目标检测 神经网络 伪代码 图神经网络 目标检测_目标检测 神经网络 伪代码





Object detection is a subfield of computervision that is currently heavily based on machine learning. For the pastdecade, the field of machine learning has been dominated by so-called deepneural networks, which take advantage of improvements in computing power anddata availability. A subtype of a neural network called a convolutional neuralnetwork (CNN) is well-suited for image-related tasks. The network is trained tolook for different features, such as edges, corners and colour differences,across the image and to combine these into more complex shapes. For objectdetection, the system has to both estimate the locations of probable objectsand to classify these. For this master’s thesis, we reviewed the currentliterature on convolutional object detection and tested the implementability ofone of the methods. We found that convolutional object detection is stillevolving as a technology, despite outranking other object detection methods. Byvirtue of free availability of datasets and pretrained networks, it is possibleto create a functional implementation of a deep neural network without accessto specialist hardware. Pretrained networks can also be used as a startingpoint for training new networks, decreasing costly training time. For theexperimental part, we implemented Fast R-CNN using MATLAB and MatConvNet andtested a general object detector on two different traffic-related datasets. Wefound that Fast R-CNN is relatively precise and considerably faster than theoriginal convolutional object detection method, R-CNN, and can be implementedon a home computer. Advanced methods, such as Faster R-CNN and SSD, improve thespeed of Fast R-CNN. We also experimented with a geometrybased scene estimationmodel, which was reported to improve the precision of a previous generationobject detection method. We found that with our implementation of Fast R-CNNthere was no such improvement, although further adjustments are possible.Combining whole scene modelling with convolutional networks is a potential subjectof further study.

1 引言
2 项目背景
3 卷积目标检测
4 实验设计
5 具体实现
6 性能评估
7 讨论
8 结论