- 用户登录:密码错误三次锁定账户。
- 商品列表分页显示:输入页码查看指定页数商品信息。
- 已购买商品列表:显示已购买的物品列表;可以模糊查询已购买的商品并在终端打印。
- 充值:输入充值金额,对db.txt里的对应账户余额进行更改。
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
3 #----------------------------------------------
4 #@version: 3.6
5 #@author: Dylan_wu
6 #@software: PyCharm
7 #@file: shopping_cart.py
8 #@time: 2017/4/24 13:57
9 #----------------------------------------------
10 import prettytable
11 import sys
13 def buy_goods(user_name,money,goods,total_goods,total_page_num):
14 goods_num = 0 # 初始化购买商品总数量
15 all_goods_price = 0 # 初始化商品总价
16 buy_list = [] # 初始化购物列表
17 print('\033[1;32mUser Name:[%s] Account Balance:[¥%s]\033[0m'%(user_name,money))
18 while True:
19 try:
20 print('\033[1;32mTotal_GOODS_Num:[%s] Total_Page_Num:[%s]\033[0m'%(total_goods,total_page_num))
21 page_num = input('\033[1;36mPlease choose the page number(Press[C]to Check_Out_List,[Q]to quit):\033[0m')
22 int_page_num = int(page_num)
23 start = (int_page_num - 1) * 5
24 end = int_page_num * 5
25 print('\033[1;35m+----+----+GOODS_LIST+-------+-------+\033[0m')
26 #########开始构建商品表(分页)#########
27 table = prettytable.PrettyTable()
28 table.field_names = ['ID','Name', 'Unit_Price','Stock']
29 for i in goods[start:end]:
30 table.add_row([i['id'],i['name'],i['price'],i['stock']])
31 print(table)
32 print('\033[1;35m+----+------Page-[%s]---------+-------+\033[0m' % page_num)
33 except:
34 if page_num == 'C': #跳出循环,进入checkout
35 break
36 elif page_num == 'Q': #结束程序
37 exit()
38 else:
39 print('\033[1;31mPlease enter a Page_num!\033[0m')
40 continue
41 #########开始购买程序###########
42 while True:
43 choose_ID = input("\033[1;36mWhich good do you want to buy?Please choose the ID(Press[B]to back,[Q]to quit):\033[0m")
44 try:
45 int_ID = int(choose_ID) # 输入商品序号转化为int类型,若不报错,向下执行
46 if int_ID in [i['id'] for i in goods]: # 判断商品序号是否存在
47 product_quantity = int(input("\033[1;36mWhat`s the quantity of products you want to buy:\033[0m"))
48 if product_quantity <= goods[int_ID-1]['stock'] and product_quantity != 0: #若购买数量<=库存
49 goods[int_ID - 1]['stock'] -= product_quantity #更改库存
50 goods_num += product_quantity #更新购买总数
51 all_goods_price += (goods[int_ID - 1]['price']*product_quantity) # 叠加商品价格
52 #########构造购物列表#########
53 buy_list.append({'ID': int_ID, 'name': goods[int_ID - 1]['name'], 'price': goods[int_ID - 1]['price'],'quantity':product_quantity})
54 elif product_quantity == 0:
55 print("\033[1;31mThe quantity of products can`t be[0]!!!!\033[0m")
56 continue
57 else:
58 print('\033[1;31mUnder stock!!!!\033[0m')
59 continue
60 else:
61 print('\033[1;31mYou choose wrong number or out of range!\033[0m')
62 continue
63 except : # 输入值不能转化为int,报错走这里
64 if choose_ID == 'B': #重新开始循环,回到分页界面
65 break
66 elif choose_ID == 'Q': #结束程序
67 exit()
68 else:
69 print('\033[1;31mPlease input a legal value!\033[0m') # 打印报错
70 print('\033[1;36mGoods_Num:[%s] Total_Price:[¥%s]\033[0m' % (goods_num, all_goods_price))
71 return goods_num, all_goods_price, buy_list
74 def check_out_list(b_list):
75 #########开始构建购物表#########
76 while True:
77 cart_table = prettytable.PrettyTable()
78 cart_table.field_names = ['Product_ID', 'Product_Name', 'Unit_Price','Product_Quantity']
79 search_name = input('\033[1;36mEnter the product name you want to search in Check_out_list(Press[C]to Check_Out_List,[Q]to quit):\033[0m')
80 if search_name == 'C':
81 break
82 elif search_name == 'Q':
83 exit()
84 else: #输入字符串,得到相应的搜索结果,找不结果返回空表格,不输入返回所有
85 for i in b_list:
86 if i['name'].find(search_name) != -1:
87 cart_table.add_row([i['ID'], i['name'], i['price'],i['quantity']])
88 print(cart_table)
91 def check_out(user_name,account_balance,num,all_price):
92 print('\033[1;36mTotal_Num:[%s] Total_Price:[¥%s] Account_Balance:[¥%s]\033[0m' % (num, all_price,account_balance))
93 while True:
94 choose_ID = input('\033[1;36mDo you want to check out?Press[R]to recharge,[C]to check out,press[B]to back and clear the check_out_list[Q]to quit:\033[0m')
95 if choose_ID == 'C': #选择C进行check_out
96 if all_price <= int(account_balance): #若总价少于余额
97 print('\033[1;32mThe consumption is ¥%s totally,thank You for Your Custom!\033[0m'%(all_price))
98 balance = int(account_balance) - all_price
99 mod_user(user_name,2,str(balance)) #对db里的用户余额进行更改
100 break
101 else:
102 print('\033[1;31mSorry,your balance has been insufficient,please recharge.\033[0m')
103 elif choose_ID == 'B': #选择B返回购物菜单(清空购物列表,刷新商品字典)
104 GOODS = [
105 {"id": 1, "name": "特斯拉", "price": 998, "stock": 10},
106 {"id": 2, "name": "玛莎拉蒂", "price": 898, "stock": 10},
107 {"id": 3, "name": "宾利", "price": 1998, "stock": 10},
108 {"id": 4, "name": "保时捷", "price": 1000, "stock": 10},
109 {"id": 5, "name": "丰田", "price": 298, "stock": 10},
110 {"id": 6, "name": "本田", "price": 398, "stock": 10},
111 {"id": 7, "name": "斯巴鲁", "price": 298, "stock": 10},
112 {"id": 8, "name": "奥拓", "price": 100, "stock": 10},
113 {"id": 9, "name": "尼桑", "price": 198, "stock": 10},
114 {"id": 10, "name": "奥迪", "price": 598, "stock": 10},
115 {"id": 11, "name": "奔驰", "price": 998, "stock": 10},
116 {"id": 12, "name": "宝马", "price": 1000, "stock": 10},
117 {"id": 13, "name": "兰博基尼", "price": 1998, "stock": 10},
118 {"id": 14, "name": "GMC", "price": 9898, "stock": 10},
119 {"id": 15, "name": "哈佛", "price": 398, "stock": 10},
120 {"id": 16, "name": "路虎", "price": 900, "stock": 10},
121 {"id": 17, "name": "悍马", "price": 998, "stock": 10},
122 {"id": 18, "name": "别克", "price": 198, "stock": 10},
123 {"id": 19, "name": "雪铁龙", "price": 198, "stock": 10},
124 {"id": 20, "name": "福特", "price": 300, "stock": 10},
125 {"id": 21, "name": "雪佛兰", "price": 398, "stock": 10},
126 ]
127 num, all_price, b_list = buy_goods(user_name,account_balance,GOODS,total_goods,total_page_num)
128 check_out_list(b_list)
129 check_out(user_name,account_balance,num,all_price)
130 exit()
131 elif choose_ID == 'R': #选择R进行充值
132 account_balance = user_recharge(user_name,account_balance) #执行充值函数
133 elif choose_ID == 'Q': #选择Q退出程序
134 exit()
135 else:
136 print('\033[1;31mPlease press[R],[C]or[B],[Q]!\033[0m')
138 def user_recharge(user_name,balance):
139 while True:
140 print('\033[1;36mDear %s!Your Account_Balance is:[¥%s]\033[0m' % (user_name, balance))
141 recharge_num = input('\033[1;36mPlease enter the amount you want to charge,press[B]to back,press[Q]to quit:\033[0m')
142 try:
143 int_amount = int(recharge_num) #int所输入余额,不报错走这里
144 now_balance = str(int_amount + int(balance)) #计算并str充值后余额
145 mod_user(user_name,2,now_balance) #调用mod_user函数修改db里的账户余额
146 print('\033[1;32mRecharge success!\033[0m')
147 return now_balance #返回充值后余额
149 except ValueError as e: #报错走这里(输入值不能int)
150 if recharge_num == 'B':
151 return balance
152 elif recharge_num == 'Q':
153 exit()
154 else:
155 print('\033[1;31mPlease enter a valid value!\033[0m')
157 #============================主程序=============================#
158 GOODS = [
159 {"id":1,"name": "特斯拉", "price": 998,"stock":10},
160 {"id":2,"name": "玛莎拉蒂", "price": 898,"stock":10},
161 {"id":3,"name": "宾利", "price": 1998,"stock":10},
162 {"id":4,"name": "保时捷", "price": 1000,"stock":10},
163 {"id":5, "name": "丰田", "price": 298,"stock":10},
164 {"id":6, "name": "本田", "price": 398,"stock":10},
165 {"id":7, "name": "斯巴鲁", "price": 298,"stock":10},
166 {"id":8, "name": "奥拓", "price": 100,"stock":10},
167 {"id":9, "name": "尼桑", "price": 198,"stock":10},
168 {"id":10, "name": "奥迪", "price": 598,"stock":10},
169 {"id":11, "name": "奔驰", "price": 998,"stock":10},
170 {"id":12, "name": "宝马", "price": 1000,"stock":10},
171 {"id":13, "name": "兰博基尼", "price": 1998,"stock":10},
172 {"id":14, "name": "GMC", "price": 9898,"stock":10},
173 {"id":15, "name": "哈佛", "price": 398,"stock":10},
174 {"id":16, "name": "路虎", "price": 900,"stock":10},
175 {"id":17, "name": "悍马", "price": 998,"stock":10},
176 {"id":18, "name": "别克", "price": 198,"stock":10},
177 {"id":19, "name": "雪铁龙", "price": 198,"stock":10},
178 {"id":20, "name": "福特", "price": 300,"stock":10},
179 {"id":21, "name": "雪佛兰", "price": 398,"stock":10},
180 ]
182 f = open('db.txt','r')
183 user_line = f.readlines()
184 f.close()
185 total_goods = len(GOODS) #获取商品总数
186 if len(GOODS)%5 == 0: #获取商品总页数
187 total_page_num = len(GOODS)//5
188 else:
189 total_page_num = len(GOODS)//5 + 1
190 #========================修改数据库函数===========================#
191 #=============='''以用户名为标识,修改相应位置的值'''==============#
192 def mod_user(username,key_num,key_values):
193 for i in range(len(user_line)):
194 new_list = user_line[i].strip('\n').split('|')
195 if username == new_list[0]:
196 new_list[key_num] = key_values
197 user_line[i] = '|'.join(new_list)+'\n' #构成新user_line
198 f1 = open('db.txt', 'w')
199 f1.writelines(user_line) #新user_line保存到db
200 f1.close()
202 while True:
203 username = input('\033[1mPlease input your username:\033[0m')
204 password = input('\033[1mPlease input your password:\033[0m')
205 for user_info in user_line:
206 user_name,pass_word,balance,locked = user_info.strip('\n').split('|')
208 if username == user_name and password == pass_word and int(locked) != 0: #登录成功条件判断
209 print('\033[1;32mLogin Successful!!\033[0m')
210 num, all_price, b_list = buy_goods(user_name,balance, GOODS,total_goods,total_page_num)
211 check_out_list(b_list)
212 check_out(username,balance,num,all_price)
213 exit()
215 elif username == user_name and int(locked) == 0: #登录被锁定用户条件判断
216 print('\033[1;31mThe username:[%s]has been locked!Please contact the system administrator!\033[0m'%(user_name))
217 sys.exit('\033[1;32mGood Bye!\033[0m')
219 elif username == user_name and int(locked) != 0: #登录用户密码错误,锁定数-1条件判断
220 locked_count = int(locked) #获取user_info中的locked
221 print('\033[1;31mYou password is incorrect!You have %s attempts left before you will be locked out of your account.\033[0m'%(locked_count-1))
222 locked_count-=1
223 mod_user(username,3,str(locked_count)) #修改用户的locked
225 if locked_count == 0: #锁定数=0时,退出程序
226 print('\033[1;31mYou account has been locked!!!Please contact the system administrator!\033[0m')
227 sys.exit('\033[1;32mGood Bye!\033[0m')
228 else:
229 break
230 print('\033[1;31mYou username or password is wrong!!!\033[0m')
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