

Online DDL即无锁表结构变更,能够避免对表(尤其是大表)进行更改时,长时间阻塞DML操作。我们当前采用TiDB的DM组件实现上游许多业务库的合库合表与数据汇聚,DM原生支持的Online DDL工具有pt-osc(Percona开源)与gh-ost(GitHub开源)两种。但是,我们的业务库绝大多数都是阿里云RDS MySQL,采用其DMS工具做无锁变更。这导致我们每次都需要手动执行DDL语句,再指定位点恢复DM任务,操作起来比较繁琐,所以还是自己动手丰衣足食比较好。

gh-ost/DMS Online DDL Procedure

通过观察DMS Online DDL产生的binlog,可以发现它的风格与gh-ost相同。简单复习一下gh-ost的处理流程:

搭建tidb数据库 集成Java_搭建tidb数据库 集成Java

  1. 在目标库上创建影子表(ghost table,后缀为_gho),它的结构与被变更的原表完全相同;
  2. 创建日志表(log table,后缀为_ghc)用于记录整个DDL执行过程中的状态;
  3. 在影子表上执行DDL语句;
  4. gh-ost将自身伪装成MySQL slave,创建binlog streamer,将原表的全量数据和增量binlog迁移到影子表(两个操作同时进行);
  5. 迁移完毕后,将原表锁表,并重命名加上_del后缀,再将影子表重命名去掉_gho后缀,完成cut-over。两个重命名操作是原子性执行的;
  6. 删除_ghc_del表,并关闭binlog streamer。



  • 影子表:tp_[id]_ogt_[table]
  • 日志表:tp_[id]_ogl_[table]
  • 删除表:tp_[id]_del_[table]


Hacking to the Code

DM将Online DDL过程中的表分为3类,代码文件online_ddl.go中的定义是:

type TableType string

const (
    realTable  TableType = "real table"
    ghostTable TableType = "ghost table"
    trashTable TableType = "trash table" // means we should ignore these tables
  • real table:原始表;
  • ghost table:影子表;
  • trash table:日志表与删除表。


type OnlineDDLStorage struct {

    cfg *config.SubTaskConfig

    db        *conn.BaseDB
    dbConn    *DBConn
    schema    string // schema name, set through task config
    tableName string // table name with schema, now it's task name
    id        string // the source ID of the upstream MySQL/MariaDB replica.

    // map ghost schema => [ghost table => ghost ddl info, ...]
    ddls map[string]map[string]*GhostDDLInfo

    logCtx *tcontext.Context

DM内部的Online DDL模块是插件化的,只需实现OnlinePlugin接口即可。该接口的定义如下,注释写得比较清楚,笔者就不多废话了。

// OnlinePlugin handles online ddl solutions like pt, gh-ost.
type OnlinePlugin interface {
    // Apply does:
    // * detect online ddl
    // * record changes
    // * apply online ddl on real table
    // returns sqls, replaced/self schema, replaced/self table, error
    Apply(tctx *tcontext.Context, tables []*filter.Table, statement string, stmt ast.StmtNode) ([]string, string, string, error)
    // Finish would delete online ddl from memory and storage
    Finish(tctx *tcontext.Context, schema, table string) error
    // TableType returns ghhost/real table
    TableType(table string) TableType
    // RealName returns real table name that removed ghost suffix and handled by table router
    RealName(schema, table string) (string, string)
    // ResetConn reset db connection
    ResetConn(tctx *tcontext.Context) error
    // Clear clears all online information
    // TODO: not used now, check if we could remove it later
    Clear(tctx *tcontext.Context) error
    // Close closes online ddl plugin


func (r *AliRDS) TableType(table string) TableType {
    if len(table) > 8 && strings.HasPrefix(table, "tp_") {
        if strings.Contains(table, "_ogt_") {
            return ghostTable

        if strings.Contains(table, "_ogl_") || strings.Contains(table, "_del_") {
            return trashTable

    return realTable

func (r *AliRDS) RealName(schema, table string) (string, string) {
    tp := r.TableType(table)
    idx := -1

    if tp == ghostTable {
        idx = strings.Index(table, "_ogt_")
    } else if tp == trashTable {
        idx = strings.Index(table, "_ogl_")
        if idx == -1 {
            idx = strings.Index(table, "_del_")

    if idx > 0 {
        table = table[idx+5:]
    return schema, table


  • 只执行原表上的DML操作;
  • 不创建日志表;
  • 不创建影子表,但是将要执行的DDL记录到DM元数据库(默认为dm_meta)以及DM-Worker的内存里;
  • 在cut-over阶段,将上述记录的DDL的影子表名替换成原表名,直接执行替换后的DDL。


func (r *AliRDS) Apply(tctx *tcontext.Context, tables []*filter.Table, statement string, stmt ast.StmtNode) ([]string, string, string, error) {
    if len(tables) < 1 {
        return nil, "", "", terror.ErrSyncerUnitAliRDSApplyEmptyTable.Generate()

    schema, table := tables[0].Schema, tables[0].Name
    targetSchema, targetTable := r.RealName(schema, table)
    tp := r.TableType(table)

    switch tp {
    case realTable:
        switch stmt.(type) {
        case *ast.RenameTableStmt:
            if len(tables) != parserpkg.SingleRenameTableNameNum {
                return nil, "", "", terror.ErrSyncerUnitAliRDSRenameTableNotValid.Generate()

            tp1 := r.TableType(tables[1].Name)
            if tp1 == trashTable {
                return nil, "", "", nil
            } else if tp1 == ghostTable {
                return nil, "", "", terror.ErrSyncerUnitAliRDSRenameToGhostTable.Generate(statement)
        return []string{statement}, schema, table, nil

    case trashTable:
        switch stmt.(type) {
        case *ast.RenameTableStmt:
            if len(tables) != parserpkg.SingleRenameTableNameNum {
                return nil, "", "", terror.ErrSyncerUnitAliRDSRenameTableNotValid.Generate()

            tp1 := r.TableType(tables[1].Name)
            if tp1 == ghostTable {
                return nil, "", "", terror.ErrSyncerUnitAliRDSRenameGhostTblToOther.Generate(statement)

    case ghostTable:
        switch stmt.(type) {
        case *ast.CreateTableStmt:
            err :=, schema, table)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, "", "", err
        case *ast.DropTableStmt:
            err :=, schema, table)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, "", "", err
        case *ast.RenameTableStmt:
            if len(tables) != parserpkg.SingleRenameTableNameNum {
                return nil, "", "", terror.ErrSyncerUnitAliRDSRenameTableNotValid.Generate()

            tp1 := r.TableType(tables[1].Name)
            if tp1 == realTable {
                rdsInfo :=, table)
                if rdsInfo != nil {
                    return rdsInfo.DDLs, tables[1].Schema, tables[1].Name, nil
                return nil, "", "", terror.ErrSyncerUnitAliRDSOnlineDDLOnGhostTbl.Generate(schema, table)
            } else if tp1 == ghostTable {
                return nil, "", "", terror.ErrSyncerUnitAliRDSRenameGhostTblToOther.Generate(statement)

            err :=, schema, table)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, "", "", err

        err :=, schema, table, targetSchema, targetTable, statement)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, "", "", err

    return nil, schema, table, nil

最后不要忘了添加Online DDL配置项的定义,以及相关的错误信息等边角代码,不一一列举了。

var OnlineDDLSchemes = map[string]func(*tcontext.Context, *config.SubTaskConfig) (OnlinePlugin, error){
    config.PT:    NewPT,
    config.GHOST: NewGhost,
    config.ALIRDS: NewAliRDS,

const (
    GHOST  = "gh-ost"
    PT     = "pt"
    ALIRDS = "ali-rds"


CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make dm-master
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make dm-worker


online-ddl-scheme: "ali-rds"


The End

