一 引言


Android Telephony框架 android telnet_封装

图1-1 网口注册整体流程图

二 Netd事件上报流程


Android Telephony框架 android telnet_Android Telephony框架_02

图2-1 Netd相关类图关系


  • SocketListener : 这是Native层获取底层Uevent的公用接口类,Android其他一些模块,例如vold模块,也通过该Listener来监听底层Uevent事件。监听到事件后,通过onDataAvailable来处理底层上报的数据;
  • NetlinkListener:该类继承自SocketListener。在onDataAvailable函数中调用onEvent继续封装底层的事件;
  • NetlinkHandler:该类继承自NetlinkListener。在onEvent中继续封装处理底层事件,并通过上层注册的监听对象,将该状态上报给上层。
  • NetlinkManager:其内部维护了几个NetinkHandler引用对象,以及一个SocketListener引用对象,来管理socket的通信,包括socket的创建,以及释放等等。


void SocketListener::runListener() {
    while (true) {
        std::vector<pollfd> fds;

        fds.reserve(2 + mClients.size());
        fds.push_back({.fd = mCtrlPipe[0], .events = POLLIN});
        if (mListen) fds.push_back({.fd = mSock, .events = POLLIN});
        for (auto pair : mClients) {
            // NB: calling out to an other object with mClientsLock held (safe)        
            const int fd = pair.second->getSocket();
            if (fd != pair.first) SLOGE("fd mismatch: %d != %d", fd, pair.first);      
            fds.push_back({.fd = fd, .events = POLLIN});

        SLOGV("mListen=%d, mSocketName=%s", mListen, mSocketName);                     
        int rc = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(poll(fds.data(), fds.size(), -1));                 
        if (rc < 0) {
            SLOGE("poll failed (%s) mListen=%d", strerror(errno), mListen);            

        if (fds[0].revents & (POLLIN | POLLERR)) {
            char c = CtrlPipe_Shutdown;
            TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(mCtrlPipe[0], &c, 1));
            if (c == CtrlPipe_Shutdown) {
        if (mListen && (fds[1].revents & (POLLIN | POLLERR))) {
            int c = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(accept4(mSock, nullptr, nullptr, SOCK_CLOEXEC));
            if (c < 0) {
                SLOGE("accept failed (%s)", strerror(errno));
            mClients[c] = new SocketClient(c, true, mUseCmdNum);

        // Add all active clients to the pending list first, so we can release         
        // the lock before invoking the callbacks.                                     
        std::vector<SocketClient*> pending;
        const int size = fds.size();
        for (int i = mListen ? 2 : 1; i < size; ++i) {
            const struct pollfd& p = fds[i];
            if (p.revents & (POLLIN | POLLERR)) {
                auto it = mClients.find(p.fd);
                if (it == mClients.end()) {
                    SLOGE("fd vanished: %d", p.fd);
                SocketClient* c = it->second;

        for (SocketClient* c : pending) {
            // Process it, if false is returned, remove from the map                   
            SLOGV("processing fd %d", c->getSocket());
            if (!onDataAvailable(c)) {
                release(c, false);


bool NetlinkListener::onDataAvailable(SocketClient *cli)                        
    int socket = cli->getSocket();                                              
    ssize_t count;                                                              
    uid_t uid = -1;                                                             
    bool require_group = true;                                                  
    if (mFormat == NETLINK_FORMAT_BINARY_UNICAST) {                             
        require_group = false;                                                  
    count = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(uevent_kernel_recv(socket,                       
            mBuffer, sizeof(mBuffer), require_group, &uid));                    
    if (count < 0) {                                                            
        SLOGE("recvmsg failed (%s)", strerror(errno));                          
        return false;                                                           
    NetlinkEvent *evt = new NetlinkEvent();                                     
    if (evt->decode(mBuffer, count, mFormat)) {                                 
    } else if (mFormat != NETLINK_FORMAT_BINARY) {                              
        // Don't complain if parseBinaryNetlinkMessage returns false. That can  
        // just mean that the buffer contained no messages we're interested in. 
        SLOGE("Error decoding NetlinkEvent");                                   
    delete evt;                                                                 
    return true;                                                                


  • 通过uevent_kernel_recv获取底层的Uevent事件的上报,并将其存储到mBuffer中;
  • 创建NetlinkEvent对象,并调用decode函数,将mBuffer中的数据风封装到NetlinkEvent中;
  • 最终调用子类的onEvent继续处理;
bool NetlinkEvent::decode(char *buffer, int size, int format) {           
     if (format == NetlinkListener::NETLINK_FORMAT_BINARY                  
             || format == NetlinkListener::NETLINK_FORMAT_BINARY_UNICAST) {
         return parseBinaryNetlinkMessage(buffer, size);                   
     } else {                                                              
         return parseAsciiNetlinkMessage(buffer, size);                    


bool NetlinkEvent::parseAsciiNetlinkMessage(char *buffer, int size) {             
    const char *s = buffer;                                                       
    const char *end;                                                              
    int param_idx = 0;                                                            
    int first = 1;                                                                
    if (size == 0)                                                                
        return false;                                                             
    /* Ensure the buffer is zero-terminated, the code below depends on this */    
    buffer[size-1] = '\0';                                                        
    end = s + size;                                                               
    while (s < end) {                                                             
        if (first) {                                                              
            const char *p;                                                        
            /* buffer is 0-terminated, no need to check p < end */                
            for (p = s; *p != '@'; p++) {                                         
                if (!*p) { /* no '@', should not happen */                        
                    return false;                                                 
            mPath = strdup(p+1);                                                  
            first = 0;                                                            
        } else {                                                                  
            const char* a;
            if ((a = HAS_CONST_PREFIX(s, end, "ACTION=")) != nullptr) {           
                if (!strcmp(a, "add"))
                    mAction = Action::kAdd;                                       
                else if (!strcmp(a, "remove"))                                    
                    mAction = Action::kRemove;                                    
                else if (!strcmp(a, "change"))                                    
                    mAction = Action::kChange;                                    
            } else if ((a = HAS_CONST_PREFIX(s, end, "SEQNUM=")) != nullptr) {    
                mSeq = atoi(a);                                                   
            } else if ((a = HAS_CONST_PREFIX(s, end, "SUBSYSTEM=")) != nullptr) { 
                mSubsystem = strdup(a);                                           
            } else if (param_idx < NL_PARAMS_MAX) {                               
                mParams[param_idx++] = strdup(s);                                 
        s += strlen(s) + 1;                                                       
    return true;                                                                  


void NetlinkHandler::onEvent(NetlinkEvent *evt) {
    const char *subsys = evt->getSubsystem();
    if (!subsys) {
        ALOGW("No subsystem found in netlink event");
    if (!strcmp(subsys, "net")) {
        NetlinkEvent::Action action = evt->getAction();
        const char *iface = evt->findParam("INTERFACE");
        if ((action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kAdd) ||
            (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kLinkUp) ||
            (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kLinkDown)) {
            const char *ifIndex = evt->findParam("IFINDEX");
            long ifaceIndex = parseIfIndex(ifIndex);
            if (ifaceIndex) {
                gCtls->trafficCtrl.addInterface(iface, ifaceIndex);
            } else {
                ALOGE("invalid interface index: %s(%s)", iface, ifIndex);
        if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kAdd) {
        } else if (action == NetlinkEvent::Action::kRemove) {


  • 通过trafficCtrl的addInterface函数创建注册的interface;
  • 根据Action,调用notifyInterfaceAdded函数,通知上层状态的变化;


void NetlinkHandler::notifyInterfaceAdded(const std::string& ifName) {
    LOG_EVENT_FUNC(BINDER_RETRY, onInterfaceAdded, ifName);
#define LOG_EVENT_FUNC(retry, func, ...)                                                    \ 
    do {                                                                                    \ 
        const auto listenerMap = gCtls->eventReporter.getNetdUnsolicitedEventListenerMap(); \ 
        for (auto& listener : listenerMap) {                                                \ 
            auto entry = gUnsolicitedLog.newEntry().function(#func).args(__VA_ARGS__);      \ 
            if (retry(listener.first->func(__VA_ARGS__))) {                                 \ 
                gUnsolicitedLog.log(entry.withAutomaticDuration());                         \ 
            }                                                                               \ 
        }                                                                                   \ 
    } while (0)


EventReporter::UnsolListenerMap EventReporter::getNetdUnsolicitedEventListenerMap() const {
    std::lock_guard lock(mUnsolicitedMutex);                                               
    return mUnsolListenerMap;
void EventReporter::registerUnsolEventListener(                                     
        const android::sp<INetdUnsolicitedEventListener>& listener) {               
    std::lock_guard lock(mUnsolicitedMutex);                                        
    // Create the death listener.                                                   
    class DeathRecipient : public android::IBinder::DeathRecipient {                
        DeathRecipient(EventReporter* eventReporter,                                
                       android::sp<INetdUnsolicitedEventListener> listener)         
            : mEventReporter(eventReporter), mListener(std::move(listener)) {}      
        ~DeathRecipient() override = default;                                       
        void binderDied(const android::wp<android::IBinder>& /* who */) override {  
        EventReporter* mEventReporter;                                              
        android::sp<INetdUnsolicitedEventListener> mListener;                       
    android::sp<android::IBinder::DeathRecipient> deathRecipient =                  
            new DeathRecipient(this, listener);                                     
    // TODO: Consider to use remote binder address as registering key               
    mUnsolListenerMap.insert({listener, deathRecipient});                           


三 Framework处理事件上报流程


private class NetdUnsolicitedEventListener extends INetdUnsolicitedEventListener.Stub {
     public void onInterfaceAdded(String ifName) throws RemoteException {   
        mDaemonHandler.post(() -> notifyInterfaceAdded(ifName));

     public void onInterfaceRemoved(String ifName) throws RemoteException { 
        mDaemonHandler.post(() -> notifyInterfaceRemoved(ifName));         
private void notifyInterfaceAdded(String iface) {
    Slog.d(TAG, "notifyInterfaceAdded iface: " + iface);
    invokeForAllObservers(o -> o.interfaceAdded(iface)); 


private class InterfaceObserver extends BaseNetworkObserver {
    public void interfaceAdded(String iface) {
       mHandler.post(() -> maybeTrackInterface(iface));

private void maybeTrackInterface(String iface) {                               
    if (DBG) Log.i(TAG, "maybeTrackInterface " + iface);                       
    // If we don't already track this interface, and if this interface matches 
    // our regex, start tracking it.                                           
    if (!iface.matches(mIfaceMatch) || mFactory.hasInterface(iface)) {         

    if (mIpConfigForDefaultInterface != null) {
        //更新ip Config
        updateIpConfiguration(iface, mIpConfigForDefaultInterface);            
        mIpConfigForDefaultInterface = null;                                   


  • 首先更新 ip config的,这个和静态ip相关;
  • 根据iface,调用addInterface创建interface
private void addInterface(String iface) {                                                     
     InterfaceConfiguration config = null;                                                     
     // Bring up the interface so we get link status indications.                              
     try {
         config = mNMService.getInterfaceConfig(iface);
     } catch (RemoteException | IllegalStateException e) {
         // Either the system is crashing or the interface has disappeared. Just ignore the    
         // error; we haven't modified any state because we only do that if our calls succeed. 
         Log.e(TAG, "Error upping interface " + iface, e);                                     
     final String hwAddress = config.getHardwareAddress();
     NetworkCapabilities nc = mNetworkCapabilities.get(iface);
     if (nc == null) {
         // Try to resolve using mac address                                                   
         nc = mNetworkCapabilities.get(hwAddress);                                             
         if (nc == null) {                                                                     
             nc = createDefaultNetworkCapabilities();                                          
     IpConfiguration ipConfiguration = mIpConfigurations.get(iface);                           
     if (ipConfiguration == null) {                                                            
         ipConfiguration = createDefaultIpConfiguration();                                     
     Log.d(TAG, "Started tracking interface " + iface); 
     mFactory.addInterface(iface, hwAddress, nc, ipConfiguration);                             
     // Note: if the interface already has link (e.g., if we crashed and got                   
     // restarted while it was running), we need to fake a link up notification so we          
     // start configuring it.                                                                  
     if (config.hasFlag("running")) {
         updateInterfaceState(iface, true);                                                    


  • 调用NMService的setInterfaceUp方法,使能以外网功能;
  • 调用NMService的getInterfaceConfig获取interface config,并通过其获取硬件mac地址;
  • 通过iface从mNetworkCapabilities获取网路能力的类——NetworkCapabilities,如果没有,则通过硬件mac地址获取NetworkCapabilities;如果还没有,则创建默认的NetworkCapabilities;
  • 调用EthernetNetworkFactory的addInterface增加网络注册,更新网络能力,ip配合等信息;
  • 通知app注册的Listener,更新interface的状态。
private void updateInterfaceState(String iface, boolean up) {
    boolean modified = mFactory.updateInterfaceLinkState(iface, up);
    if (modified) {
        boolean restricted = isRestrictedInterface(iface);                                      
        int n = mListeners.beginBroadcast();                                                    
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {                                                           
            try {                                                                               
                if (restricted) {                                                               
                    ListenerInfo listenerInfo = (ListenerInfo) mListeners.getBroadcastCookie(i);
                    if (!listenerInfo.canUseRestrictedNetworks) {                               
                mListeners.getBroadcastItem(i).onAvailabilityChanged(iface, up);                
            } catch (RemoteException e) {                                                       
                // Do nothing here.                                                             


private final Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
     public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
         if (msg.what == MSG_AVAILABILITY_CHANGED) {
             boolean isAvailable = (msg.arg1 == 1);
             for (Listener listener : mListeners) {
                 listener.onAvailabilityChanged((String) msg.obj, isAvailable);
private final IEthernetServiceListener.Stub mServiceListener =
         new IEthernetServiceListener.Stub() {
             public void onAvailabilityChanged(String iface, boolean isAvailable) {              
                         MSG_AVAILABILITY_CHANGED, isAvailable ? 1 : 0, 0, iface).sendToTarget();
public void addListener(Listener listener) {
    if (mListeners.size() == 1) {                                       
        try {
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();


四 总结
