QBCOLOR函数返回 

  Sub y1() 

    Dim x As Integer 


    For x = 1 To 56 

      Range("a" & x) = x 

      Range("b" & x).Font.ColorIndex = 3 

    Next x 

  End Sub 

  Sub y2() 

    Dim x As Integer 

    For x = 0 To 15 

      Range("d" & x + 1) = x 

      Range("e" & x + 1).Interior.Color = QBColor(x) 

    Next x 

  End Sub 

  Sub y3() 

    Dim 红 As Integer, 绿 As Integer, 蓝 As Integer 

    红 = 255 

    绿 = 123 

    蓝 = 100 

    Range("g1").Interior.Color = RGB(红, 绿, 蓝) 

  End Sub 

 '2. 判断数值的格式 

 '2.1 判断是否为空单元格 

  Sub d1() 

    [b1] = "" 

    'If Range("a1") = "" Then 

    'If Len([a1]) = 0 Then 

    If VBA.IsEmpty([a1]) Then 

      [b1] = "空值" 

    End If 

  End Sub 

 '2.2 判断是否为数字 

  Sub d2() 

    [b2] = "" 

    'If VBA.IsNumeric([a2]) And [a2] <> "" Then 

    If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber([a2]) Then 

       [b2] = "数字" 

    End If 

  End Sub 

 '2.3 判断是否为文本 

  Sub d3() 

    [b3] = "" 

    'If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsText([A3]) Then 

    If VBA.TypeName([a3].Value) = "String" Then 

      [b3] = "文本" 

    End If 

  End Sub 

 '2.4 判断是否为汉字 

  Sub d4() 

     [b4] = "" 

     If [a4] > "z" Then 

       [b4] = "汉字" 

     End If 

  End Sub 

 '2.5 判断错误值 

  Sub d10() 

     [b5] = "" 

     'If VBA.IsError([a5]) Then 

     If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError([a5]) Then 

       [b5] = "错误值" 

     End If 

  End Sub 


  Sub d11() 

     [b6] = "" 

     If VBA.IsDate([a6]) Then 

       [b6] = "日期" 

     End If 

  End Sub 

 '3. 设置单元格自定义格式 

  Sub d30() 

     Range("d1:d8").NumberFormatLocal = "0.00" 

  End Sub 

 '4. 按指定格式从单元格返回数值 



 '5. 单元格合并 

  Sub h1() 


  End Sub 


 '5.1. 合并区域的返回信息 

  Sub h2() 

    Range("e1") = Range("b3").MergeArea.Address '返回单元格所在的合并单元格区域 

  End Sub 

 '5.2. 判断是否含合并单元格 

  Sub h3() 

    'MsgBox Range("b2").MergeCells 

    ' MsgBox Range("A1:D7").MergeCells 

    Range("e2") = IsNull(Range("a1:d7").MergeCells) 

    Range("e3") = IsNull(Range("a9:d72").MergeCells) 

  End Sub 


 '5.3. 综合示例 


  Sub h4() 

    Dim x As Integer 

    Dim rg As Range 

    Set rg = Range("h1") 

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 

    For x = 1 To 13 

      If Range("h" & x + 1) = Range("h" & x) Then 

        Set rg = Union(rg, Range("h" & x + 1)) 



        Set rg = Range("h" & x + 1) 

      End If 

    Next x 

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True 

  End Sub 


 '1. 单元格输入 

  Sub t1() 

    Range("a1") = "a" & "b" 

    Range("b1") = "a" & Chr(10) & "b" '换行答输入 

  End Sub 


 '2. 单元格复制和剪切 

  Sub t2() 

    Range("a1:a10").Copy Range("c1") 'A1:A10的内容复制到C1 

  End Sub 


  Sub t3() 


    ActiveSheet.Paste Range("d1") '粘贴至D1 

  End Sub 


  Sub t4() 


    Range("e1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues) '只粘贴为数值 

  End Sub 


  Sub t5() 


    ActiveSheet.Paste Range("f1") '粘贴到f1 

  End Sub 

  Sub t6() 


    Range("a1:a10").PasteSpecial Operation:=xlAdd '选择粘贴-加 

  End Sub 


  Sub T7() 

    Range("G1:G10") = Range("A1:A10").Value 

  End Sub 

 '3. 填充公式 

  Sub T8() 

    Range("b1") = "=a1*10" 

    Range("b1:b10").FillDown '向下填充公式 

  End Sub 


  Sub c1() 

    Rows(4).Insert '插入行,原单元格下移 

  End Sub 

  Sub c2() '插入行并复制公式 



    Range("4:4").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) = "" 

  End Sub 

  Sub c3() '不同值之间插入空行 

    Dim x As Integer 

    For x = 2 To 20 

      If Cells(x, 3) <> Cells(x + 1, 3) Then 

        Rows(x + 1).Insert 

        x = x + 1 

      End If 

    Next x 

  End Sub 

  Sub c4() '分类汇总 

    Dim x As Integer, m1 As Integer, m2 As Integer 

    Dim k As Integer 

    m1 = 2 

    For x = 2 To 1000 

      If Cells(x, 1) = "" Then Exit Sub 

      If Cells(x, 3) <> Cells(x + 1, 3) Then 

        m2 = x 

        Rows(x + 1).Insert 

        Cells(x + 1, "c") = Cells(x, "c") & " 小计" 

        Cells(x + 1, "h") = "=sum(h" & m1 & ":h" & m2 & ")" 

        Cells(x + 1, "h").Resize(1, 4).FillRight 

        Cells(x + 1, "i") = " " 

        x = x + 1 

        m1 = m2 + 2 

      End If 

    Next x 

  End Sub 

  Sub c44() '个人方法 

    Dim x As Integer 

    Dim t As Integer 

    t = Range("c65536").End(xlUp).Row 

    For x = t To 2 Step -1 

      If Cells(x, 3) <> Cells(x - 1, 3) Then 


         Cells(Cells(x, "C").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown).Row + 1, "C") = Cells(Cells(x, "C").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown).Row, "C") & " 小计" 

         Cells(Cells(x, "H").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown).Row + 1, "H") = _ 

         Application.Sum(Range(Cells(x, "h").Offset(1, 0), Cells(x, "H").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown))) 

      End If 

    Next x 

  End Sub 

  Sub dd() '批量删除空行 
