ios小组件自动更新 ios14小组件自动更换_java

Widget stacks are a great way to cycle through multiple widgets on your iPhone’s home screen. Annoyingly, iOS automatically changes widgets based on the time of day and your usage. Here’s how to stop iPhone widget stacks from automatically changing.

小部件堆栈是在iPhone主屏幕上循环浏览多个小部件的好方法。 烦人的是,iOS根据一天中的时间和您的使用情况自动更改了小部件。 这是阻止iPhone小部件堆栈自动更改的方法。

Starting in iOS 14, Apple introduced widgets on the iPhone home screen. There’s a built-in Smart Stack widget that automatically cycles through widgets in the stack. It’s supposed to show you the correct widget at the right time. For example, it will show you the Calendar widget when you have an upcoming appointment and your personal photos at night.

从iOS 14开始,Apple 在iPhone主屏幕上引入了小部件 。 有一个内置的Smart Stack小部件,可自动在堆栈中的小部件之间循环。 它应该在正确的时间为您显示正确的小部件。 例如,当您有即将到来的约会时,它将向您显示“日历”小部件,并在晚上显示您的个人照片。

While the Smart Stack widget is quite useful, the problem is that every widget stack you create manually also becomes a smart stack because it has the Smart Rotate feature enabled. If you are customizing your home screen with multiple widget stacks, you might want consistency. It might be jarring to come back to your iPhone with all your widgets showing something different.

尽管“智能堆栈”窗口小部件非常有用,但问题在于,您手动创建的每个窗口小部件堆栈也都变成了智能堆栈,因为它启用了“智能旋转”功能。 如果要使用多个小部件堆栈自定义主屏幕,则可能需要一致性。 回到您的iPhone时,您的所有小部件都显示了不同的内容,这可能会令人讨厌。

Turning off the Smart Rotate feature stops widget stacks from automatically changing. First, let’s take a look at the process of creating a widget stack.

关闭“智能旋转”功能会阻止小部件堆栈自动更改。 首先,让我们看一下创建小部件堆栈的过程。

Go to a home screen on your iPhone and tap and hold on an empty part of the display. Now, tap the “+” button in the top-left corner. You’ll see a widget selection screen. Tap on an app to see every widget available for the app.

转到iPhone上的主屏幕,然后点击并按住显示屏的空白部分。 现在,点击左上角的“ +”按钮。 您会看到一个小部件选择屏幕。 点击应用程序以查看该应用程序可用的每个小部件。

Now, select a widget (small, medium, or large size) and tap the “Add Widget” button to add the widget to your home screen.


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To create a widget stack, you need more than one widget. You can add up to 10 widgets to a stack.

要创建窗口小部件堆栈,您需要多个窗口小部件。 您最多可以将10个小部件添加到堆栈中。

Again, press the “+” button from the home screen editing view (Jiggle mode) and select an app. Navigate to the widget you want to add to the stack. It has to be the same size as the previous widget. Now, tap and hold the widget preview.

再次从主屏幕编辑视图(跳动模式)中按“ +”按钮,然后选择一个应用程序。 导航到要添加到堆栈的小部件。 它的大小必须与先前的小部件相同。 现在,点击并按住小部件预览。

The widget will now start floating. You’ll see your home screen again. Keep your finger on the screen and bring the new widget on top of the old widget.

小部件现在将开始浮动。 您将再次看到主屏幕。 将手指放在屏幕上,然后将新的小部件放在旧的小部件之上。

Once they’re on top of each other (and you see a gray outline around the widgets), lift your finger. You have just created a widget stack. You can repeat this process to add more widgets.

它们彼此叠置(您会在小部件周围看到灰色轮廓)后,松开手指。 您刚刚创建了一个小部件堆栈。 您可以重复此过程以添加更多小部件。

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Now, to disable the Smart Rotate feature, tap on the widget when you’re in the home screen editing mode.


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If you’re not in the home screen editing mode, you can press and hold the widget stack and choose the “Edit Stack” option.


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Here, from the top of the screen, tap the toggle next to the “Smart Rotate” option to disable the feature.


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The widget stack will now stop changing and rotating randomly.


Customizing your iPhone home screen? Kick things up a notch by creating your own custom widgets!
