最近在使用elasticsearch的时候,遇到这样一个问题,其实一看大家都知道。就是队列过长了。处理不过来导致失败了。这里从官网查了一下资料,在进行bulk操作的时候默认是50个。这样,很容易就会报这种错误。我们需要调大一些。下面是官网关于Thread Pool的介绍

Thread Pooledit

On this page

Thread pool types

Processors setting

  • Elasticsearch Reference:  master 1.x 1.6 (current) 1.5 1.4 1.3 0.90
  • Getting Started
  • Setup
  • Breaking changes
  • API Conventions
  • Document APIs
  • Search APIs
  • Indices APIs
  • cat APIs
  • Cluster APIs
  • Query DSL
  • Mapping
  • Analysis
  • Modules
  • Cluster
  • Discovery
  • Gateway
  • HTTP
  • Indices
  • memcached
  • Network Settings
  • Node
  • Tribe node
  • Plugins
  • Scripting
  • Text scoring in scripts
  • Thread Pool
  • Thrift
  • Transport
  • Snapshot And Restore
  • Index Modules
  • Testing
  • Glossary of terms

A node holds several thread pools in order to improve how threads memory consumption are managed within a node. Many of these pools also have queues associated with them, which allow pending requests to be held instead of discarded.


There are several thread pools, but the important ones include:


     For index/delete operations. Defaults to fixed with a size of # of available processors, queue_size of 200.     


     For count/search operations. Defaults to fixed with a size of 3x # of available processors, queue_size of 1000.


For suggest operations. Defaults to fixed with a size of # of available processors, queue_size of 1000.


For get operations. Defaults to fixed with a size of # of available processors, queue_size of 1000.


For bulk operations. Defaults to fixed with a size of # of available processors, queue_size of 50.  这里,报的错就是这里,我们需要调大,到100.


For percolate operations. Defaults to fixed with a size of # of available processors, queue_size of 1000.


For snapshot/restore operations. Defaults to scaling, keep-alive 5m with a size of (# of available processors)/2.


For segment warm-up operations. Defaults to scaling with a 5m keep-alive.


For refresh operations. Defaults to scaling with a 5m keep-alive.


Mainly for java client executing of action when listener threaded is set to true. Default size of (# of available processors)/2, max at 10.

Changing a specific thread pool can be done by setting its type and specific type parameters, for example, changing the index thread pool to have more threads:

        type: fixed
        size: 30

you can update threadpool settings live using Cluster Update Settings.

Thread pool typesedit

The following are the types of thread pools that can be used and their respective parameters:


The cache thread pool is an unbounded thread pool that will spawn a thread if there are pending requests. Here is an example of how to set it:

        type: cached


The fixed thread pool holds a fixed size of threads to handle the requests with a queue (optionally bounded) for pending requests that have no threads to service them.

The size parameter controls the number of threads, and defaults to the number of cores times 5.

The queue_size allows to control the size of the queue of pending requests that have no threads to execute them. By default, it is set to -1 which means its unbounded. When a request comes in and the queue is full, it will abort the request.

        type: fixed
        size: 30
        queue_size: 1000

Processors settingedit

The number of processors is automatically detected, and the thread pool settings are automatically set based on it. Sometimes, the number of processors are wrongly detected, in such cases, the number of processors can be explicitly set using the processors setting. The example below sets the number of processors to 4, which means that the default search thread pool size is 4 x 3 = 12.

processors: 4

This setting is important when running multiple node instances on a single bare-metal machine. Each node will detect that it has the full number of processors. But in reality, they are sharing processors on the single machine. In other words, it is advised to lower the processors setting accordingly. For example, on a 24 core machine and running 3 nodes, set processors to 8.

In order to check the number of processors detected, use the nodes info API with the os flag.


一个Elasticsearch节点会有多个线程池,但重要的是下面四个: 索引(index):主要是索引数据和删除数据操作(默认是cached类型) 搜索(search):主要是获取,统计和搜索操作(默认是cached类型) 批量操作(bulk):主要是对索引的批量操作(默认是cached类型) 更新(refresh):主要是更新操作(默认是cached类型) 可以通过给设置一个参数来改变线程池的类型(type),例如,把索引的线程池改成blocking类型: 

es2 查看线程状态_Java

    1. threadpool:   
    2.     index:   
    3.         type: blocking   
    4. 1
    5. 30
    6.         wait_time: 30s  
    1. threadpool:   
    2.     index:   
    3.         type: cached  
    1. threadpool:   
    2.     index:   
    3.         type: fixed   
    4. 30
    5. 1000
    6.         reject_policy: caller  
    blocking线程池允许设置一个最小值(min,默认为1)和线程池大小(size,默认为cpu核心数的5倍)。它也有一个等待队列,队列的大小(queue_size )默认是1000,当这队列满了的时候。它会根据定好的等待时间(wait_time,默认是60秒)来调用io线程,如果没有执行就会报错。  
    1. threadpool:   
    2.     index:   
    3.         type: blocking   
    4. 1
    5. 30
    6.         wait_time: 30s  
    threadpool.bulk.type: fixed    #设置类型为固定的。cached是无限制的
    threadpool.bulk.size: 8  #可使用的处理器。
    threadpool.bulk.queue_size: 1000 #设置队列长度,默认是50

